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I don't. I used to. But after my brother got put on there it cause me to investigate and when I did I found out so much that I never knew before. For one, it is NOT a deterrant. Thats been proven. Yes, it keeps them from doing it again. But for the most part, fear of receiving the death penalty doesn't keep someone from committing the crime. FOr two its VERY expensive. And for three, what gives us the right to take someones life? If someone robs someone, the judge doesn't sentence them to be robbed. If someone burns a house down, the judge can't sentence them to having their own house burnt down. So why is murder that way? Oh well, thats just my opinion. I asked a question and then answered it just in case anyone cared about my personal stance. How bout yall? DO you support it? Why or why not?

2007-11-17 16:45:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

do a lttle research please as I have. To house someone with a life sentence is FAR cheaper to house someone on death row. Death row is by FAR more expensive.

2007-11-17 16:58:27 · update #1

and why is JUST murder ok? why is murder punishable by murder? why not theft by theft? arson by arson? rape by rape? etc etc etc

2007-11-17 16:59:24 · update #2

21 answers

It is natural for you not to support it anymore as you now have someone who you love facing the death sentence. I, at this point in my life, still do believe in the death penalty, but I surely would feel different if it was my son or brother on death row. But in the case that my son was murdered, I would hope it was still there. The death sentence here in Texas is Murder plus one other felony (rape, robbery, etc.) I'm sorry for what your brother and your family are facing, as I am also sorry for the victims family. Peace.

2007-11-17 16:53:16 · answer #1 · answered by Corona 5 · 4 1

Yes it's Biblical. The death penalty was established as a human judicial law by the God Yahweh Himself and is one of His Mosaic Laws which many of these laws were judicial laws for a country to run it's government by. It's purpose was to both remove the law breaking individual from society and scare the rest of the people into controlling their actions or else the same would happen to them. Yahweh Himself is being quoted in The Bible speaking and teaching this death penalty law to Moses after the Israelites exodus from being slaves of Egypt. The death penalty was and still is considered a justified killing of a convicted criminal and not an act of murder in the eyes of our God.

2016-05-24 01:26:05 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

sorry i cant agree with you.
lets put it this way. i believe ur emotionally hurt because someone dear to you facrd this. but look at it logically.

you said: " fear of receiving the death penalty doesn't keep someone from committing the crime. "

probably this wouldnt have effect some criminals but do you know that by giving mandatory death penalty, it reduces the number of serious crime? lets say that 30 over 60 criminals are afraid to commit crime because they are afraid of death penalty.
even though 30 is a small number compared to 60 overall its better than nothing.

you also added :
"and why is JUST murder ok? why is murder punishable by murder? why not theft by theft? arson by arson? rape by rape? etc etc etc"

if u want the exact punishment to be given according to the crimes, then whats the reason for a law to be made and be followed? we are talking about JUSTICE HERE. NOT THE BARTER SYSTEM.

plus why are u so concerned about how much its costs? u rather have these kinda people in our community? u rather live in a dangerous environment? do you want your children to face cruelty? i am not being rude or whatsoever.but the facts that you give does not sound logic at all.


2007-11-17 17:03:12 · answer #3 · answered by ironlipz 4 · 1 2

There are several problems with the death penalty.
- The judicial system can make mistakes and kill innocent people
-It doesn't help deter people from murdering others (many cases are done on impulse or for greed which usually stems from larger societal problems)
-If a family wants revenge for their lost one, a life in prison isn't a cup of tea. However, revenge doesn't bring their loved ones back, and usually doesn't actually make them feel better.
- "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" Gandhi once said, and I believe he's completely and utterly right. It creates an endless cycle of death and grief.
- It also points to a lack of progress in society as a whole. It's a medieval method at best and it has been proved that it doesn't need to exist by other countries who don't have capital punishment. (oh, and America comes 24th in the highest murders per capita, while Australia, Canada, and United Kingdom come in the 40s, and they don't have capital punishment. Bit of a jump there.

2007-11-17 17:42:01 · answer #4 · answered by Cleo 2 · 1 1

Hey, I like that last part. I wish our justice system was based on "An eye for an eye". I believe in the death penalty in my own way. I feel child molesters(nasty fukkers) should be immediately put to death with no chance for appeals or anything. They are nasty and don't need to be in our society. Children deserve to be safe, and sexual abuse has become way too common for my liking. I am so sick of it. Some other things that have happened also, do oyu remember a story a few years back about some racist scumbags that tied a black guy to their truck in texas and dragged him down the road? That was terrible, I cried for days over that, I think that's what the punishment should've been for those guys. Let them see how that feels to be dragged 2 miles down a road and have your arm ripped off along the way.

2007-11-18 00:41:36 · answer #5 · answered by Arraya 6 · 1 0

Well, it seems that your mind is already made up about this issue but if you want my opinion I do believe in capitol punishment. The Bible says "Smite the scorner and the simple shall beware” I don't agree that the death penalty is not a deterrent. And whoever told you that this has been proven is dead wrong. I understand that your brother is on death row so I don't mean to seem unkind but it doesn't seem right to me that a person can take the most precious gift of life and then be allowed to deplete societies resources by getting three “hots and a cot” for the rest of his natural life. I believe that maybe the victims’ family should judge the punishment in a matter such as murder which is the only reason that your brother would be on death row. The death penalty should only be as expensive as a piece of rope, some rocks or a bullet. Also the very thing that gives society the right to execute the death penalty is that your brother must have felt that he had the right to steal the most precious gift of life from one whom was innocent. Murder and robbery are both wrong yet they are different beasts in regards to the sin scale which I believe there is. I realize that Jesus told the adulteress to go and sin no more but adultery and murder are also different beasts and therefore the punishments should be different. It is possible that if one of my family members was on death row that I may feel differently or some day I may change my stance but right now I think that in the case of murder, “an for an eye” is appropriate. It is a huge injustice that a victim’s family must pay with their tax dollars to feed, clothe and provide shelter for the person who murdered their loved one. It is also wrong that it takes so long to carry out the sentence once it has been proven without a doubt that he is guilty. God will forgive your brother of this sin if he asks him to and the victims’ family also has to forgive your brother. But God does chastise his own children even though he has forgiven them. I've experienced Gods chastisement upon myself even though he forgave me and God gives me different degrees of chastisement for different types of sin that I commit. When my children do wrong I forgive them but I still will spank them for that wrong which they did so that they will learn not to repeat that behavior. Lastly, I believe society is mainly against the death penalty because if they were for the death penalty than that would cause society to have to be more accountable for the fact that they are so accepting of murder in the issue of abortions. The same goes for me. I have a more difficult time spanking my son for things that he does when I myself just did the same thing. It’s my prayer that your brother would get saved and receive forgiveness from God for his sins.

2007-11-17 18:24:34 · answer #6 · answered by Gabriel 4 · 3 2

I also have a friend on death roll and he killed the people involved that were planning to kill him for insurance money. No I don't feel that he should be put to death because he was just one step ahead of them. But there are some murderers out there that deserve it, like killing innocent kids, innocent grandmothers, mothers, and fathers that don't even know the person that killed them. The meaness in the crime should be addressed as death roll. But some innocence should be resolved by life inprisonment.

2007-11-18 10:30:21 · answer #7 · answered by Mouth of the South 3 · 1 0

I think that GOD can only decide. The Death penalty
should only be used for the most important reasons.
1. A Killer who's on a Murder Streak and Murders without any mercy or conscience, or regret.
2. Someone who feels no regret for what they did.
3. Someone who has no legitamate reason for their act.
4. Someone who really poses a threat alive

Think about it, Most Killers that don't get the death penalty
eventually die in jail or rot there.

I really don't support it. I believe Murder can be forgiven.
Not just by saying sorry, but by taking time to reflect on
the act, or by making it up to the Family of the victim, by asking god for forgiveness, For Forgiveness, the Sinner
should go a long way to earn it. Maybe by trully helping the unfortunate, by saving a life, by devoting alot of time to
do opposite positive things, helping the community or
any Major actions that establish better living for others.

HOWEVER, those who arent ashamed of what they did
should rot in jail until they can think diffrently.
ITs a Tough Subject for us to deal with as Humans...
By the Way, I don't mean to preach or anything, Hell,
I barely ever go to church, im just an 18 year old
trying to deal with life,and keeping it cool.
The only "crime" I do is smoke Pot..
"WOW. Forgive me for Feeling better, and using
it as a muscle relaxer after a day of hard landscaping"
"WOW Forgive me for smoking pot rather than drinking and
getting drunk and not acting stupid"

2007-11-17 17:07:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I 100% believe in the death penalty....The problem is not the sentence its the time it takes to carry out the sentence...If convicted to death than be put to death within one week....I can guarantee you 100and 10% if someone were to murder one of my children you can bet your smokin asssss that is what I would want to happen to that person... I also think rapist's and child molesters should be put to death as well..you can't "fix" them anymore than you can "fix" the homosexual or hetrosexual....

2007-11-18 12:13:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Absolutely support it.

Despite your misconceptions, it has time and time again been proven to be a VERY effective deterrent. It's also the only way justice can be truly brought to a murder case.

You brother is scum, and if/when he is executed the world will be a better place. Our sympathy and concern should be ENTIRELY with the family of the person he murdered. He doesn't deserve a second thought.

2007-11-17 16:54:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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