my original dd according to lmp was 06/07/08 which put me at 11w3d. i began lightly spotting around 10w, it was brown, what they call "old blood". i thought it was ok b/c a lot of women go through some spotting. but when it didnt stop after a few days, i took a trip to the er. they did an u/s and a transvaginal u/s. with both of these they saw an empty sac and heard no heartbeat. they said i was going to m/c and to make an appt. with my dr. for the next day. when i got there they did another t/v u/s and saw yet again the empty sac but this time they took measurements. they said that the size of my gestational sac put me at 9w3d, exactly 2 weeks behind the original approximation. i have had no m/c symptoms, no pain and i only bled after the u/s for about an hour. i have all my pregnancy symptoms, except morning sickness, which i never experienced. they also mentioned that my hcg levels were high and normal. can it be possible that there is a baby, its just not visible yet or hiding?
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