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Clinton left office in early 2001 with a balanced budget.
Bush has been serving since 2001.
When Clinton left office, Bush stopped and changed any Clinton policies that he did not like.
From 2001 until early 2007, the Republicans were in charge.
Now, it is the Democrats in the Legislative Branch and Bush in the Executive Branch.

We are in the middle of at least two wars, every other day there is a toy recall, the US can not handle a disaster, our rights have gone down the toilet, and a good amount of homeowners have lost their houses.

Why is Clinton being blamed for any and every problem?
When can we start blaming Bush?

2007-11-17 16:38:36 · 25 answers · asked by Steve B 6 in Politics & Government Politics

I forgot to mention the Bush budget...

2007-11-17 16:41:40 · update #1

25 answers

Yes. According to Republicans, Bill Clinton is directly responsible for global warming, continental drift, tsunamis, forest fires, loss of the ozone layer, the Darfur massacre, poison ivy and the heartbreak of psoriasis.
GW Bush is the cause of warm sunny days, puppies and kitties, finding $20 on the street, hearty laughter and orgasms.
Just ask any Republican, they will go on and on for hours about what a great guy GW is. Then they get back on the bus to the mental hospital.

2007-11-17 16:51:03 · answer #1 · answered by gw_bushisamoron 4 · 6 3

Honey, I know... I know. Everything is always Clinton's fault. hehe

I learned that real quick when I first started coming here almost 2 years ago. At first I was like you, wth??? How?? Where is that logic??? Seriously...

Then I began to hear it so much and realized after defending it, as you tried to where you show FACTS, that it doesn't matter what you say or do, THEY NEED TO BELIEVE THIS. It is like when someone has guit and their minds literally can not accept truth...really CAN NOT... the damage to their pyschies would be too deep.

Little facts like Clinton using PAYGO to balance, and keep balanced, the budget until we had a surplus. And the fact that PAYGO was the first thing the Bush administration got rid of...

2007-11-18 01:48:02 · answer #2 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

People already are. But the most important and best thing any of us can do, is GET OUT AND VOTE in the next presidential election.

When Clinton was in office, my opinion of him could not have been lower: pathological liar, stubborn beyond belief, greedy beyond belief, etc., etc..

But as time has gone on, and I've had several years now to reflect and witnessing others reviews of his presidency, I've done a complete about face.

All the things I said about him above, were and probably are still true. But in reassessing his terms in office, one has to begrudgingly admit that he had the best interests of the whole country at heart; and he accomplished some remarkable things: quelled the incessant conflict in the Balkans; came closer than any statesman in history to bringing the middle-east conflict to a resolution that everyone could live with - look at the situation now: gets worse day by day; succeeded thru Mitchell in bringing the sides together in northern Ireland into a government sharing arrangement that has lasted til this day; and of all things holy, left office with a budget surplus: monumentally his greatest achievement.

Sorry. Didn't mean to go on and on like this.

Over and out,


2007-11-18 00:56:02 · answer #3 · answered by Alberich 7 · 2 1

First off, 1. The budget was balanced because we weren't in the middle of a war for our lives. If we had been, we'd have been about a trillion bucks in the red. 2. Clinton was the one who got China the label, "Most Favored Nation". And he allowed multiple millions of jobs to be lost thanks to the NAFTA. Without his support, the agreement never would have passed. 3. The wars have been brewing for years before Bush came into office. With the 1993 WTC bombing and the USS Cole coming on Clinton's watch, the jihadists and murderers started the war on his watch. Also, if he would have had Osama detained in the 90s, we wouldn't have this war in Afghanistan and Iraq now.

There you have it, three good reasons why we blame a lot of stuff on Bill Clinton.

2007-11-18 01:13:02 · answer #4 · answered by KungFuKricket 3 · 0 2

ok im not for bush or clinton or who ever is running but i was just thinking, wouldn't it be hard to please the usa because i would guess he is trying to make things back in order but every thing you do is wrong. And face it there is always going to be some problem, its not like the earth is a perfect place with sunshine and all that and before we go out blaming people we have to look at ourselves and if we are contributing to the problem

2007-11-18 00:54:15 · answer #5 · answered by omguraturd 2 · 1 0

It seems to me that Bush has gotten more blame for everything that has gone on. I live in Bush's home state and I haven't heard Clinton blamed for much...

As to whose fault they actually are, at least the state of the economy seems to be the fault of the Bush administration. We had a budget surplus before the big tax cuts took effect, which, coupled with the Iraq war (Bush administration's fault), caused some of the biggest deficits in history.

As for the toy industry, they are made overseas, so that can't really be blamed on Bush.

The Katrina debacle is open for debate, but obviously isn't Clinton's fault.

As for the spying program, it was likely begun shortly after 9/11, though it may have begun earlier.

2007-11-18 00:51:10 · answer #6 · answered by Mt 2 · 1 3

Why are we blaming either President when we're the one that elects these people?

A huge reason that our dollar is deflating and that toys are being recalled is because back in the mid-late 90's, Walmart began pushing for companies to outsource labor to cheap countries. We failed to elect leaders that would stop this treason. So since then every year has seen more and more U.S. money go to China. Now we have a near Trillion dollar trade deficit.

2007-11-18 01:06:04 · answer #7 · answered by TBEau 3 · 0 1

Many Americans still believe that the Democratic Party is filled with patriots who simply view the world and the solutions to its problems from a different vantage point. It is difficult to say when this ceased to be the case. Probably in 1972 when they nominated George McGovern.

Certainly, there are registered Democrats who love their country and a handful of Democrat elected officials who still support our nation's best interests. But the core, the heart, the base of the Democratic Party has become a loony gaggle of special interest groups on the fringes of American civilization. They are driven by far-left ideology, and they are represented by the likes of paranoid billionaire George Soros and the organizations he supports. MoveOn.org, a web site originally founded to defend Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has morphed into a collection of political crazies, as has the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post and a number of others.

These hateful organizations represent the views of the hardcore voters who participate in Democrat primaries, and many of them are not happy with today's crop of Democrats. Hillary Clinton, who has spent the last forty years of her life devoted to a left-wing ideology, is not liberal enough for many of these people. Her realization that she cannot win a general election without offending them has given some in her campaign heartburn.

Barrack Obama is too militaristic for them after his threat to invade Pakistan.

Recently, even the traditional idols of the left, the Kennedys, have run afoul of some in the blogosphere's hate machine. It seems that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and his Uncle Ted are opposed to the construction of a wind farm on Nantucket Sound because it would be visible from the area where they sail their yachts.

So who can a leftist really love these days? It has to be someone who, first and foremost, hates George Bush. That's a given.

Then there is the requirement that the United States surrender to al-Qaida and leave Iraq immediately.

Of course, this person has to view America as a blight on the rest of the world, especially on all the wonderful, peaceful people of the planet, from Native Americans to the North Vietnamese to the Iraqis. Blaming Bush and America first for virtually everything is an absolute requirement.

Environmental extremism is an important part of the agenda, so this political savior would have to spout the PC line on global warming.

And, of course, capitalism must be regarded as a bane that has brought misery to all who have ever suffered under it.

But what leader could possibly fill the bill for American lefties? Why, Osama bin Laden, of course. The world's most famous terrorist has delivered a new message, via videotape, much of it to the American people.

Bin Laden rambles through his latest screed reciting the same kind of nonsense made famous by America haters across the Internet and even in public life. He blathers on about how Donald Rumsfeld was somehow responsible for killing two million people in Vietnam. He tells us how concerned he is about America's sub-prime mortgage "crisis." He blames the U.S. for global warming. He criticizes congressional Democrats for continuing the war in Iraq and warns that America will lose. He invites us all to embrace Islam. And most important, he excoriates the American people for electing George W. Bush to a second term, telling us that we are "not innocent."

Osama bin Laden embodies everything liberal Democrats love in a leader. In fact, if he were standing on the stage at one of their presidential debates, spouting the same ideas he put forth in his latest video, he would be a bona fide hit among their base.

Yes, the left has finally found their candidate.

2007-11-18 01:08:42 · answer #8 · answered by lilly4 6 · 1 1

It must be Clinton's fault. That way, we have a scapegoat and we do not have to hold the current president accountable for all that he has done. If we can blame Clinton, we do not have to think. We can just trust the right-wing media. It is all because he made that mistake with Monica. Everything George Bush has done wrong is so very insignificant next to that. Because Bush never cheated on his wife, he can start an unnecessary war. Because Bush never cheated on his wife, he can destroy our Constitution and wiretap and torture us. Because Bush never cheated on his wife, he can enrich his cronies and drive up the national debt.

It is good to have a scapegoat -- so much easier than thinking.

2007-11-18 00:53:08 · answer #9 · answered by zoldhuszar 2 · 2 2

It all went downhill when this country allowed Free Trade and allowed big business to take their business overseas. This was the first of the Americans losing their rights to make a living. If you do your research most of these jobs were good paying jobs that they sent overseas to pay someone the very minimum to make their product. It still occurs today more than you think it does. Call centers are all over overseas and it is the reason you can't understand most of the people who answer calls. Because these jobs are outsourced to other countries. It is sad. One day, the Americans will be starving and someone in India will be thriving from these kinds of decisions.

To answer your question. Clinton will always be blamed for something. Bush will take no blame for anything and it is the political way to blame something on another political group to save face.

2007-11-18 00:45:23 · answer #10 · answered by Mo Girl 1 · 5 3

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