I don't think it's right, but there are standards for animal testing and I don't believe there is any poking of eyes out going on. The horrid Draize test, where chemicals were placed in rabbit's eyes has not been done for years.
Get up to date on what is being done today. Medical testing is still done on animals in the pharmaceutical industry (and primarily with mice and rats) but the cosmetic industry rarely does it anymore.
If you want to see horror, look at the food industry. It makes animal testing look small time by comparison.
2007-11-19 06:36:35
answer #1
answered by ? 7
I am not a dog, cat, mouse, rat, rabbit, mokey, baboon, or any of the other animals they use. (I didn't watch the video I refuse to go to that site, they are no better than the people doing the testing) Many medicines are not released because dogs got tumors but in humans it is a life safer. And birth control pills that were very effective on cats actually had the oppisite effect on people. HA rabies can be cured. NO IT CAN"T! you can't even test for it unless you cut the head off. if you have rabies you die. Yeah if you get the shot before it goes through your system then you won't get it maybe. Still not a cure. Products that we use are not always save for animals. Did you know that sugar free gum can be deadly to dogs, But we chew it all the time. We are not the same as other living things its pointless to test on animals when you back track it when they do a trail on humans. I avoid any product that has been tested on animals if I can. Ok but answer me this. How is it that there are products that are not tested on animals? They have to find out if its ok for use on humans some how why dont we do that for more things. Fine if it helps animals then only test products on animals that will they are trying to make that will help animals. They can give up their lives to save animals not humans, they are our pets not our tools. Animals have different reactions to things that are safe for us. Its a waste of time to test on them if they react the oppsite way that we do.
2016-05-24 05:17:14
answer #2
answered by ? 3
You can start by not buying products from companies that do test on animals. I feel just like you about this! Here's a link showing which companies still test their products on animals. Share it with your friends to spread the word. Your a good person!
I feel the need to comment on "jennifer" a poster below.
First of all, medical testing on animals can not help a human. Because an animal had a complication to a drug it was tested on by NO means, means a human will have the same result. Our bodies and systems can not be compared and if you do your homework you will see that they give these poor animals overdosing amounts of these drugs/medications until a side affect/complication is observed. Then decide it can happen to you too. I unfortunately had to be on a medication for a medical problem while I was pregnant. It was a take it or die situation, so I did of course. I was terrifed my entire pregnancy because my OB constantly reminded me of the birth defects that they have seen in pregnant animals that were given this med. I researched and talked to many scientist specialists over the phone to find that, and I quote "We have only seen these birth defects in animals on this medication and never to date is there a human delivery with the said birth defects associated with this medication", your baby will be fine" Guess what she was perfect, and she still is 9 years later. We all can't stop having medical treatment or seeing our doctors, but don't support this issue. Watch a video on animal testing and see the torture for yourself.
2007-11-19 21:17:46
answer #3
answered by XO 3
Ahh to be young again. This is about what I sounded like at the age of 13. Then I got involved in research in college. If you're talking about needless cosmetic research on animals, I understand. They are only testing batches of raw materials that have been tested numerous times before. If you're talking about using animals in the lab to research diseases and treatments of animals, I am all for it. As a veterinary student, I see these tests as necessary. I would much rather use a vaccine that I know has been tried on dogs in a controlled, research setting before putting it into someone's pet ang getting myself sued when a common side effect kills the dog. Medical research is very closely monitored by veterinarians and has to go through a rigorous pre-screening process to even get approval. Most of this approval process is explaining why your research must be done on an animal, and how you are going to minimize pain and stress in the animals used. In the research I did, none of the animals even vocalized in pain because they were given local anesthetic during the procedure (it was simple jugular catheterization). Research does not automatically mean pain. Our university keeps a couple colonies of dogs used for ophthomology, cardiology, and osteopathic research. These dogs are very well treated, are not kept in pain, and are contributing greatly to our knowledge in these fields. One should always consider cost versus benefit when talking about animal testing. So my final question is this:
Would you allow a veterinarian to give your animal a new drug if it had never been tested on other dogs to see if it has terrible side effects, or even if it is effective?
***Just an aside, PETA does more harm to the cause than good. In theory, they have some good concepts, in practice, not so much.
2007-11-19 06:47:28
answer #4
answered by swimmintink 4
Volunteer yourself.....
That really is the only way. FDA licensed products have to be tested somewhere to keep the( lawsuit happy ) public from finding out the hard way that something isn't good for human hair, skin, internal organs...
I don't think it is RIGHT, per say, but is allowing a company to sell a product to human consumers that may kill or permanently harm them right either?
The best way to not support animal testing is to avoid purchasing products that are tested on animals. And also stop eating meat, wearing anything leather, etc....
2007-11-19 06:31:34
answer #5
answered by WTFever 3
I like to help the cause by not buying products that use animal testing. Usually there is a label of some kind that says whether it was used on animals or not. When people stop buying animal tested products, the manufacturer has to stop making them until some of the products are actually sold.
Its a frustrating subject. because not many people do anything about it.
2007-11-19 06:33:56
answer #6
answered by LySsA 2
If we all stop using any medication at all, (even Tylenol) stop going to doctors ever for anything, never have life saving surgery etc,,,stop using make up,shampoo,or any other hair products ,soaps and so on completely, then we could stop animal testing. Not so willing to give all that up for the love of a rat now are ya?
Oh yeah,,almost forgot,,,you also have to stop giving any medication to your animals, stop taking them to the vets,,,stop with any flea products and so on. Give up ALL medical treatment, all vanity, and all cleanliness (also no cleaner for your home, no washing powders, Lysol etc.) and the testing will have no reason to exist. Who's with me on this?
The growing fake skin from our own cells to test on won't work, so forget even using that bogus excuse. The answer is for all humans and pets to stop benefiting from anything that requires testing.
2007-11-19 06:41:09
answer #7
answered by stulisa42 4
Quit using any medical treatments as just about all of them have been derived from testing on animals..
I don't think you should work to ban all lab testing for medical reasons unless you quit using modern medicine yourself including for life-saving procedures as to do anything else is utter hypocrisy..
If people quit going to the Doctors when they were sick and just died instead, that would probably stop animal testing...
Ah, couldn't resist a little tongue in cheek answer..
2007-11-19 06:31:45
answer #8
answered by Unknown.... 7
The Bad Thing Is I Think Its Legal. But I Know People Can Be So MEAN! I Know What We Should Do. Take Knifes And Chase the People And Poke them And Kill Them. The Same Thing They Do to The Animals! Then Before There Dead Put Them On A Table And Tie Them Down And Starve Them. Then Cram Them In Little Boxes.
2007-11-19 06:30:19
answer #9
answered by Julia 3
I would say to protest but many women and some men love make-up and aren't willing to give it up. If we did the testing on humans its against human rights so we test on animals and the goverment allow it! What people don't realise is that animals depend on us just as we depend on them to survive.
2007-11-19 06:33:29
answer #10
answered by Takhisis4tw 2