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Roger Clemens, Jeter, Abreu, posada, i mean is it just me or is this whole steroids scandal getting to be so that we can't just accept people's talent, we say oh they're really good- they must have used steroids.
also it seems just a little racist that the one black guy is taking all the hits for this, like mark mcgwire, he didn't get people all mad at him or anything. sure a few people were mad, but come on this is getting ridiculous. i think we all know that more than half of the players used steroids within the past 15 years or so, but if almost everyone did then the playing field was leveled. either way, barry really didn't need the steroids because any way you look at it, 760 is a lot of freakin home runs.
i'm not a fan of his, i don't even live in san francisco, but i just don't think its fair.

2007-11-17 17:02:05 · 20 answers · asked by Purple People Eater 4 in Sports Baseball

20 answers

This is a loaded question and I usually don't get involved in these because the asker is usually dumb and the answers are usually dumber. But this one has legs... and I'm going to run w/ them. First off... you the asker has no knowledge of life, sports, or baseball. The ONE black guy? Sammy Sosa isn't ethnic? Naww not the same Sammy who needed an interpretor to speak for him even though he could speak. Yet I still think he wasn't on the juice. For him to be thrown in all of this insults reason. He always cared about the fans at Wrigley. That's not a selfish man there. Don't blame him for lawyering up in a white man's land.

McGwire? Abreu? Posada? POSADA? OK you had me at McGwire.. yea they found that bottle in his locker but that was legal at the time. Wait... so was steriods.. ok I see where you are going here. It was legal.. well if it was then WTF you are saying isn't fair? Oh... the charges aren't fair.... because you wouldn't be talking about Barry today if not for them. Well let me tell you something. The CHARGES are on perjury... NOT steriod use. If the Feds has proof on Mark and "said others" as much as they had on Bonds they would be charged to. Or did you convienently leave that out of your amazingly smart question? I thought so.

Next point. More than half? Says who? Canseco? Sure he was right about a lot of things. I actually READ the book did you? I actually thought him to be a saint in this drug tainted world did you? I actually believed him, but am not so dumb as to 100% commit to him like you commit to him. Haven't you learned from players and execs in baseball that you shouldn't believe 100% what you hear? Why would we be having this talk now if that were true. Your basis of logic fails miserably here.

760 HRs is a lot? Wow that's like a retard saying chocolate is tasty... of COURSE it is you stupid freak. It doesn't mean chocolate is the home run king of all time moron. It means that given limited intelligence and a powerful stimulant even YOU can think chocolate is a lot of home runs!!! Yay for you.

I'll give one point back to you. Even average players use roids. So it's possible the Posadas and the Shelly Duncans of the world are on roids, but really... what are the odds? What are the chances? Since we know nothing for sure we are debating chances here, and chances Bonds did it = 97% or more. Chances Posada did it = 30% or less. Now when a person deals w/ chances they are a gambler. Any gambler who has EVER won more than they have LOST in their lifetime knows not to bet 97% success rate against a 30% or worse racehorse. So what makes you so stupid? (I meant smart)?

Nuff said. Now shut your face.

What isn't fair is me having to school little kids like you on the science of baseball.

2007-11-17 17:44:32 · answer #1 · answered by Legends Never Die 4 · 5 5

Mark McGwire tested positive for Andro (i forget the full name). At the time, that wasn't a banned substance in MLB and even though it is banned now, it is not a steroid. You can buy it over the counter.

2nd, who cares????? I love Babe Ruth and everything, and Hank Aaron too. But, and this is just my opinion, I would rather have someone have the record who did drugs in the name of being a better athlete, then someone who showed up to work drunk or hungover everyday and didn't play up to there full potential for most of their career. Thats right folks, as great as Ruth was, he could have been so much better. hell, Mickey Mantle could've hit 800 home runs if he didnt party the way he did. And yetwe jump down athletes throats for trying to be better???? I'm not saying steroid use is right, because it is not, but put it in perspective.

and MLB drug testing has gotten very very very strict. Thats why whenever someone says "oo i saw this person doing steroids"its not as big of a deal as it used to be, because if a player is using steroids, usually the league and the team find out about it and the person is suspended.

And still no one points a finger at sammy sosa....the steroid investigation intensifies, and all of a sudden sosa takes a year off. When he comes back, he's dropped about 60 pounds of muscle. Gee, where did he go??

Oh yeah, and for all of you crybabies pissed about Bonds holding the record, dont worry. If bonds has played his last season, which it looks like he has, his number stands at 762. If A-Rod hits 35 home runs for the next 7 yrs (which is well within the realm of possibility), at the end of that 7th year, his number will be 763. if A-Rod hits 35 home runs for every y of his 10r contract with the Yankees, his final number will be 868. Chances are, it will be a little lower than that, but 868 is a definite possibility.

2007-11-17 23:00:27 · answer #2 · answered by ffemt1280 3 · 2 0

Barry Bonds had to testify before a grand jury because Balco's lab was raided and they found Bonds' name in their files. He chose to lie under oath and that's why he's in trouble. This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the fact that Bonds shattered a great baseball record by cheating. And Doug4221, Mcwire (cheater) did not lie to Congress. He invoked his 5th amendment right and didn't answer the question. He only said that he wasn't there to talk about the past. The reason McGwire isn't getting trashed by the media is beacause he was retired when all of this blew up and he disappeared from society instead of being a man and addressing all the questions.

2007-11-18 03:57:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just a couple of points to make, here.

First of all, can you say Jason Giambi? Baseball's admitted "Oops, I took steroids, please make me a hero again" guy. I believe this guy wears pinstripes.

Secondly, Steinbrenner keeps the Yankees insulated to a large degree, because he has the biggest pocktbook in baseball, and while the Yankees have had their share of controversy in the past, it usually stirs around having the largest payroll in the game and buying championships.

I also believe that some of the otherwise questionable Yankees have been protected somewhat since 9/11/01, because it is now not politically correct to point fingers at anything New York.

That is, of course, my own humble opinion, and I am sympathetic about 9/11, but I just don't feel it should become a shelter for graft and corruption.

2007-11-18 00:33:04 · answer #4 · answered by looneycop 4 · 2 0

that is because of the fact there are such countless that have been correct so each physique is very skeptical of all people it extremely is having fulfillment. the element that individuals over seem is that greater men that have not had fulfillment have been correct than individuals that have had fulfillment. human beings desire to ignore the reality that growth has watered down the pitching in todays interest, they might quite concentration on the thought that all of them are on the juice. If human beings desire to work out the numbers come down then they might desire to help a real strike zone, the interior pitch, banning armor on the plate (which permits men to "take one for the gang" slightly too hassle-free) and make the hitters hit pitches which at the instant are not in the best spot to rigidity the ball yet in addition in the zone. the regulations ideal now are adapted to submit extensive numbers and the hitters have each and all of the income at this element so their numbers would be up. you're ideal, Pujols, A-Rod, Ryan Howard, Chase Utley, Beltran are all men that are merely that proficient with expertise...they don't greater wholesome the build of a roider.

2016-09-30 23:27:07 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Sheb Wooly (who wrote and sang "Purple People Eater") where have you been? Last time I checked every time some player popped out to the outfield someone came on Y/A baseball and said, "Hey, he must be using steroids!" Clemens has been a leader in accusations, too.

The point to be made here is that thanks to the fumbling of Selig and baseball management, it DOESN'T MATTER if a player is on steroids or not. We'll never be certain who did it and who didn't, only who is careless enough to be caught. Unless someone is tested positive for it, I just assume he's not on them. It's easier than being cynical.

2007-11-17 22:42:16 · answer #6 · answered by Sarrafzedehkhoee 7 · 0 1

Roger Clemens is highly regarded as a big name that will show up in the Mitchell report. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Posada & Abreau on it as well. As far as Mark McGuire goes, he IS paying for his PED use. He, regardless of his accomplishments, will most likely never get into the hall of fame and is lumped in with Barry Bonds & Jose Conseco as the big "Steroid" guys of that era. Bonds purjured himself to as grand jury, which McGuire didn't. McGuire pleaded the 5th where he needed to. Bonds gave his detractors all the ammunition they needed to go after him and that's what they did.

2007-11-18 02:09:53 · answer #7 · answered by Qbass187 4 · 1 0

Hold on, I have to catch my breath from laughing so hard, then let me respond to these quotes.

"A-Rod isn't getting accused of using steroids is because everyone knows that he doesn't."

--This is fact, look it up:
Barry in 4 seasons - from 185lbs - 228lbs
ARod in 4 seasons - from 180 - 225lbs

I use this stat when people want to bring up Barry's weight as proof.

"If Mark McGwire broke the home run record by using steroids and lieing to the grand jury he would be getting all the crap too."

--Mark McGwire broke...sorry, not broke, CRUSHED, the single season HR mark of 61 by hitting 70 [while on steroids].
And, you're correct, he didnt lie to a grand jury, just Congress, when asked about his steroid use.

You're right though, Eagles...this is TOTALLY different.

2007-11-17 17:28:14 · answer #8 · answered by Black&Orange 4 · 2 3

you re not to bright are u? Jeter , posada and abreau are not your typical hr hitters, there talented but not known for power. Abreau hasn t hit the hr ball since his early years in philly. Clemens has a workout ethic admired in baseball circles but supposedly was part of mitchell s probe. A rod was accused by jose canseco who played with him in texas with palmeiro. Everyone now knows why canseco was banished by his peers but it also shows he s truthful. He and the guys he broke into baseball were doing it to get an edge. At the time baseball s drug policy was nonexistant. The steroids made bonds from a better than average skinny fast player to an ENORMOUS cheater. If you could possibly realize how amazing ruth was and mantle even drinking to excess, and mantle hitting most of his career on one good leg, along with what Aaron and even mays raw talent were you would then realize how tainted this record really is. NOT all the players were doing them just the ones smart enough or dumb enough not to worry what it would do to them later on , individually to their bodies or professionally and morally.

2007-11-17 17:26:35 · answer #9 · answered by Rosemary M 2 · 1 3

A-Rod isn't getting accused of using steroids is because everyone knows that he doesn't. And Barry is getting so much crap because he lied to the grand jury and broke the greatest record in sports because of the use of steroids. If Mark McGwire broke the home run record by using steroids and lieing to the grand jury he would be getting all the crap too.

2007-11-17 17:12:51 · answer #10 · answered by Eaglesfan19 3 · 4 2

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