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42 answers

Bush,cheney, the entire administration and affiliates such as AIPAC.
Even if we dont get atked trust me ppl will still die cause Dubya is gonna send them overseas to fight his personal wars.
As u know our economy is falling and the country is pretty divided and brainwashing into believing something in favor of criminals(Bush and Israel) is pretty common and those individuals above connect everything.
And 1 more thing Bush is well known for creating FAKE enemies and false reasons to atk countries which has done nothing to us so i assume u know who are the greatest threats to the entire world are.

2007-11-20 15:55:51 · answer #1 · answered by BUSH/ISRAEL =warcriminal 5 · 4 4

The sense of entitlement of so many Americans is the greatest threat. The fact that many Americans no longer feel they should have to work hard. Most people feel they need to work, but expect the benefits to start far too soon. It takes years of saving to buy a new car, a house, and to retire. Look what a mess the government made of trying to manage Social Security. Now people are under the delusion that they have a right to health care and the government needs to provide it. The desire of citizens for free benefits will drive the producers of America's wealth into tax shelters where they will be able to keep their money instead of having it taxed away for the lazy slackers that want a free lunch.

2007-11-20 16:33:50 · answer #2 · answered by jereme110 1 · 1 0

The answer to this question can quickly be found by looking at all the political questions and answers.
Our biggest danger is the wide division this country is in.
Everyone wants to point fingers and no one appears to be looking for leadership will unite this country in a real dialog of compromise and get some really important things done. As long as there is division the politicians win and the citizens lose.

2007-11-20 16:16:23 · answer #3 · answered by oldcorps1947 6 · 2 1

WOW! Is that really your picture? You're HOT! Sorry back to the question. The greatest threat to the US (internally) is education. More specifically, our government (at all levels) poor commitment to increasing education especially at the pre-K to 8th grade level.

Unfortunately we as Americans get a lot talk from politicians on education improvements, but they don't to fund it like it needs to be.

2007-11-20 15:57:28 · answer #4 · answered by GL Supreme 3 · 2 0

Our own inherent selfishness.

We are our own worst enemy. That greed can be our motivation to succeed as well as a liability that can backfire on us. Uncontrolled greed is what will ultimately undo this nation. The sheep allow themselves to be fooled by a manipulative few who are only after power and wealth while preaching to the ignorant masses about cooperation and compassion.

People simply refuse to learn from past mistakes and to acknowledge human nature.

2007-11-21 01:56:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

So many good answers. But, I say national debt and falling dollar. Slowly we are going the way of the Romans and Soviets.

When your governments has to borrow from other countries to pay its bills and fight its wars you are in serious jeopardy of falling.

Like the Romans - are military and government is to depend on "allies" whether in boots with guns or purchasing our bonds to fight our wars.

Like the Soviets - our military is devouring a bigger and bigger chunk of GDP. What happens when Islamophobic war is over. A huge bloated military, with no battles to fight, and no enemies - and a nation that produces nothing the global economy wants. Exactly what happened to the Soviets. They spent so many resources on war - in the end they had nothing left to sell to other countries or themselves when the flames of the cold war fell.


2007-11-20 21:21:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The greatest threat is...The Other Guy.

We are a nation sufferng the diseases of divisiveness and political hatred. Sometimes, it seems that rational thought and reasonable, respectful disagreement are dead. There is so much hatred, REAL hatred, between the right and left sides of the political spectrum, it is no wonder that all branches of government are hamstrung and ineffectual. And it doesn't matter where you stand politically--come on, 'fess up--you are busy blaming "the other guy" even as you read this, aren't you? Questions like this bring out the weirdos--some of whom will respond virulently to my response. Sad.

But it doesn't matter what the perceived wrongs and faults of the other guy actually are. (They are no worse than your own!) What matters is that we have seem to dissolved (devolved) into a nation eager to rip itself into piles of bloody red and blue limbs and guts. There are as many people who loathe Bush and the Republicans as there are those who despise (insert name of any Democratic candidate) and the Democrats. The divide is profound and real and begins with basic differences of opinion regarding the Constitution, and what it means to be an American. Read the rest of the answers that will no doubt be given to this question, and to others like it and my point will be made.

The right's pool of whackos and nut jobs is every inch as deep and well populated as the left's. People scream rabidly, spittle flying, about the injustices, immorality, ugliness and stupidity of the oponnent. Attacks are made, not on records and policy, but on personal traits. Right wing attacks against Bill Clinton have come home to roost with the current admistration, which seems to have forgotten the old 'what goes around comes around' warning. (Self)Righteous indignation has a very short memory! The left, on the other hand, spends more time in name-calling and finger-pointing than leading. Every time I (accidentally) watch Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter or any of that ilk, I am as frightened for the future of my nation as when I hear Rosie O'Donnell, Al Franken or Keith Olberman. It is all about visceral hatred, folks! We live in a nation where everybody is sure that "the other guy" is a blood-sucking, money-worshipping, Satan-loving, baby-eating traitor who should be shut up, locked up, or cut up. America is rotten with hatred for those who disagree with us, especailly when they ARE us! (as opposed to the French, say). Reminds me of the political and social landscape of the 1850's, where such hatred, along with a convenient geography, split our great nation in two. Hmmm--how long has it taken to get over that one??

If this continues, our nation is truly in her twilight years. And everybody from the loud-mouths and blowhards, to the politicians and business leaders to the little folks, like us, who rant and screech via Yahoo Answers...well, we are all to blame. We have met the enemy and he is... The Other Guy.

2007-11-20 16:26:23 · answer #7 · answered by deleemar1 3 · 1 1

Stupidity, gullibility, apathy,and unaccountability are the greatest threats.Those who voted for action deny having voted for action; Those who say they support the troops deny funds to those troops they say they support. The Democratic leadership enjoys playing Sec. of State instead of tending to the House business. The changes they promised would happen never happened. Their # of Pork Barrel projects are highest in history.They dropped Immigration like a hot potatoe.

2007-11-20 15:59:24 · answer #8 · answered by googie 7 · 2 0

By far those who would spread the Empire too thin - just as other Empires have done to ther peril

Those who would lie as a pretext to war

Those who would blame an enemy and then claim that enemy is not a priority

Those who would use a military for the agendas of corperations not the people

Those who would sanction torture or establish camps on foriegn soil to evade the laws of their own land and the hands of thier own judges and other elected officals

Those who would call democratically elected officals representing the wishes and thoughts of their constituency traitors

These are the greatest threats to the US from within

Those who have demonstrated a lack of reguard for law for human rights for ethical behaviour

There is the threat

2007-11-20 15:38:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

military industrial complex and corptocracy,

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
James Madison

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.
Douglas MacArthur

Our country is now geared to an arms economy bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear.
Douglas MacArthur
Thomas Jefferson
Citizenship in not a right, but a responsibility every citizen who cares for his country, must be engaged in a battle for the integrity of government.

2007-11-20 15:50:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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