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i hate it when people act like they can read God's mind or whatever and have the ability/right to judge people and it embarrasses me as a Christian when people everywhere, especially here on YA, insult and criticize LGBTs, and then use religion as an excuse to justify it. it makes Christians seem like hypocrites when we're supposed to be loving and accepting and "let he who is without sin throw the first stone"

2007-11-17 15:56:19 · 22 answers · asked by f0876and1_2 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

22 answers

why "hate it". if your a christian forgive them!
personally im not religious, but my brother who is gay is one of the kindest people i know and a devout christian. i find these people hypocrites..they say"god loves everyone" but then they imply not certain people. they say only god can judge , yet they fell they have the right to do that. i wish they would make up thier minds.
p.s to any of you getting ready to wave the book at me...before you quote that "man shall not lie with man" crap. read THE WHOLE PAGE
where it says

im not trying to slam religion, believe what you want, and god bless ....just don't enforce what you may believe on me or make others who don't share the same faith as you feel bad.....is that what jesus would do? devide and hate? or love and unite!
bless you all.

2007-11-17 16:05:50 · answer #1 · answered by smokeyjoe76 2 · 3 2

all people that would make a assertion that God hates any human isn't a Christian. God hates the sin yet loves the sinner. I even have purely been on YA approximately 4 months and that i've got in no way seen such disrespect and hatred spew forth from all people in direction of Christians, gays and atheists. i've got not got any gay or atheist acquaintances as i'm a Christian, artwork for my church and don't bump into any that i comprehend of. I pray for the impolite and obnoxious human beings on YA. they have souls too.

2016-09-30 22:48:00 · answer #2 · answered by eubank 4 · 0 0

All I can say is that if the whole "hate the sin, love the sinner" thing is a slogan for recruiting people to Christianity, then I think it might be high time to go back to the drawing board on that one. It can only have the exact opposite effect. Especially considering that it's not just being used against gays, but also against people whose religious beliefs are considered "less-than" or "heathen-istic." Like Muslims, for example? Isn't that part of the reason why we are in this endless mess in Iraq? (Besides the ginormous stupidity of ole Jug-Ears in the White House?)

2007-11-17 16:30:34 · answer #3 · answered by dreamchaser8860 6 · 0 1

You sound, how shall I say?.....wise? People who use the Bible as a cloak for ANY reason certainly has personal inner issues that don't necessarily stay within the confines of christianity. If Mary Magdelene (spelling aside) had been a lesbian instead of a prostitute (which, can I say here, I don't believe she was), I don't think the ending of the story would have been any different. I think the most important lesson in the Bible is that God is Love, so wherever there is love, there is God. If hate is certainly anything, it is ugly. Robert

2007-11-17 17:06:37 · answer #4 · answered by Robert O 7 · 0 1

Also, as I pointed out in the other question someone might be homosexual but not practice the sinful behavior. Just as someone might be heterosexual and not practice sinful behavior. The Bible tells us that any sex outside of the confines of marriage (man and woman) is sin.

2007-11-17 16:21:01 · answer #5 · answered by Yahoogirl 5 · 0 1

This is true, never the less when Paul wrote the Corinthians didn't he tell us that we are not to judge the world but only ourselves? Our Christian brothers and sisters?
We Christians are to help and assist each other in our mistakes, we are not to judge others who do not know the Christ's way. "The way" is to love all as we would be loved, second to God the father. When one of us goes afoul of the ethics we have adopted, then we are to correct him/her, and if they don't listen to us then bring another Christian into the offenders presence. Should that prove fruitless then we are to bring the fellow Christian before the congregation to let him/her know their wrong. If after all that the man/woman will still not listen we are to remove them from the parish, or the congregation. They are to be left out until they recant their sin, and reform their actions. When they do then we are to forgive and bring the man or the woman back into the fold.
Now a Christian who insists that he can be a homosexual and still be a Christian is wrong! You know that. If you don't then you are using a part of the bible as your instrument to abuse the ethics we have adopted.
Too many men and women insist on a homosexual marriage in the Christ's church. This is wrong and we Christians have a right to speak up and say so.
This is where the Messiah draws the line. I agree with Him. I am a servant of His. If I am to follow Him then the codes and laws that God gave us must be followed, or else I'm only paying lip service to Him.
I disagree with a homosexual marraige because my faith has taught me otherwise. Do not misconsrtue that. Many homosexuals live a marital affair outside the church and they may live a Christian-like life: but is it Christianity? I don't think so.
Is it a Christian act to withdraw our love from them? I don't think so on that matter either. But you don't have to condone ones actions to love them.
As for hypocrisy ...well you can find that in every human being inside the church or outside the church. One of the greater hypocrisies I've found are the ones who are openly homosexual against the ethics that the testaments lay out, then call themselves Christians!! Christian-like is one thing, but Christianity is something else altogether.

2007-11-17 16:14:36 · answer #6 · answered by the old dog 7 · 1 2

I agree w/ you 100%!!! I am a STRAIGHT, married Christian. I have learned a lot about the gay community, because I had an Uncle who was openly gay. He passed away in 2000 after suffering from AIDS for over 14 years.

I know that, "That is just the way they are." It's rediculas how some HARD Christians think that through therapy, they can be "reprogrammed."

Nothing but ignorence!

God Bless you!

2007-11-17 16:02:56 · answer #7 · answered by SARswimmer95 6 · 1 2

Yeah i hate it too. I'm personally not gay, but i have family memebers that are and i dont judge them in anyway. Becuase we as christians are not allowed. Only God can judge so for anyone else to judge is saying that your above God and say what he's thinking like he cant answer for himself. My aunt is a lesbian , but she is still the most caring and loving christian i know.No one should be judged on thier sexual preference or life style. i think people forgot that it also says in the bible God knows where our hearts lie. So if a gay person believes with all thier heart and loves God truly shouldnt they be allowed into heaven.

2007-11-17 16:10:33 · answer #8 · answered by prmr619 1 · 1 1

I think it's good that you oppose this behaviour, but you should remember it's not only a few Christians who bash gays. There are a lot of people in general who are just unaware of the fact that being gay isn't some terrible deformity. It's never good when a few people give others a bad name. Of course, we shouldn't bash anyone for their beliefs. Even if they think homosexuality is wrong or a sin, it's only wrong when they start bashing others.

2007-11-17 16:01:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You know this is true. I don't support LGBT but I don't hate people that are gay. We all sin. Every sin is as bad as another. Homosexuality is wrong but it doesn't give us the right to hate them. God loves them too just not there descision. But yes as a christian it makes me sad to see other christians judge when they are not in that position because they will be judged too.

2007-11-17 16:01:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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