at that age you don't need to boil it but my neice was warming her baby's milk up and she expected it all the time so she didn't do it with the next child and they drank it...=-)
2007-11-20 08:29:26
answer #1
answered by ♥Saw Dust♥ 7
I've never boiled whole milk nor do I know of anyone who has and so far I have not seen any related health problems from not doing so. But do which ever you feel more comfortable with. But to be honest boiling whole milk you could boil the vitamins and minerals right out of it.
2007-11-20 08:27:52
answer #2
answered by Thumper 7
NO need for boiling milk at 1 year.
Straight from the carton.
You can warm it of course while it's in the bottle but it does not need boiling like water. Cause if you do you are getting rid of nutrients.
Good Luck!!!
2007-11-20 08:29:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Just heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds or so.. Make sure to shake the bottle before giving to baby, so the heat pockets don't burn the baby's mouth.
If your child develops a rash on their bottom, stop and try soy or rice milk instead of cow milk
2007-11-20 08:32:48
answer #4
answered by ઈтєlly 7
no i wouldn't boil the milk, when u clean the bottles u clean them in boiled water, but just heat up a bottle of milk in the microwave thats what all my cousins did wit there babies
2007-11-20 08:28:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My mother used to boil but I've asked the pediatrician and he told me 8 years ago, that milk is safe nowadays from bacteria so my kids grew up with "unboiled" milk .
2007-11-20 08:28:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You don't need to boil milk these days. Just warm it up.
2007-11-20 08:26:53
answer #7
answered by Estrella E 4
after 1 year the child needs the bacteria in the milk, just warm it up
2007-11-20 08:28:03
answer #8
answered by #48 ♥'s YOU 6
It does not help "circumvent" ailments in line with se, besides the undeniable fact that it provides them antibodies that can not be duplicated in formula and for this reason giving them an effective immune device. merely on account which you breastfeed does no longer mean your toddler won't fall ill, it merely means they have an better resistance to ailment and/or will possibly no longer fall ill as at as quickly as or as heavily. yet, breastmilk is ultimate for an entire host of motives (cow's feed their calf cow's milk, pigs feed their piglets pig's milk, cat's feed their kittens cat's milk, and human beings might desire to feed their offspring human milk - its organic!)
2016-11-12 05:33:51
answer #9
answered by polich 4