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I've just finished taking Microgynon 30 and am awaiting my period. Next week I start a new pill, Loestrin 30. The thing is I will be due on next Xmas Eve. As I have awful periods when I was on Microgynon (heavy, painful, awful nausea, back pain, bowel problems etc) I'm worried how these new ones will affect me. I want to run 2 packs together so I'm not on over Xmas but have done this once in the past with Microynon and found my period worse than ever because of no break for 2 months. Has anyone ever taken 2 packs together on Loestrin 30? Any advice at all would be much appreciated, thanks

2007-11-22 23:04:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

1 answers

I have taken two different brands at the same time to try and control breakthrough bleeding without much problem but I would recommend checking with your doctor to see what they say about taking the two pill packs together before trying it.

2007-11-23 22:19:08 · answer #1 · answered by sokokl 7 · 0 0

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