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Anti-feminists and misogynists: Do you think you can change anything in the Internet? Or are you here just for something you find "funny"
Feminists, what is the objective of wasting time here, are we going to change anything???????????????????? (in here ;-)
Others, it is just for fun?

Just curious

2007-11-17 14:49:36 · 31 answers · asked by Flyinghorse 6 in Social Science Gender Studies

31 answers

i'm interested in learning new things - when people bring interesting questions up- and hearing other opinions (not necessarily hateful ones). Also, to see how today's feminists feel.

I've been sorely disappointed though. The amount of ridiculous & degrading questions is one thing. When they get answered by apparently sane people, well that's quite another.

The hateful comments and personal attacks, another sore point.

The paranoia - I've been accused of being 3 people and have been blocked. Well, I'm just too old for that immature highschool crap.

The interesting posts are far and few, so I'll be limiting my time here. I regret it b/c I think this has the ability to be an interesting and diverse forum.

I also regret that so many people spread lies and myths here - these people aren't just here, they're other places on the Web (and they're in "real life" spreading their lies in newspapers and lobbying politicians). Unfortunately, they're presence on the Web probably outnumbers (or outwears) some sane people who could be counteracting their lies - and I do think that's needed. Some people just think some of these guys are entertaining - I"ve been told that before. Then I did some research - and found out that these guys are actually organized and making inroads into setting back gains won by women. It deeply affects me that gains made in domestic violence and rape are under attack. Myths abound and even intelligent people are starting to believe them. Myths abound in divorce and custody and judges are being pushed into giving joint custody -even to batterers. Women are under attack for being liars, malicious moms, etc. - and apparently, that's okay to many of today's feminists. I think we're going backwards - this was mom's or grandmom's generation who took this w/o a fight, who were passive.

I think this forum is over-run by the so-called "trolls".
and people let them.
it's sad.

2007-11-18 02:14:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I learn more here then I do in any other section of YA. There are some well informed, well read, and well educated contributors in this section. I am able to apply what I learn here to real life situations and I have also been able to acquire a good reading lists on gender subjects.

I believe that we can learn things from each others and pass them on to our children or other youth. In that way you can change things for the better.

Can the feminists change anything in here? Yes. More than you think. Some guys and gals do visit in here from time to time out of curosity and they learn from the information posted by the regulars. Can you change the trolls? It's not that likely. It's hard to change a closed mind but its always possible to enhance one that is half opened or wholly opened.

2007-11-19 00:25:13 · answer #2 · answered by Standing Stone 6 · 3 0

It depends on my mood as to how and what I answer, but I guess the reason I keep coming back is that I do feel as though that maybe things or opinions could change.

It's all about perspective and some people on here have opened my eyes to see outside what I think.

My hope is that I have returned the favor.

Although I sometimes do have a lot of fun being silly and sarcastic.

2007-11-17 15:14:56 · answer #3 · answered by Done 6 · 3 0

You know, I had a pretty crumby day at work today and a pretty crumby day overall. But there's something about Yahoo Answers that lets you get that all out of your head for an hour.

I don't know what my excuse is on other days.

Adds: I'm shadowboxing and doing push-ups in between wry comments to get my frustration out. So it's not all wasted time. I'm getting my daily exercise in as well.

Adds: And I'm listening to some Wu Tang Clan in the background, so it's a grand time, all-in all!

Adds: TeeLeeCee--I gave you a big thumbs down for the self-insults. I think you're awesome.

2007-11-17 15:09:00 · answer #4 · answered by Steve-O 5 · 9 0

I'm a closet wannabe-Faulknerian; I go where the sentences rumble as the distant thunder, or as infinitely long trains bearing their ponderous freight of pungent phrases, somehow the froth that floats above so many bitter cups of poison distilled of unsavory experience left unspoken; I study with patience the keyboard fruit that fills the screen with thought, and half-a-thought, and sometimes less for a time; and then I write one.

It's fun.

2007-11-20 10:29:58 · answer #5 · answered by skumpfsklub 6 · 1 0

I first came here to talk about gender issues and, in general, connect with different people of different backgrounds. Plus it was a fun way to relax for a while without _completely_ turning off your brain.

Yesterday was my first time here in a few months- mainly because my new job doesn't allow for a lot of free time, and what time I had I preferred to spend with other pursuits. But I just came back pretty much to see how things are doing around these parts.

2007-11-18 00:52:55 · answer #6 · answered by koreaguy12 6 · 4 1

I hope to have some fun, first of all. I am usually impressed by some of the thoughtful, interesting ideas people bring up. I'm usually disappointed in many of them, though. People happily spread the most annoying myths, which gets a little tiresome.

JonMcn - "Mother Nature" by Sarah Blaffer-Hrdy is my #1 favorite anthropology/socio-biology book of all time. I first read it in high school, and it later influenced my choice of major in college. It should be required reading in women's sudies courses!

2007-11-18 03:45:12 · answer #7 · answered by Junie 6 · 3 1

I have fun here...I don't expect to change anything, maybe just give some (reasonable) people something to think about, like a lot of people have done for me. But mostly it's just fun.

2007-11-17 15:49:17 · answer #8 · answered by wendy g 7 · 7 0

Because I'm a sucker for punishment. Wandered in here by accident and the chair was cozy, yet have to pay the price everyday by losing whatever dignity I ever had.

2007-11-18 00:11:02 · answer #9 · answered by Shivers 6 · 4 0

well, honestly, i really don't care about feminism, anti-feminism, masculism, or any of that stuff. i just ask questions here because a lot of the women here are open about their sexuality so it's a good place to learn more about the things i'm curious about.

also, i've grown to like a lot of the women here. a lot of them are pretty nice and helpful.

and not to mention, there aren't as many posts so your question doesn't get moved down as quickly...

2007-11-17 17:42:24 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 8 0

fedest.com, questions and answers