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2007-11-17 15:38:56 · 21 answers · asked by ralph 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Desktops

21 answers

See the pic at the end if nothing else...

i like the way apple does stuff they make their own hardware so its all built in by professionals who decide what people mostly use and they are right most of the time.

The operating system is amazing Anyone can appreciate it. its really simple...
u get everything right out of the box. i switched to a mac and never looked back. sure ive had some problems not as many as windows though. were still in 2007 and comparatively the mac IS better.

And they look soo much better. the room just brightens up when theres a mac in it

if you are worried about missing windows, u can install both and it works a 100%

ok i can compare anything on a mac and a pc and the mac Will come out on top..... the only thing is that there are more programs for windows. i havent had a problem with that but some people might.....

2007-11-17 15:59:55 · answer #1 · answered by - 2 · 1 2

Face it - it's a PC world. There are more programs and hardware options available for it because of the intense competition. Apple is the only maker of apple/mac-type computers and you pay for it. Parts and programs are way fewer and more expensive. Repair techs are fewer and more expensive as well. Sure there were a few areas that they were better in like graphic programs and video editing, but that has greatly changed over the past 5 years. Anything that a Mac can do, a PC can do faster and cheaper. Nearly any Mac program that once made Macs special are available for PCs. Apple has even conceded that they can't make their hardware faster or more powerful than a PC and now have Intel PC architecture. How ironic. Macs are like PCs for beginners - like AOL for internet users. If you want everything laid out for you perfectly simple so that you can't make mistakes or go outside the lines then Macs are great. Macs are only alive within certain industries for those two areas mentioned above and are falling year to year. The only thing keeping Apple alive is their iPod. The Mac's market are young females who buy Macs because they're cute. Well, they are! If you talk to Mac users, it is like talking to religious fanatics - utter denial. They have no choice but to take that stand because the rest of the world (87%) is against them. They've been entranced by the Apple marketing machine. Just like iPod and iPhone. Those technologies have been around for years before Apple came out with their version, but Apple markets them like it was their idea and is able to get people to pay twice as much for them. Oops did I just say all that out loud.... apologies for the rant

2007-11-17 16:15:36 · answer #2 · answered by nnucklehedd 7 · 2 0

I'm a PC guy, mostly because it's what I've always had, and I'm also a Windows programmer, so I know the system pretty darn well.

I've always been under the impression that there's a lot more free software available for PC users than Macs, but I haven't really assessed the situation in years. But that's one reason that I've preferred PCs, since I used to be on a really tight budget.

Macs, on the other hand, are really cool, and they're very unlikely to get hit with viruses. But I think the virus threat is overblown. I've had PCs for years and have had very minimal problems with viruses.

So I guess the decision you need to make is, do you like to tinker with your machine and get free software (PC), or do you prefer a cool interface and spending more money (Mac)?

2007-11-17 15:48:16 · answer #3 · answered by Kaptain Krakatoa 3 · 0 0

Hi, listen get whatever u like but Macs suck. You pay all that price just for the ugly Apple logo at the back and for OS X. Thats it. With PC's if u r running Vista then u can do anything a Mac user can and plus u can even play games. Seriously how many photos and movies can a Mac user edit, it must get pretty boring for them once in a while. People who have nothing better to do other than edit photos r loosers. Plus if u don't play games and security is an issue with u still get a pc with Linux on it, it will be cheaper and a lot more reliable, stable, and better. If u use Linux then the only crash u will ever have when ur hardware dies cause Linux NEVER crashes. Also with a PC u can get a million times the better hardware than a Mac at a lower price. I hope I helped.
Good Luck!

2007-11-17 16:14:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

When people debate in Mac versus PC, it really isn't' a debate because they only mention the positive aspects of either platform. But, you have to remember, a Mac isn't just the OS, it's the hardware, too. And PCs aren't always Windows based, but can be Linux or any variant of it.
Since this is in the hardware section, I'll mention the hardware first. Mac is undeniably inferior when it comes to hardware. Any one who says otherwise, is a fan boy. Yes, they may have the Core 2 Duo, which AMD has yet to outperform, but that's pretty much the best it can get. The graphics are ALWAYS lagging behind a generation or two. The problem with Mac hardware is that you really don't have a choice, and even if you got the best parts, you still wouldn't be able to do what a PC can in terms of performance. Also, remember that you can't build a Mac and only Apple makes them (and they tend to be more expensive to the PC counterpart). However, even though the hardware fall short, that's how Apple makes it up in their OS. I can safely assume most BSODs in Windows are attributed to faulty drivers, something that really isn't a problem with Macs as they are very confined to such a small set of hardware.
In terms of software, Mac has a few positive points. Mainly its stability (probably due to the fact of small selection of hardware) and security, whether or not it being secure is from the fact of its small user base (making it not worth attacking) or its actual programming (I'm assuming small user base has more to do with it). However, Mac software is not perfect. Just like Windows, you do have to update, and software does crash although the OS almost never crashes (once again, because drivers are what normally crash Windows OS and Mac is limited to hardware making for fewer drivers which are better upheld). And Macs do INFACT get various malware just like PCs, but not as often (which probably is due to people not caring to attack a small user base). There is one severe flaw with Macs, software support. Most of the software on the market is not Mac native, which does become a hassle when it comes time to look for a choice in selecting software. Same goes for gamers as you will have a tough time gaming on a Mac.
Although, I do find it ironic how sometimes people mention the fact that the "new" Core 2 Duo Macs can run Windows when they argue how prefect Mac is. Also, why is it Mac against PC and Windows is the only OS mentioned for PC? Linux is also a PC OS, and it isn't perfect like all other OSes.

I'll give general recommendations. Macs are good if you aren't planning on using it for everything and anything, and if you aren't looking for performance. If you aren't good with computers, Mac is pretty good to go with because you will have a tough time "breaking" it. If you are looking for something cheap or specific hardware, you should be looking at PCs. If you're looking to gaming, PCs are your best bet, and this usually coincides with performance needs. If you want to be unrestricted in either hardware or software, PCs are it. Also something important to point out, you can't really upgrade a Mac significantly, if you want drastic increases, you're stuck with buying a whole new tower.

As a side note, I stick to Windows as it does everything I need and then some, and I game a lot. I built my tower, which I enjoyed doing. Many Pro Mac arguments mention PC crashes and malware/hackings. Interestingly, I never had a virus (and I don't even use anti-virus software!) and malware is a pretty rare thing for me. Same for crashes, I don't remember my last OS crash, although I do have software crashes occasionally.

2007-11-17 16:53:03 · answer #5 · answered by Brian M 2 · 3 0


OK, WHY???
With a PC, you get MUCH more expandability.
While the folks with mac pros are stuck 7300 GTs, the PC users get 8800 ultras in sli- big improvenment.

There are so many programs for pc-
you don't have to search and search for that word processor or program you want and wonder if its mac compatible- almost everything uses windows, and almost all programs use windows.

macs are outrageously overpriced, since they are made by only one company, and have no direct competition, so Apple can jack up their prices - there's no other company making macs, so why not?
PCs, on the otherhand, are so easy to make that many are hand built, and there is a huge number of companies making PCs (Dell, HP, gateway, etc) so there is major competition, and thus, the prices are lower.
So, what will you decide-
a machine that can do anything a mac can, plus games (yes, PCs have photoshop available for them, and there is plenty of video creation software for PC, such as Sony Vegas and Windows Movie maker)
or a mac?
Its your choice, but I would go with the smart and logical decision- a PC.

2007-11-17 16:42:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Between a Mac or a PC i would choose a PC just because with a Mac you have to get a whole bunch of other things to make it work up to it's ability. My friend recently got a Mac laptop and she is really stressed on getting the proper programs because they are totally different from a PC, plus other issues like freezing, it froze while she wasdoing notes which meant a lot. I would stay with a PC just because it's easy to use, reliable and usually cheaper.

2007-11-17 15:45:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

PC's everything is cheaper and just as good if not better. Everyone else uses them so you will be in sync with the rest of the world. More programs work. PC's do not crash at all. Mine hasn't crashed in years. They are easy to use and more people can help you with questions. More products available to you.

The only reason you should get a MAC is if you are in school or have a job for graphic arts.

2007-11-17 15:43:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I would go for a Mac. I know it costs more and has lesser support base and a smaller user base than PC. That's where my thrill lies. I will use Linux on it anyway. So, everytime I run into a problem, chances are, I might be the first to have discovered that problem! And, if I know my hardware well, I have a good chance of fixing it myself and showing it off to others and sharing the fix with the Linux community. In a way, this earns a lot more reputation than you would get otherwise.

Perhaps for the thrill of using an entirely new system, I'll keep Mac OS on a partition but Linux will remain my main OS.

2007-11-17 17:06:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I would say that it depends on what you want to do with it. if you are into graphic design then i would say that you should probably go with a mac. If you want a computer for gaming then you should definitely get a pc as you get better performance from your hardware on a pc than on a mac for playing games. Plus windows supports directx an that is a must for gaming. If you want it for everyday things, such as surfing the web, listening to music, watching videos, then it doesn't really matter which one you get. PC are less expensive than mac's for the same hardware and with pc's you can always upgrade them. It all really comes down to what you want to do with the computer.

2007-11-17 16:11:58 · answer #10 · answered by Nomad 2 · 1 0

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