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9 answers

Iran, China, Syria, North Korea, Myanmar, with Russia and Venezuela having 'observer' status.

2007-11-18 13:37:08 · answer #1 · answered by S P 6 · 2 0

Pretty much like the Axis powers of the 1940's; only reversed !

2007-11-18 21:35:54 · answer #2 · answered by Mezmarelda 6 · 0 1

It is an eight spoked wheel;

1) Russia - Putin
2) Ahmawhatever - Iran
3) Usama Still Hiding - Al-Queda
4) Bin Jong ill - S. Korea
5) Ching Chong whoever - China
6) Nancy Peloser - Syrian Diplomat
7) Hussein Obama - Unpatriotic American
8) Hillary Clinton - Russian representative

2007-11-18 21:38:21 · answer #3 · answered by citizenvnfla 4 · 2 3

North Korea and Saudi Arabia.

Iraq is killing it's own terrorists, and Iran is ready to vote terrorists out of office.

China is still a threat, but they're biding their time.

Russia (?!) is starting to assassinate people that criticize it's leadership, but it is not interested in military action, or a war against the US/Europe.

2007-11-18 21:41:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Clinton, Edwards, Obama.

2007-11-18 21:36:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Dennis Kucinich should be added to the list.

2007-11-18 21:35:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

canada should be the only ones on the list. sneeky little devils

2007-11-18 21:35:49 · answer #7 · answered by francis g 5 · 1 2

The entire Bush's Administration, if has pets, then his pets also.

2007-11-20 16:10:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You would see a pyramid topped by Hillary sitting above her most infamous supporters & donors:

"We see Hillary and other candidates are competing on who will withdraw from Iraq", said Abu Jihad of Al Aqsa's Nablus unit. "This is a moment of glory for the revolutionary movements in the Arab world…"

Al Aqsa's Nasser Abu Aziz, considered it "very good" that there are "voices like Hillary and others who are now attacking the Iraq invasion".

Hillary's Jihadist Donors

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, November 09, 2007 4:20 PM PT

Election 2008: Looks like Hillary Clinton's vetting of campaign donations still needs work. FEC records show she's taken cash from Islamists so tainted that past Democrat candidates have returned their money.

Some of the donors, in fact, are under active federal investigation for supporting terrorism, money laundering and tax fraud. After the press reported their alleged terror ties in past elections, Democrat Reps. Jim Moran of Virginia and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia had to refund their donations, making national news.

But that hasn't stopped Hillary from pocketing their money. So much for her promise to fly-speck donations for criminal ties following her fund-raising scandal with fugitive donor Norman Hsu.

In the past several months, the Democrat front-runner has received at least $2,000 from M. Yaqub Mirza, M. Omar Ashraf and Omar Barzinji, records show. Federal agents raided the Virginia homes and offices of the Muslim donors after 9/11, as part of a counterterrorism investigation targeting the so-called Safa group, a Saudi-backed conglomerate of Muslim businesses and charities.

None of the men has been charged with crimes. But their connections are worrisome enough that even Islamist-sympathizing lawmakers such as Moran and McKinney felt compelled to give back their gifts.

Mirza is said to act on behalf of Saudi millionaire Yassin al-Qadi, who's been designated an al-Qaida financier by the U.S. government, according to WorldNetDaily, which broke the story about the donations.

It wouldn't be the first time Saudi money has found its way to Clinton coffers. In fact, the "Royal Saudi Family" is listed as one of the top donors bankrolling Bill Clinton's presidential library in Little Rock.

Why would Wahhabists be putting chips on Hillary Clinton and her unofficial running mate? Running down their wish list, you'll find that Hillary checks off on just about everything — from promising to pull out of Iraq and the Middle East to creating a Palestinian state to closing down Gitmo. She also wants to stop interrogations and surveillance of jihadist suspects.

All this is spelled out in her foreign policy manifesto published in the latest Foreign Affairs magazine. Among other pro-Islamist sop, she argues that:

• "Getting out of Iraq will enable us to play a constructive role in a renewed Middle East peace process that would mean security and normal relations for Israel and the Palestinians . . . (and) a Palestinian state."

• "I will replace our military force with an intensive diplomatic initiative in the region."

• "We cannot support torture and the indefinite detention of individuals we have declared to be beyond the law."

• "We will have to talk about the consequences of our invasion of Iraq for the Iraqi people and others in the region."

• "We will have to talk about Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib."

Hands down, Hillary gets the Islamists' vote. Her sympathies lie with them and they know it. That's why they endorse her and even contribute to her campaign.

Her donor Barzinji, for one, argued in the bloody aftermath of 9/11 that President Bush should have focused more on changing his Middle East policies than going after the terrorists.

"It's fine and dandy to go out and get the people who did this," Barzinji grumbled to the Washington Post. "You can go out and kill all the bin Ladens. But it won't change anything unless we change our policies in the Middle East."

How did his and other Safa group donations slip through Hillary's new vetting procedures? Is this the type of background check we can expect her to conduct on White House appointees and guests? We're reminded of the drug addicts and criminals who were given unlimited access to the people's house in the 1990s.

It's not the first time Clinton has taken cash from terror supporters. During her 2000 Senate campaign, she was forced to return $1,000 from Abdurahman Alamoudi, then head of the American Muslim Council, when news got out that he voiced support for Palestinian terrorists.

She tried to disguise Alamoudi — whom she had hosted at the White House as first lady — as a curator rather than a terror supporter by listing his group in her FEC donor report as the "American Museum Council." But it didn't fool anyone.

Today, Alamoudi is doing time as a terrorist. In fact, the Treasury Department says he was one of al-Qaida's top fundraisers in the U.S. Alamoudi, whose brothers live in Saudi Arabia, also is closely tied to the Safa group suspects, who not coincidentally are now turning up as donors to Clinton's presidential campaign.

Now that their donations have been exposed, it will be interesting to see if the candidate will follow the lead of other Democrats before her and immediately return their donations — along with those of any other Islamists who are targets of federal terror probes.


© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

Sen. Hillary Clinton at annual Congressional Black Caucus meeting

WASHINGTON – With presidential primaries approaching and the race for the White House heating up, Muslim terrorist leaders in the Middle East have offered their endorsement for America's highest office, stating in a new book they hope Sen. Hillary Clinton is victorious in 2008.

"I hope Hillary is elected in order to have the occasion to carry out all the promises she is giving regarding Iraq," stated Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist group.

Senakreh is one of dozens of terror leaders sounding off about American politics in the new book, "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!" by WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein.

Abu Hamed, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip, explained in "Schmoozing" Clinton's repeated calls for a withdrawal from Iraq "proves that important leaders are understanding the situation differently and are understanding the price and the consequences of the American policy in Iraq and in the world."

"The Iraqi resistance is succeeding," stated Hamed. "Hillary and the Democrats call for withdrawal. Her popularity shows that the resistance is winning and that the occupation is losing. We just hope that she will go until the end and change the American policy, which is based on oppressing poor and innocent people."

The Brigades, together with the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, took responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel the past three years. The Brigades also has carried out hundreds of recent shootings and rocket attacks.

Abu Ayman, an Islamic Jihad leader in Jenin, said he is "emboldened" by Clinton's calls for an eventual withdrawal from Iraq.

"It is clear that it is the resistance operations of the mujahideen that has brought about these calls for withdrawal," boasted Abu Ayman.

In "Schmoozing," every terrorist leader out of dozens interviewed stated they hope a Democrat becomes president in 2008. Some terror leaders explained their endorsement of Clinton is not necessarily at the expense of other Democratic presidential candidates, whose policies are not as well known to them.

"All Americans must vote Democrat," stated Jihad Jaara, an exiled member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.

Some Palestinian terrorist leaders stated their support of Clinton, in part, stems from hopes she will apply some of her husband's foreign policies, particularly toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"I hope also she will maintain her husband's policies regarding Palestine and even develop that policy," stated Brigades chiefton Senakreh.

"President Clinton wanted to give the Palestinians 98 percent of the West Bank territories. I hope Hillary will move a step forward and will give the Palestinians all their rights. She has the chance to save the American nation and the Americans life.”

Ramadan Adassi, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the Anskar refugee camp in the northern West Bank, said he, too, backs Hillary and hopes she will continue the "legacy of her husband" regarding support for a Palestinian state.

President Clinton was "pro-Israel but [he] understood that the Palestinians must live in their independent state like the other nations of the world," stated Adassi.

But the terror leader commented he was "worried" if Hillary "defied Israel" she would be "brought down like her husband," claiming White House intern Monica Lewinsky really was an Israeli Mossad implant sent to destroy President Clinton's career after he pressured the Jewish state to evacuate territory to the Palestinians.

"If Hillary goes too much against the Zionist interests, she will face the same conspiracy like her husband who fell into the trap of Lewinsky. I have no doubt [Lewinsky] was planted by the Zionists, who wanted to send a message to all future American presidents – do not go against the Israeli policy. Bill Clinton made the Oslo agreement and promoted peace but the Israelis did not give him a chance," Adassi said.

Abu Abdullah, a senior operational member of Hamas' so-called "military wing" stated he wants a Democrat in the White House but said once Democrats are in power "the question is whether such a courageous leadership can [withdraw]."


2007-11-18 22:51:23 · answer #9 · answered by wider scope 7 · 1 0

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