Downfall of Education? As in Dumbing Down? Last I heard African Americans were getting the blame for that, and they certainly aren't feminist.
In truth, there's plenty of blame to go around. People are so fascinated by the power of schools to indoctrinate, that the mission to educate is neglected. In other words, School Boards spend too much time arguing over WHAT to teach kids to think, while agreeing that teaching them HOW to think would just spoil their agendas. Rationality is universally hated by abusers of power,
2007-11-17 18:09:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some men feel they are losing control of women and "their" families; some women feel they are being pushed to work outside the home. (I know 2nd wave feminists did, but that was 40 years ago; 3rd wave feminists are very different). Since feminism has "fem" in it, it's a good target for angry people who don't know what to do now that there aren't rigid gender roles they're suppose to play. If there aren't rigid gender roles, instead of playing a role, they'd actually have to be themselves-obviously the thought of it terrifies some people. Maybe they don't think they'd be lovable enough if someone really knew what they were like--men use to know before that they were expected to support the household, and women were the wife and mother; and that's all that was expected of them. Now some men seem enraged that they don't have the power and control over their families they thought they would, and are angry that women don't "know their place" and are bewildered that they may be expected to do something other than go to work. Some women are resentful that they are expected to do more than take care of their home or children, they don't want to work outside the home, though just who is pressuring them is not clear to me, since most feminists stay at home for periods of time (1-18 years) caring for their children too.
2007-11-18 15:46:35
answer #2
answered by edith clarke 7
Boys still have other options in life that aren't necessarily available for girls. Even if they didn't do well in high school and didn't attend college, they still can get relatively unskilled, high paying jobs such as truck driver, miner, construction worker, and sanitation worker while girls without a college degree often find their options limited to dead-end pink collar jobs.
I don't put any stock in SAT scores or any of the other tests. There's a whole industry based on getting students to pass them by telling them what sort of questions they will be asked. As a result, those tests are only a measure of how well people can take tests and be able to regurgitate that information when asked. They do not necessarily indicate how much the person taking the tests actually knows.
2007-11-17 19:23:12
answer #3
answered by RoVale 7
Feminism is a great thing.. It gave women the basic rights and recognition they so surely deserved.
The problem with feminism, is that when it was no longer needed, feminists corrupted and began trampling on men's rights, sometimes at the cost of the entire nation.
For example: There IS a wage gap, but its not like "for every dollar a man recieves, a woman gets paid 0.70", its more like a "the sum of all wages in a number of women, is 3/4 as big as the sum of all wages in the same number of working men.
Men take less satisfying and more dangerous jobs, which pay more, to feed their family, and they are more assertive, in general, than women, to ask for a raise or a promotion, so it would be predictable that the general rule would be that men are paid more.
BUT THIS DOESNT MEAN THERE IS A WAGE GAP! If you want to earn more, and work for it, you will get it. Women are just as capable of earning their dollar instead of 0.70, but most working women, as well as men, have a family, and while men prefer to provide, as the general rule, women prefer to raise. That's why they tend to take lighter schedules in exchange for a smaller paycheck. Like when a woman asks for 2 hours less on tuesdays to take her kids to whatever activity they do. Just because your sisters dont want to, doesn't mean you can't
What does this have to do with my example? When Hillary Clinton tried to pass her law to "eliminate the wage gap for good", she failed to realize that employers would be too scared to let those 2 hours less on tuesdays, because he would have to explain why that woman's wage is smaller than that man, so, basically, at least in this example, feminism would have ******* both employers, and women
2007-11-18 01:19:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Then I guess very few so-called feminists are actually true feminists, right?
Oh and if feminism is the principle that women should have political, economic, and social rights equal to those of men, then how come feminists are not doing anything to lower women's privileges in the courts (lower jail time for the same crime(s), increased chance of getting child custody)? Why are they not doing anything against V.A.W.A.?
Equality goes BOTH ways. If you want to make women absolutely equal to men, you also have to fight against the privileges and rights they have in certain areas.
2007-11-18 01:14:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The education system is putting boys at a disadvantage. Here's a clear proof of this
"""""""""On average, males score higher on standardized tests while females make higher grades in school. This is true for the 2004 SAT test takers. The combined mean score for males is 1049 and 1005 for females. Males taking the test have a mean grade point average of 3.19, females 3.35."""""""""
Boy scored higher than girl in SAT and other test but they are falling behind girls in schools. There is definitely something wrong with the education system, and they are affecting young boys.
@RoVale: false, SAT does equire thinking skill. And what program are you talking about that "help" people passing SAT?
2007-11-17 18:43:31
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2-seeing power/rights/responsibilities as a zero-sum game instead of recognizing that it is perfectly possible to have power-with as opposed to power-over
3-a good deal of the scapegoaters in here are lazy. they dont actually want to do any work to change anything, but they want things to change
4-the rest of the scapegoters in here are:
c)just trying to see who they can tick off
d)all or some of the above
2007-11-18 00:37:18
answer #7
answered by bluestareyed 5
It is scapegoating, as other answerers have said. Feminism has been blamed for the shaky economy, the high divorce rate, teenage pregnancy, and — I kid you not — the rise of the slasher film. They're afraid to admit that feminism has been ineffectual in some things, let alone good.
2007-11-18 01:15:15
answer #8
answered by Rio Madeira 7
People hate accepting guilt so they place it on whatever they think caused it. See how often the happens: the need to blame something even when whats being blamed isn't the cause. Also note how often people accpet that they are guilty. I wish things were different.
If anything, feminism has added information to education and has allowed females to get jobs that they otherwise would not be capable of getting. I see it as an asset.
2007-11-17 17:59:00
answer #9
answered by VickiGirl 6
The definition of a word has no relevance to an action in society. Words and their definitions are merely devices used to communicate.
The definition of Communism is favorable and humane as well, but we don't base our experiences on the definition alone.
2007-11-17 18:39:00
answer #10
answered by Nep 6