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It seems not to be a lack of intelligence, humans are very clever to defend their established 'personality', they are very clever to manipulate others and they are extremely clever using all their intellect to create the most sophisticated concepts on al levels. But then they are so stupid, that they destroy themselves and every thing around. They are not capable to use the possibilities to help themselves to get out of their stupidity. Humans are so stupid that they close themselves up and stay with their habits and attitudes, even though they are not happy, getting sick and desperate and punishing themselves for being so stupid by destroying themselves and the place they are living and all the other alife beings. They make laws against crime but also laws to protect their stupidity. How is it possible to be so stupid? There seems no way out. The dog is chasing his own tail and is to occupied and satisfied with it, that he can't and don’t want to find out that he is stupid!

2007-11-17 19:14:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

I need to add that I am also human and I feel stupid not being able to answer this question myself, but I am not that stupid not to be able to ask, seeking an answer where it might be possible. Is it possible here?

2007-11-17 19:28:57 · update #1

Arrogance and pride are aspects of being stupid, but doesn’t explain why are people stupid.

2007-11-17 21:55:59 · update #2

Yes Patois, your answer shows a good knowledge and you are right: The human species is still very young, although this doesn’t explain why people are so stupid and the same time are so clever, so it is not a lack of intelligence, there must be something else… What is it? Humans are not ‘spiritual’, at least very seldom, mostly the have a concept the call ‘spiritual’ and they try to live it somehow… but not being able and willing to give up or to change their basic materialistic behavior.
To find out what is true health would be a good step, but stupidity doesn’t allow this. The health system is doing every thing to hold on its established narrow-minded view, keeping people in dependency. Isn’t this obviously stupid?
Humans are cleverer than monkeys, because they are more intelligent, but monkey are a lot less stupid. That could guide to the conclusion that with growing intelligence also the stupidity is growing. Obviously, but this is not an answer, there must be something else…

2007-11-17 21:57:59 · update #3

Rebekah, you have my respect, I never met a girl so young who were expressing herself like this! I don’t think it is just a question of laziness. Humanity is in such a misery not because people are not doing something about it, but because of their doing and mostly the wrong things because of their stupidity.
That you want to make a difference in the future is great, but don’t forget that you need to start with little steps and that is to begin with your self. The most effective way to change the world is to change oneself. When we try to change something outside, then easily we can become part of the big game…

2007-11-17 22:02:29 · update #4

10 answers

A good question hardly ever ask because one needs to go beyond the normal state of human beings to have some doubts and be critical about the established behavior, attitudes, way of thinking, life style, values, etc.etc. In short: the established and common level of awareness.
To say that the species is so young and because of this so stupid sounds more like an excuse, but doesn't answer the question. That Einstein said that stupidity of humankind is endless like the universe is also not an answer why. I can't see that there is much development during the last 1000 years...
So then why? Stupidity is the result from a condition that is not specifically one of the human species. We can observe this in all alive beings, even in minerals we think as not alive. It is the condition of all systems to hold on ones established structure and defend this with all means available. Here then there show up the difference between minerals and plants, animals and humans: The capability to learn and this mostly happens through mistakes, that means then being hurt. So the system learns to defend itself better. Plants develop poison, thorns, bitter taste, etc. Animals develop big teeth, thick skin, long legs to run fast, poison, camouflage and other tricks to survive. Humans are using all these and more. They are extremely clever to defend themselves, that means to hold on their established existence and that is their ‘personality’, which is nothing else than all the gained property on all levels: Concepts, dreams, beliefs, knowledge, memories, thoughts, emotions, sensations and last not least their body and all the gathered material property. All this they defend with all means and very clever, but it is a cleverness that is natural and belongs to all systems and this works so far, but with humans who are indeed one step ahead in their evolution, the same cleverness turn into stupidity with the result of destruction and self destruction. In this state of evolution, destruction and the resulting suffering seems to be the only way to break the inbuilt self-defense so that the individual becomes open to question oneself and ones existence. In this state often shows up insecurity, depressions, irritation, being out of mind and emotional balance and also disease. This should be seen as positive to be able to open up for the next step, but stupidity still is strong and the clinging to the old established attitudes and habits, like dependency from authorities. The tendency not to look at oneself and stay ignorant, is still dominating.
Does this answer your question? The next interesting question could be: "What could be done to get out of our so well established ‘natural stupidity’?"

2007-11-24 11:36:36 · answer #1 · answered by BeiYin *answers questions* 6 · 0 0

A quite broad question. Let me try to bring it down to some main points.

Einstein said: "There are two things that are endless: Human stupidity and the universe, but I am not quite sure about the universe". It is true. Humans lie, kill and cheat. One point that we need to take into account was already mentioned: The human species is very young. But just look at the incredible development of our species over the last thousands of years. Apart from all the wars, things have changed (e.g. the end of slavery). And now, more than ever, the way we think is changing rapidly. So many things are changing so quickly, that I just can't imagine where we might end up in 1000 or even 100 years. Emancipation of women, democracy, responsibility for our planet, overcoming religious wars. Those are the problems we face nowadays. Imagine a world where we have overcome these problems!

It is human to do bad things. The key are our morals. The way society treats liars or murderers needs to change and I hope that it will. Corrupt politicians should not pay a fine, but be rejected from society. Psychological stress can be more effective against millionaires than a 20 000 dollar fine. Humans want to be accepted in society and the worst punishment is rejection.

The time frame we are looking at is just too narrow. Let's hope that our social development is fast enough to be able to treat the technology we hold in our hands in a correct matter. Let's hope that the way we think changes.

Hope that my thought brought you some enlightenment! ;-)

2007-11-24 06:10:34 · answer #2 · answered by Philippmikio 1 · 2 0

Yes, I also was wondering about this fact, but I couldn't answer this question and I can't do it now. The only thing I can do is to be not that stupid, although this is not always possible, but when I realize that I have done something stupid or doing it, then I try to find out why I am doing this and then change something about it. Indeed, there is a lot to do and if we don't start with ourselves then as a whole we will not be able to avoid that our stupidity will destroy the base of our existence.
So a checkup of ones habits might be a good start. Being critical about our established word view probably is too much for most people. But I believe that such space like 'answer.yahoo' can trigger that people start to think differently and then also come to the conclusion, that questioning their established but maybe worn out world view needs some adjustments...
Thanks for your question, it makes me think more specific...

2007-11-17 22:23:44 · answer #3 · answered by Bomoon 3 · 2 0

It's because we live in such unnatural and toxic settings and circumstances. Look around at the way people live, what we eat, where we live, what we do to succeed, what we're rewarded and punished for, what we believe in, what's available to us, how we communicate, how far we travel, and how crowded we are. Does this really look like the way we are naturally meant to live in the hunter-gatherer sense? Guns, weapons, government, and other things that are central to mankind now.. those things don't exist in nature. In fact, they've only been around a short while. We have absolutely no mechanisms to make the kind of monumental judgements and decisions that go along with the way the world is now. Evolution over millions of years made us fit for a certain lifestyle, but we have recently stepped out of that lifestyle and created one that is strange and confusing to us. It will take much time for mankind to adapt.

2007-11-17 21:49:07 · answer #4 · answered by Jamal D 2 · 2 0

I agree with you but humans arent stupid, if that makes any sense. Think back to when we were cave men and look at how far we have come. You think humans are stupid because they are lazy. I cant stand the sort that sit back and look at another day go by, another day where the rainforsts are been logged, another day where the world becomes a little warmer and those people could help. I think that is the sort you are talking about. Im only twelve and already have many veiws on how the world could be better. I plan to make a difference in the future.

2007-11-17 19:37:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Our species is incredibly YOUNG. We removed ourselves from the food chain only 8000 years ago. We have much to learn. Individuals AND societies learn and adapt and change and grow. Evolving toward greater wisdom, which means greater balance and health, occurs both within us as individuals and within our societies. Many of our cultural institutions remain primitive and fear based, such as religion.

For example, all humans are spiritual. We all wonder where we came from, what the meaning of life is and what happens to us when we die. But, as long as our spiritual growth is entangled with and enslaved by fear-based primitive institutions and belief systems, we will flounder in conscience. And, all lifeforms require energy. We must eat to survive and we must conserve energy with clothes and shelter and arrangements of comfort. But, as long as our survival is entangled with greed-based economic systems, we will flounder in survival.

It's all a learning curve not about the "survival of the fittest" but rather about "fit for WHAT?" We are only in the last one hundred years beginning to finally get a grip on what is objectively "good and healthy". First, we must clearly recognize what is true health before we can evolve much beyond the basal rhythms of Nature and its trial and error process of learning, adaptation and survival.

2007-11-17 19:28:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Recognizing that one is stupid is the first step to get out of stupidicy.

Recognizing that one is crazy is the first step to get out of craziness.

The more stupid one is or the more crazy, then the more likely one will be able to see it or become aware of one's reality.

It is only by becoming aware of one's reality, then one can deal with it. One can only change one's own reality, not that of others, and if one does this then all changes. In this truth there is the greatest power to make a change and help people get out of their stupidity. By lifting one's own weight of stupidity, everyone benefits.

A bible quote comes to mind:

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the large fragment that is in thine own eye?"


2007-11-19 05:21:17 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Proof positive, Darwin was right. Stupid breeds and stupidity reigns.

2007-11-17 19:21:17 · answer #8 · answered by thejetdude 3 · 2 2

At least theyre clever than monkeys..

2007-11-17 19:28:47 · answer #9 · answered by Lost my everything.. 4 · 1 4

Two words: ARROGANCE and PRIDE.

2007-11-17 19:26:34 · answer #10 · answered by It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty! 7 · 2 2

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