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Do you agree or disagree with Hilary Clinton's Health plan propossal , and why?

2007-11-17 15:14:23 · 21 answers · asked by SKY 3 in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

I agree that we should have Health Care for every United States citizen. Every citizen pays taxes, and therefore should be covered.

Some companies to not offer Health Care to its employees due to the cost, I think the government should offer Health Care in these situations.

But I think Hillary Clinton needs to be very careful when dealing with Insurance Companies because they are very corrupt.

Once her plan becomes law, there should be a Congressional Oversight to ensure that the Insurance Companies are not double billing the government or overcharging for their services. If possible I she should eliminate the Insurance Companies out of the equation, instead issue a government health card, and have the doctors bill their services directly to the government. Again we need to be careful about doctors over billing for their services.

2007-11-17 15:25:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Universal health insurance is the only way to deal with a nation wide problem. Some people may not like the idea of a non-profit federal insurance corporation that insures everyone....they have a strange idea that the 'government' is going to own all the hospitals and put the doctors on the federal payroll. INSURANCE does neither of those things. It simply creates a pool of people that share the same risk. The current health insurance industry simply can't do this job...way too much overhead and a built in business plan that MUST exclude anyone in danger of getting sick. If people are excluded from paying in, then all those that do pay in must be charged for those that don't. Nobody thinks that's a good idea. A UNIVERSAL SINGLE PAYER HEALTH INSURANCE plan would eliminate Medicare and all of the seperate medicade programs...in the end everyone would pay, but everyone would pay less for an expense that at some poiint WILL effect everyone. I wish people wouldn't try to distort this common sense and long overdue idea by characterizing it as something that its not. It's HEALTH CARE, it's HEALTH INSURANCE.

2007-11-17 15:31:28 · answer #2 · answered by Noah H 7 · 1 0

Can't be worse??? Check out the VA system, Canada's system, and Britain's system if you don't think it can be worse. I come into the VA hospital with abdominal cramps, vomiting, and a tempature. They tell me that I can get a doctor appointment in two weeks. I survived and after three months it was determined that I probably had appendicitis. Here it is five months later and I still have my appendix.
Hillary wants to FORCE people to sign on to her health care program which doesn't even exist on paper if you listen to her. It is merely an outline but she wants to make it mandatory. That is raw government force. Once you are in thraul to the government then they can determine if you merit health care just like their doing in Britian, Canada, and Australia. A smoker in England is denied treatment for his broken foot because he smokes. He's suing. A woman with a large cyst in her stomach denied because she is overweight and old.
Let Hillary run for governor of some state and then she can experiment first.

2007-11-17 15:37:37 · answer #3 · answered by cat lady 1 · 1 0

Strongly disagree.

1) We're too dependent on incompetent government programs already.

2) If universal health care is so desirable, why do Canadians routinely come across the border for care (or die waiting)?

Something drastic needs to be done with our health care. *Our "zero sum" insurance industry needs reform.
*Our pharmacutical companies weild way too much clout in Washington.

We're constantly being fleeced! This IMHO is the biggest reason we're not able to compete globally in many middle class professions especially manufacturing. And it's only getting worse, and Hillary's plan is a giant step in the wrong direction.

2007-11-17 17:33:24 · answer #4 · answered by doug4jets 7 · 0 1

Disagree, no matter how good it may seem on the surface socialized medicine doesn't work. Look at it this way, who pays the hospitals, doctors, nurses and other health care workers, the government? Where do they get the money? Taxpayers via increased taxes! See nothing is free, no free lunches, no free rides. Someone pays and it is always the tax payer. Name one thing the government runs efficiently? I can't think of a single thing. Anytime government runs something it costs twice as much and is half as effective.

2007-11-17 15:22:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My Fellow Americans... People .. People, PLEASE WAKE UP.!! This and Other "Issues" are of Little or NO Importance.!! Have You Not Done Your INDEPENDENT RESEARCH about these so called Candidates?? Bill and Hilary are MEMBERS of BILDERBERG.!! Do You Realize what that Means.?? Well as Sure as Non-Stick Cookware, you Surely had Better Find Out.!! Except for (GOD Willing) Congressan Dr. Ron Paul,(also Possibly Kucinich, Gravel) are the ONLY Candidates who Are Not BOUGHT, Paid For, Controlled-Working For RULERS of this Planet. All these Others, the Most Obvious PUPPET is Rudy"TheSewerRat" Ghouliani. The '08 Elections Have Already Been Mapped Out by The Powers To Be.. i.e. The ILLUMINATI-New World Order, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones Society(Pres.Bush a 3rd Generation MEMBER of this SATANIC CULT) The REAL Enemies of America, and Our Constitution are Right Here in U.S. Govt. > AIPAC, PNAC, FEMA, NAU, ALL Members of these ANTI-American groups are ZIONISTS-- ELITISTS-- SATANIC--Monsters.!! PLEASE Access the 2 Links Below. the 1st about Zionist-Rule. The 2nd Link, about Pre-Determined Elections. http://www.the7thfire.com/9-11/clues_to_the_murderers_behind_9-11.htm

2007-11-17 15:54:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Disagree. I've seen what a mess the vets go through (my grandfather dealt with them for years before his passing). I've seen the taxation rates in countries that have universal plans. Plus, I prefer to have a free choice of what plans or coverages or doctors my family needs. I prefer to be able to shop around, and not have something as important as my own personal health regulated by the government. Lots of people come to the U.S. for elective surgeries, because the waits can be very long in countries with national plans. No thanks, the government controls too much as it is.

2007-11-17 15:22:17 · answer #7 · answered by steddy voter 6 · 0 1

Something would be better than nothing. We the people of the USA pay the most for pharmaceuticals and medical care.
Drug companies will sell or give to other country's only because they make so much off of us. (tax purpose's) Our older citizens have to buy supplemental insurance because medicare won't cover the high cost drugs.

2007-11-17 15:35:24 · answer #8 · answered by ifixit54 2 · 1 0

Disagree , Hilary is 100% for giving health care to illegals .
I for one don't want to pay for free health care for someone that breaks our laws and then will get free , what we can't afford to give our children and senior citizens .
She has never said that she will close the borders first , before anything else . Why is that ???
Maybe because LaRaza backs her 100% .

2007-11-17 15:29:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The insurance companies sure do agree, I just wanna know who's gonna pay for the sewer system to dispose of all the saliva that's gonna start flowing from the mouths of the CEO's of these insurance companies knowing there going to get some nicely negotiated government contracts to cover all of Hillary's 'people.'

2007-11-17 15:24:17 · answer #10 · answered by Nicholas A 2 · 0 1

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