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Parents in Maryland were threatened with JAIL TIME because they were making medical decisions for their children. It shouldn't matter how you stand on the vaccination issue...this is a direct assault on parents making INFORMED medical decisions for their children!


From the article:

Many of them complained that their children already were properly immunized but the school system had misplaced the records. They said efforts to get the paperwork straightened out had been futile.

"It was very intimidating," Territa Wooden of Largo said of the letter. She said she presented the paperwork at the courthouse Saturday and resolved the matter.

2007-11-17 15:21:52 · 12 answers · asked by Fedup Veteran 6 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

"I could be home asleep. My son had his shots," said Veinell Dickens of Upper Marlboro, who also blamed errant paperwork.

Aloma Martin of Fort Washington brought her children, Delontay and Taron, in 10th and 6th grade, for their hepatitis shots. She said she had been trying to get the vaccinations for more than a month, since the school system sent a warning letter. She had an appointment for Monday, but came to the courthouse to be safe.

"It was very heavy handed," she said of the county's action. "From that letter, it sounded like they were going to start putting us in jail."

School officials deemed the court action a success. School system spokesman John White said the number of children lacking vaccinations dropped from 2,300 at the time the judge sent the letter to about 1,100 Friday.

2007-11-17 15:23:25 · update #1

CarlP...Is autism an epidemic or not? Read Kennedy's article about how Big Pharma is guilty. He is a environmentalist lawyer and knows what he is talking about.

Plus, did YOU read the article? Most of those kids ALREADY HAD the shots, their records were lost thanks to the school!

2007-11-17 16:38:12 · update #2

12 answers

Big Brother at it again. I agree, things will get much worse if Clinton gets into office. It's bad enough now. We have children as young as 11 being given birth control pills and abortions without parental consent or knowledge. We have doctors being required to ask CHILDREN what their parents do in the confines of their home (do the parents drink? own a gun? smoke? ) and recording that information in the kids records during their medical exams. We have schools banning tag and other similar games because (God forbid) the children actually TOUCH each other. It's time for us to put a stop to the nanny state NOW.

I had heard the reports on the news about this story. I heard the numbers and my thoughts were "wow, that's an awful lot of kids without immunizations!" I didn't realize that the SCHOOL LOST many of the records. Jeez, and I thought my daughters college was unorganized. I hope that the parents that had already had their kids immunized made a big stink at the courthouse when they showed proof. Now, if that proof was dated within the time frame of the warning..... then the parents were lying. If that had happened to me all I would have had to do was call my kids' Dr and ask for a new copy of the immunization form and hand it to the school personally, informing them NOT to lose it this time.

BTW, if you are effectively immunized against a disease, you won't get it. This means that if someone in the school isn't immunized against, say... diphtheria, and gets it, that child isn't going to be a danger to anyone other than whoever else may not be immunized against the disease.

2007-11-17 17:31:40 · answer #1 · answered by Lev8mysoul 6 · 3 2

gomanyes562... "When one child isn't vaccinated and gets a disease, the entire school suffers."

That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read in my entire life!!! A non-vaccinated kid gets a disease everyone else was vaccinated against... and that affects the ones who were vaccinated (protected) against the disease ? HOW???

There is no law! Where there is no law... there is certainly no need to sign a waiver to avoid being punished for breaking the law!

We're losing our freedom. The borders aren't even being defended against invasion. We've been robbed blind financially. We get weekly reports on the news about how the "Bird Flu" is doing on it's mutation to infect humans... BIZARRE!!! All this while chemtrails are being sprayed overhead and autism and cancer rates are increasing exponentially...

It's always been that way though. There's a class that dominates, robs and kills everyone else that's too lazy and stupid to care.... while they do what they're told and recite the ridiculous propaganda they've "learned" like... ""When one child isn't vaccinated and gets a disease, the entire school suffers." They simply don't care and that's that. If you ask one of the "elite" candidly how they can justify what they do... that's exactly what they'll tell you. Nobody's putting up a fight. They're actually walking around talking about how Americans shouldn't be afraid to "compete" with SLAVES for a job!!! LOL LOL LOL

Do you recite that harmless, little nursery rhyme too gomanyes562? Bet you do. Watch the dollar...

2007-11-17 17:34:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

First of all there is no law stating that children have to be immunized. There are many religions that do not allow it. There are many informed parents that do not have it done. As for the judge threatening to throw them in jail. They would have had one hell of a law suit. Texas pulled this crap with my niece. They make all girls in Texas get the new cervical cancer vaccination. Well low an behold. There have been 15 deaths and over 10,000 medical complaints regarding this vaccination to date. There are serious medical side effects from taking this vaccine. Needless to say Texas schools are getting their butts sued right about now.
The following is from the CDC: As you can see it says requirements. All the parents have to do is request an exclusion form from the state
Each state has immunization requirements, sometimes called "school laws," that must be met before a child may enter school. These may include vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus (lockjaw), Haemophilus influenzae type b, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and hepatitis B. Some states have added varicella (chicken pox) vaccination to the list of required vaccines. Smallpox vaccination was once required, but the disease has been so successfully eradicated that this vaccination is no longer needed.

2007-11-17 15:28:26 · answer #3 · answered by D and G Gifts Etc 6 · 3 3

"What happened to our country where PARENTS could make the choices about their children's health care?"

I see you decided not to include this part>>>>>

"Maryland, like all states, requires children to be immunized against several childhood illnesses including polio, mumps and measles. In recent years, it also has required that students up to high school age be vaccinated against hepatitis B and chicken pox."

When "parents" keep their sick kids home, this would not be a real big issue. Polio was all but eliminated due to required shots. I lost my hearing on one side because someone with German Measles decided to roam in public in the workplace.
Taking care of the public is in fact the job of the State government health services and the school dept.

Parents as a rule do not make informed decisions they hear part truths on TV and from friends then panic. And yes the local States have made stupid decisions in the past. But if you do not like the law of the region then move. Do not threaten to infect the public with your sick kids.


You only read what you want to see.

If the kids had their shots the doctors office would still have a copy even if the school dept lost it. Then the kids would not need to get a "second" shot because the doctor would not give it to them. A lot of parent lie because they are not willing to do what is best for the public.

2007-11-17 15:41:29 · answer #4 · answered by Carl P 7 · 1 3

It's not a question of their children's health care, it's a question of the health of every single other child in the school. When one child isn't vaccinated and gets a disease, the entire school suffers. So it is very much a public issue.

And if you read the article correctly, you will see that the parents were given the opportunity to give religious or medical excuses to avoid the vaccine. The only purpose of this publicity stunt was to target apathetic parents that just weren't doing anything, not the parents that had made an informed decision.

2007-11-17 16:00:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Know the cause, comes on everyday and is hosted by Mr. Doug Coffman. He is an ex Nam vet and he is against them and has ton of info. He has a site know the cause.com, check and see if you can get his program. Very interesting. Could be a reason the doctors didn't want their children shot up. Take care.

2007-11-17 19:21:47 · answer #6 · answered by R J 7 · 2 0

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Ben Franklin
Carl P. many of us "panic" stricken parents don't have TV and are doctors. Our pediatrician didn't vaccinate his 7 kids either, and neither did the ER physician down the road with 5 kids.
This was meant to be intimidating, and is what is going to keep happening if we continue to let the federal government bully us into all sorts of things "for homeland security" or whatever the excuse of the moment is.
Please wake up before it is too late.

2007-11-17 17:33:41 · answer #7 · answered by sas 3 · 3 2

that would be one of the reasons, my children went to a private school, the govt. dose not run me or my children, when it comes to health care. I was almost affraid at my last place of employment. that they would force me to have a flu shot. I don't do shot's that are put on by the govt........ I hope my health ins. co. dosen't start telling me what I have to have!!!! or that they will drop my coverage!!!!!!. the school system needs to stay out of the business of parenting. I suppose they are in a state of panic now, over health care. since they started letting just anyone into our country!!!!!

2007-11-18 10:54:33 · answer #8 · answered by poopsie 5 · 2 1

Hillary says it takes a village, and Hillary is always right even when she disagrees with herself. Parents should know better than to try to take care of their own kids

2007-11-18 02:20:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I guess government officials who have a mind of a child make decisions in favor of children of suffer from the child dictator syndrome.

2007-11-17 19:31:38 · answer #10 · answered by Avner Eliyahu R 6 · 2 1

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