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I am sure it would not be hard to find some real scientists to carry with them on one of their "investigations". most professors don't make that much, and would welcome the extra money, and I think they would do it out of interest.

I have noticed that a lot of the "phenomena" that they use to declare a place haunted, to me can be explained in other ways, other than a extraordinary one.

I think it would be great to have 3-4 real scientists, physicists, etc. with them on one of their live shows. I would like to see the scientists reactions to some of the phenomena that they observe.

Looks like if we are really searching for the truth, that this would be a good idea.

Or would it just destroy the show.

2007-11-17 14:12:54 · 19 answers · asked by madcat 5 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

19 answers

Okay, I am a true believer and a ghost hunter and paranormal investigator. I have never seen the show because I only get one channel, but the answer to your question is it would destroy the show.

I have even heard ghost hunters say critical and negative things about the show.

2007-11-18 11:10:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Oh defiantly yes they would. Any legitimate investigator would welcome a Scientist.
Of course a scientific professor would be doing this on their own will, without expectancy of payment. Most paranormal investigative societies do not get paid to go out and investigate a site. If they do want money to investigate, then I would be wary of them. I have run into a "so called" group like that.
Most of the stuff they see during an investigation, you don't see when it is on TV.
No, it wouldn't destroy a show to have one with them, it would help clarify to the validity of a paranormal haunting.

There are SEVERAL societies that offer help in learning.

I believe it should be a study, then people would be More educated to the scientific way of doing things.

2007-11-18 03:37:15 · answer #2 · answered by 2 makes 1 4 · 1 0

I think that carrying a "scientist" would lend some credibility but destroy the spook value of the show. I think the ghoshunters go in with a skeptical enough view of the paranormal to be objective. Yes there are logical and scientific reasons not to be spooked by paranormal phenomenom, but that wouldn't be fun!

Just because a person is a scientist doesn't mean they can explain everything or they would be objective, for a reasonable price anyone would leap at the chance for some face time on television and showboat... just look at sports analyst on ESPN.

I think if someone would want to discredit the show they could - but if they couldn't explain away certain things then that would lend major credibility in the paranormal - not in the best interest of the skeptical community.

2007-11-18 03:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by bronxgraffitiart 3 · 1 2

If there were legitimate investigators along there wouldn't be any hauntings and therefore there wouldn't be a show. Ever notice how boring a show is when there is nothing unusual noted? It's unlikely the skeptics would be given a fair shake anyway, because, you know, the real world just doesn't make good TV.

2007-11-21 05:35:23 · answer #4 · answered by Peter D 7 · 0 0

i think of that carrying a "scientist" would lend some credibility yet wreck the spook fee of the coach. i think of the ghoshunters flow in with a skeptical adequate view of the mystical to be purpose. sure there are logical and medical reasons to no longer be spooked by applying paranormal phenomenom, yet that would not be relaxing! in basic terms because of the fact a individual is a scientist does no longer mean they might clarify each and every thing or they could be purpose, for a clever cost all of us would bounce on the prospect for some face time on television and showboat... in basic terms seem at activities analyst on ESPN. i think of if somebody would prefer to discredit the coach they might - yet while they could no longer clarify away specific issues then that would lend important credibility interior the mystical - no longer interior the main suitable interest of the skeptical community.

2016-10-17 03:30:38 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Whether they would consider it or not, I think it would be a good idea. I've seen the show a couple times and I have to say I'm skeptical about their proof of paranormal activities. I'm not saying that there is no such thing as paranormal phenomena. It's just that the show seems too theatrical to be real in my opinion.

2007-11-18 18:54:00 · answer #6 · answered by Amber K 6 · 1 0

It would be great to have "Real Scientists" along for the investigations.
How ever you have a couple things a little bit off.
1) A Professor, as in College Professor makes a damn good paycheck ! They are not hurting for money at all....

2) Honest Ghost researchers do not charge for the investigations, there fore could not pay anyone to go along.
The shady outfits do charge and they are going to find something no matter what. They want a repeat visit with extra charges attached to it.

Now if you can find any "REAL SCIENTISTS" that are willing to do this for free then you may have what you are asking for.

I have never heard of any group turning down the opportunity to have professional verification.

2007-11-17 14:35:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

This would actually be up to the Sci-Fi channel since they are signing the checks. I think it would change to show IF the scientist weren't willing to take a back seat in the investigations. Currently two professional plumbers are getting to be stars and they wouldn't want to be upstaged.
Professors make OK livings depending on where they teach but certainly are not as highly paid as high level executives in corporate America.

I agree that the criteria they use (and procedures) could be greatly improved but the question is can you do this without lowering the ratings or audience?

There are many real scientist already working on unusual phenomena several of which are full members of the Parapsychological Association (link below). Most of the members hold PhD or other doctoral level degrees in mainstream fields of science and many have won awards for their contributions to the advancement of science in their field.
The issue is that most scientist want to work in laboratories with controlled environments and haven't worked in the field since 1930 when J.B. Rhine helped establish Parapsychology as an experimental science and researchers ran from the field and retreated indoors.

It would be a good idea if the scientist was searching for the truth, the problem is that scientist are not non biased and belief systems play a large part in interpreting and accepting results. Many shows do offer a scientist from both sides (skeptic and believer) and this might be a way to get balance. Now getting those two to work together is a huge challenge.

2007-11-17 17:00:28 · answer #8 · answered by psiexploration 7 · 0 6

I don't think any "ghost hunter" would want a real scientist or even an observant skeptic along on one of their escapades. Especially if they are on TV. If they asked me along, I'd show so many holes and stupid errors and con jobs that even the Discovery Channel and the History Channel would be embarrassed to air it. Well, no, now that I think about it. They would air anything.

I should add that several scientists and noted scholars over the years have been caught up in superstitious nonsense. Crookes and Wallace with Spiritualism, Targ and Puthoff with psychics, and John Mack with alien abductions. They were all wrong, though, and invariably depended on their own personal judgments and excused themselves from the proper process of inquiry and replication. Far too often scientists are the easiest to fool because they are too eager to become famous and because they are arrogant enough to assume that people wouldn't dare try to con them. I was actually present once, to watch this happen. The physicist was laboring over how the claim could be true and the patent attorney immediately saw it for the bunk that it was. (A guy claimed he had built a small fusion reactor, but all he had was his drawings for this meeting.)
No, unfortunately it takes people who think like Houdini or James Randi to spot the fraud or stupidity. All it takes is an observant person who isn't willing to be bamboozled. Remember, scientists are used to working with a world that doesn't cheat or lie.

2007-11-17 14:59:59 · answer #9 · answered by Brant 7 · 3 5

Recently parapsychologist Ciaran O'Keefe exposed the program Most Haunted (Travel Channel, a British show). He told of all the foot stamping and showmanship in the show. After asking my own paranormal question, being as it is in the science and math section, I suspect that the ghost hunters would be nervous having everything debunked, the scientists meanwhile would keep their minds closed to anything out with their numbers and figures mentality.

2007-11-17 16:06:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

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