Because our current congress sucks.
2007-11-22 04:54:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Do yourself a favor and don’t put too much credence in the surveys you see.
My DISCLAIMER: I carry no ones water. I am registered as an independent with no party affiliation.
IMO the Democrat party didn't run that good of a campaign. From my perspective it seemed that if the Democrats regained both houses the war in Iraq would end. No if ands or but. The trouble now is that the war hasn't ended, the troops are still there and the Democrat base is angry. Their base has decided the party and especially those men and women they supported simple lied to them. Now it is too late to change the people involved and whining on surveys is the only course of action anyone has.
As far as the Republicans go, I don't feel like they were actually dealt a defeated. I think a lot of Republicans and especially those with strong conservative feeling simply fired a bunch of their Representatives and Senators. This was accomplished by either staying home, by voting Democrat, by voting Libertarian or some other small party but the end result was the same. The Republicans were tired of their party having a majority in both houses and holding the White House only to be so weak that they wouldn't or couldn't lead. This was seen as a complete failure of their elected officials and they fired a whole damn bunch of them. Honestly, I can’t understand why it took so long. I anticipated something along this line to occur in 2004 and maybe to a lesser degree in 2002.
As the surveys go the Democrats seldom support Republicans and the Republicans seldom support Democrats. Since the Republicans find nothing to love about the Democrats and the Democrat base is angry with the people they elected the surveys will come out skewed just as they are. When both houses of congress waste their time on meaningless resolutions a great number of voters will be angry.
Now add to that any survey can be worded in a manner and presented to a select group all in an effort to gain the desired results.
As an example only:
Question: Do you believe all African American citizens should be stripped of their citizenship and returned to Africa? With yes or no answer blocks following the question. This is an absurd example but I am using it only to illustrate a point.
Now present that question to two separate groups. The first group sampled is people leaving an NAACP meeting and the second group is comprised of those leaving a KKK meeting. Obviously the results would be different. The surveys we respond to are never this blatant but they are nearly all commissioned by someone with an agenda and that someone desires a specific outcome.
My point is don’t place too much stock in any survey.
2007-11-22 05:38:33
answer #2
answered by gimpalomg 7
Many voters elected Democrats because they wanted real change, an end to the war and a big part even impeachment. The Democrats have delivered nothing. I know Nancy Pelosi ruled out impeachment which in itself was a cowardly and low move but day after day, there are more credible reasons to at least have an investigation but the Democrats won't move. That fact alone is enough for many I believe to reject this cowardly congress.
Then the war, despite the cheap excuses and technical reasons the facts are they could end it if they had the courage to just stop funding.
Unlike impeachment technically though they did try to get the impeachment vote as well, they did promise an end to this tragic war
The longer the war continues and American soldiers die for the lies and vanity of Mister Bush the more it shows the Democrats lack the spine to ever become more than the lesser of two evils. No political courage in the Democratic party ever, always trying to stay in the middle. Look at the questions from before the 2006 election. People can and some will deny it now but they did elect this congress to stop the war. They failed because these career politicians always choose politics over ideals and principal
2007-11-22 04:54:16
answer #3
answered by justgoodfolk 7
Lack of major accomplishments in the public's eye, while that's not entirely accurate, this congress has worked more and has gotten some good legislation passed, the perception is they aren't getting anything done on major issues, this is due primarily to the lack of a true majority by the Dem's, We the people didn't elect enough Senators and congress members to effect real change, they can't over ride republican obstructionism or a presidential veto so they are hamstrung to passing softer issues and trying to put voice to the people's concerns in hopes of the voting publics coming out and mandating further change on '08. Whether they accomplish that goal will be seen in Nov. '08
2007-11-22 04:54:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
it is largely about frustration over Iraq, in addition to the fact that Congressional ratings are always quite low-almost never at 50%. Add that getting anything accomplished is very difficult, partly because that's the way our founding fathers set things up, and partly because relations between the parties are more contentious than usual, and you have a very dissatisfied public. An objective observer will not simply blame the democrats-they have only minimal control over what gets accomplished. Whatever lack of progress is there, is a joint effort.
2007-11-22 04:52:20
answer #5
answered by golfer7 5
It'll be interesting to see what happens if Hillary wins and the Dems maintain control of Congress. We could have a race at that point between Hillary and Congress to see which one breaks the 10 percent approval barrier first!
2007-11-22 14:14:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because true Americans can't stand incompetence,especially in the highest office in the country! The Democratic congress was brought in to take out the criminals,Impeach and Prosecute,instead they are going to let the Bastards run out their terms,and give legitimacy to their crimes! This is selling out plain and simple! America will never be free again,unless someone grows some balls and takes a stand on our rights which far too many of our fellow citizens have fought and died for! If the veterans of WW2 were still around this would not stand! Welcome to the 4th Reich! America is never going to be the good guys ever again!
2007-11-22 05:01:24
answer #7
answered by studdmuffynn 5
In my opinion they were elected to bring about some major changes. They were elected to reign in Bush and to some they wanted congress to impeach Bush. None of that has really happened. They have rolled over on very occasion when they could have stood up to him. So basically they pissed off those of us who were hoping for change. Mix that in with the people who hate Democrats just because they are Democrats and the portion of Americans that distrust all politicians and you have very few people that would say they are doing a good job.
2007-11-22 04:47:57
answer #8
answered by a4140145 4
This question is just going to be made fun of and you will not get any true answers (go figure)
I guess the Democrats can question the Republican approval ratings, but regardless of how low the Democratic Congress ratings are, don't dare question.
In fact, I'm sure your question will be reported and deleted because it questions Democrats. They run when an actual answer is needed. Heck, most of them could not answer a Yes or No question if you watched the debate from Vegas.
2007-11-22 04:47:51
answer #9
answered by Colonel 6
They have done nothing. All talk and endless investigations. Americans are conservative, whether they admit it or not. When Republicans run and govern as conservatives, they win.
The Republican base did not show up in 2006. Republicans spent too much and increased the size of government the way democrats do.
2007-11-22 10:51:07
answer #10
answered by Chainsaw 6
Because the Republicans in Congress are opposed to the will of the people and keep voting that way. They bring down the Congressional approval rating.
Almost 50% of Congress is Republican.
2007-11-22 04:51:03
answer #11
answered by Anonymous