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I have two TV show episodes on my iPod but they won't load - they're on my iTunes and everything but when I "sync" my Ipod, they don't show up...anyone know what I can do?

2007-11-19 03:01:10 · 1 answers · asked by Yanks4Life23519 7 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

1 answers

First of all, I would not sync my iPod, but that is just because we have to put three iPods on one computer. If that problem keeps going, and you just cannot figure it out, set it back to the factory settings. I had to do this with mine. I know it is a pain, but it worked. When you do sync it make sure you have the boxes that you want checked and click apply. Again if this doesn't work, try to drag and drop them to your iPod. On the left there should be a bar with everything on it, Click on TV shows. Once you are here, click on the show you want to add and drag it to the iPod symbol. It may take a second to upload to the iPod, but not long.
Hope it helps,

2007-11-19 08:24:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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