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Im Not big, but fast

2007-11-19 14:30:51 · 6 answers · asked by panda_with_zune 1 in Sports Rugby

6 answers

Go to the gym do some or other strenuous muscle workouts,use the pool, swim many laps. on your own, do a crazy amount of push ups and situps. Also do a lot of start.stop running . You will be ok. Just do not overdo it, when you feel you need to stop, or slow down, then do so!

2007-11-19 16:34:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'd have to say cardio and weights. Jogging wouldn't hurt either, it will help to build up your lungs and make it easier for you to run. Rugby is a tough sport so lifting weights to build more muscle is never a bad idea. Have some of your fellow rugby players start working out with you. What are you (wing?) scored any tri's? Well good luck with rugby and your training.

2007-11-20 01:43:45 · answer #2 · answered by sincere087 2 · 0 2

go to the gym and sign up but the ultimate hardning technique is run down to the park then sprint hard for ten metres then just drop ,tumble fall hard onto the ground get back up and repeat this for as long as you can do this evry second day as you get fitter you can extend the time you do this excercise this makes your body hard real hard start doing it now and youl be like jerry collins come winter

2007-11-22 12:06:33 · answer #3 · answered by final_spirit_cannon 2 · 0 2

Repeat after me: there are no short cuts to fitness.

2007-11-19 14:38:58 · answer #4 · answered by wdx2bb 7 · 0 3

I agree there are no shortcuts to fitness. Hard work my friend.

2007-11-21 01:02:03 · answer #5 · answered by Kritters 2 · 0 2

Go to www.crossfit.com -every answer you need is there.

2007-11-19 19:00:12 · answer #6 · answered by the sound of the universe 1 · 0 2