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You hate him going into war with Iraq well what else were we supposed to do. So alot of great presidents went to war. Our country is in dept and it was before he went into office. And Iraq will not get better if we pull out they will just come right back here and hit us again, but it would be worse WHEN they do it again.

2007-11-17 13:32:53 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

They hate Bush because, they see him as the person that put the country in the war, they ignore the fact that almost everybody supported the war when it started, now just magically everybody likes to pretend they were anti-war from the start. Come to think of it, maybe Hillary Clinton is a good candidate for these folk. Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about the war, but I'll tell you right now I supported it from the beginning, some other people need to be a little more honest with themselves.

2007-11-17 13:45:39 · answer #1 · answered by scorch_22 6 · 0 2

I just can't understand how anyone can support this Jack@ss.... I mean, yeah, we went to war with Iraq...and you "What else were we suppose to do"......How about track down the motherF**kers who actually attacked us....I don't remember hearing anything about the 9/11 attackers being Iraqi...Do you???? And where the hell is Bin Laden, ask Bush that...and he will tell you that he doesn't care, nor does he think about it....This is the type of sh*t that causes people to hate their president, when they not only take action against those that attack, but manipulate you into a war with a country that had no threat of attack and had nothing to do with the attack....So, how many times has the reason for war in Iraq changed...I can count at least 5 to 6 different reasons.....Do you even know now why we are there....Not to mention the incredible waste of money.....Bush and his government can not account for Billions of dollars...and you are wrong, we did not have this kind of debt before Bush...get your facts straight....
And don't get me started on the Hurricane Katrina....That was the camel that broke the people's backs..."Browny, you're doing a heck of job"....F**king idiots....left those people to die.... Need some more???? How can you still support this criminal???

2007-11-17 13:48:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

First of all what do you mean by "what were we supposed to do"? about what? They didn't do anything to us. Obviously you are lead to believe that they had something to do with 9/11 considering your mislead "hit us again" argument.

It's "debt"...not "dept"...and that's true...we were. So his brilliant plan to spend billions of dollars on blowing up other countries unprovoked (Not including 9/11, a response I support)...rather than spending money on the environment and education of our own country...was this a good idea.

Other presidents have gone to war. The Civil War was provoked and needed to stop slavery. Before the time of presidents, we won the revolutionary war...a wholly unneeded but good war...we were attacked in WWII and fought back and helped saved the world with the gracious help of other countries. They all went to war with reasons, backed up by fact, that lead to good outcomes and no occupations. Here we have an unprovoked war with a country that was doing better then than it is now. They are in a big mess right now because we are attempting to force a form of government, a style of life that they can't use. Democracy isn't for everyone. Neither is Socialism or tyranny...but it isn't our job to decide how another country should be run. The only way Bush could see getting his hands on alot of money and oil in Iraq was by destroying their lives and controlling it. They don't care about their freedoms or leaving...they've got what they want. Bush is a tyrant and must be stopped.

2007-11-17 13:45:35 · answer #3 · answered by Jorge Longfellow 1 · 3 0

Not all people who disagree with President Bush's policies hate him.

I'm sure there are some who hate him, as all presidents have those who hate them, but just because someone disagrees with a president's policies does not in and of itself constitute hate for the president.

Yes, other presidents have taken the country to war, but that is not the point. The reasons behind going to war is the issue.

Some believe and trust President Bush's judgment and others don't. That's what makes America unique in that we don't all have to think the same way.

I don't agree with President Bush most of the time, and I will be glad when he is out of office, but that is because I think someone else can do a better more competent job than him, not because I hate him.

I don't care if a Republican or Democrat is our next president, as long as whoever gets the office is wise, competent, and knowledgeable, and can help to change the discourse about domestic and foreign issues in a constructive, positive, respectful way.

I'm tired of all of the liberal and conservative bashing.
I have some friends who are liberal and some who are conservative and some who could not care less. We don't always agree on issues, but we remain friends who respectfully disagree, and we are able to at least understand each others point of view.

Sure wish the rest of the country could be more like me and my crazy friends.

2007-11-17 14:00:23 · answer #4 · answered by Seldom Seen 4 · 3 0

Patriot I would like to let you know with all due respect that the reason why I think George Bush is the worst President (besides Clinton) we've ever had is due to his immigration policies.

Bush dropped the Southern Border allowing us to become flooded with illegals and anyone else who wants in to do us harm and as a result Americans have had to suffer because of it.
Personally I have never heard of a President who leaves the back door wide open so our enemy's can enter while we're at war.
A smart President would have shut the borders up tight and made sure that the only people who get in are supposed to get in.
But not Bush he wants anyone and everyone who wants in to gain easy access into the United States so they can commit crimes and flood us with drugs.
It seems he sympathizes with people from other countries more than his own people who voted him into office and so much so that he even allowed the President of Mexico to tour America so he could encourage the illegals here to fight for amnesty and he let him know where our border patrol agents were located so the illegals would know how to enter without getting caught.
He called our border patrol agents anarchists and made himself along with the American people look like fools.
George Bush is so stupid in fact that while visiting his dear sweet drug lord friend 'Vincente Fox' in Mexico he packaged some oranges and said that was the best experience he's had since becoming President.

Many Americans have suffered because of Bush due to his immigration policies especially those who live close to the border separating us from Mexico.
And by the way where's that fence we voted for that they're supposed to build?
I live in California and it's so bad here that unless you speak Spanish it's almost impossible to get a job or hold one and if you do have a job the illegals that work with you will harass you every minute of every hour because they don't think we belong here.
I believe Mexico has declared war on America and instead of firing bullets at us they are invading us by entering here illegally and having as many children as they possibly can so they become the majority and our President is helping them.

That's why I hate George Bush.

2007-11-17 14:34:06 · answer #5 · answered by Adelaide B 5 · 1 0

The nation wasn't as far into debt as it is now. Bush dramatically increased the pace of the debt. That was AFTER Clinton gave him a balanced budget.
NEWS FLASH !! : Iraq did not attack us on 9/11. Al Qauda did. 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabian.
And if we get hit again it will most likely be because of our invasion of Iraq. That invasion ACTUALLY brought Al Quada into Iraq. Because of our unjustified invasion of Iraq, the world hates us even more. Which in turn increases the chance of a terrorist attack.

2007-11-17 13:48:59 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 4 0

Are you kidding- look what he has accomplished-as a Global leader, GW Bush misunderstood the historical moment, and in just 5 years dangerously undermined America's geopolitical position. In seeking to pursue a policy based on the delusion that "we are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality" (actual quote). Bush endangered America. Europe is now increasingly alienated. Russia and China are both more assertive and in step. Asia is turning away and organizing itself while Japan is considering how to make itself more secure. Latin America is becoming populist and anti-American. The Middle East is fragmenting and on the brink of explosion. The world of Islam is inflamed by rising religious passion and anti-imperialist nationalism's. Throughout the world, public opinion polls show that U.S. policy is widely feared and even despised. By some estimates he has decreased our soft power by 80%.
Oh how the mighty have fallen, and it pains me greatly I assure you..so that is my reason.
And we were in debt before he came in office?-Were you even alive then? We had a $6 trillion dollar surplus when he took office! He spent that and trillions more!
And to those who keep repeating the propoganda about Democrats voting to go to war. War to this date has never been formaly declared on Iraq-hence the illegal war in violation of international and US law- Look it up, there must be formal declaration. Congress voted to give the president authority to use military force to enforce the UN resolutions against Saddam, not invade and take over the country.-big difference

2007-11-17 13:46:30 · answer #7 · answered by Myles D 6 · 6 0

George Bush has in his term in office destroyed what America has stood for for over 200 years, for what millions of Americans have died for, and what we as Americans have cherished with pride; he has destroyed our standing as the most desirable country in the world to live in. With exception of Viet Name America has only gone to war when it was necessary (you may be interested to know that it was another president from Texas who lied to the American people that took us into Viet Nam). We were in debt and America will always be in debt but Bush took over the government when we were in the best financial position we had been in for years and years; we are now in the worst position. Are you aware that we are borrowing money from China and other countries, that the true value of the American dollar has dropped to around 84 cents? There was no reason for us going to war in Iraq. Bush and his staff lied to congress, to the UN and to the American people about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction; there were none, He then said America has to get rid of Hussein as he is a danger to the world; he was captured, tried by his own people and hung,. Is the world, America or Iraq better off; in no way. Iraq was in better shape under Hussein than they have since Bush sent troops there. Bush should have taken his war to Bin Lauden but he wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps and have a fast war he could brag about. And why do you think terrorist will follow our soldiers’ home? With our military deployed and worn to the point it is we are more vulnerable here than we have ever been. The terrorists have a greater chance of success in hitting us now while our military is deployed. I am not sure where you get your information but you are way out in left field! Bush lied to America, he lied to congress to get their backing for his war, he has destroyed Americas good name throughout the world, he has put America so far in debt that your grandkids grandkids will be paying his bills, he has got thousands of our young people killed in a war we should never have been in, and he is not man enough to say he made a mistake, He wants to blame everyone but himself, Chaney and Kinda Sleazy for the problems. Why do people hate George Bush - it would be easier to ask if there is any reason to like him!

2007-11-17 14:17:05 · answer #8 · answered by Dallen B 5 · 4 0

I hate the fact that he is a puppet of the globalists, who intend
to run the entire world under one government. I hate the fact that he illegally invaded two countries. I hate the fact that we
have a President that doesn't understand that theConstitution
IS in fact relevant. I don't hate Bush, it's just that I don't respect him.


2007-11-17 14:10:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

He's the President of the United States. And therefore, the main face of the United States overseas, and the main face of the Republican Party here in the US, so he is a very noticable public figure, and that puts him out there in the public arena and people will have very strong feelings about him.

2007-11-17 13:38:16 · answer #10 · answered by Grey 1 · 2 1

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