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My husband and I were just married about 3 weeks ago. We just got home from our honeymoon. What advice do you have for us so that we can have a happy and successful marriage?

2007-11-17 10:39:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

20 answers

Respect for each other....never undermind and on both parts try not to nag ...nagging is very belittling.

Love each other as if each day were your last
Laugh together, and enjoy each other

Remember this person is the love of your life....but you don't own them.
Have your own friends and he should have his...never disrespect each others friends and try and get to know each others friends...obviously you'll both agree you have great taste.
And last communicate, all major problems should be discussed first and foremost with the person you have chosen for life.

Congratulations to you both...I wish you many years of happiness.

2007-11-17 10:49:12 · answer #1 · answered by Mr.G's wife 5 · 1 0

First off, CONGRATS on the new marriage!

My advice? Communicate, be open to new ideas, and don't stress over the little things. Life is so hectic as it is and if you don't take the time to love your spouse, things will go downhill quickly. Be supportive when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex and hope he's the same. Be open about money issues but don't quarrel when one of you spends more or isn't the greatest with saving.

Spend time away from each other every so often. Don't turn your marriage into, "I'll let him do this" or "He should let me do this". We don't "let" our spouses do anything. We're all grown-ups here. Make sure he has a safe but fun boy's night out and you have your girl's night out.

Don't expect him to understand or get everything. He won't with you. Listen, be patient, and be willing to compromise.

Kiss him when you wake up, walk out the door, come home from work, and go to bed. Say "I love you" as often as you can and mean it. Do something nice for him without expecting anything in return. Take care of your own mind, body, spirit, and he will treat you with respect.

Honestly, I could go on here. I'm a newlywed myself but we've been together nearly seven years, married for two months.

Just ENJOY each other and the bad times will flow as if they were a part of the good times.

2007-11-17 18:48:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Communication (listening as well as delivering -- very important), respect, trust, ability to indulge the other's harmless foibles while knowing when to draw the line and upbraid for excessive folly, always ready with a sincere compliment, able to level a critique with care, able to take a critique or an upbraiding in the manner intended, sharing the chores (or being mostly satisfied with the division thereof), making sure the bills get paid (or the money not squandered), good kissing/snuggling/etc., and at least one should be a good cook.

Finally, recognizing that any relationship sometimes takes work to get past the rougher times, and willing to roll up the sleeves and do that work, unilaterally or together. Know how, and when, to compromise, or negotiate, or just throw in the towel on something that just isn't all that important to you.

2007-11-17 19:07:59 · answer #3 · answered by Chipmaker Authentic 7 · 0 1

Honesty, communication, and the most important thing god and chruch. If you have a chruch you both attend go and listen together and make sure you guys say your prayers together. The honeymoon part is over and now marriage begins, do not forget to always do things special thing together. Congrats and good luck, marriage is work but a something working hard for.

2007-11-18 00:44:47 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Look at it as a journey that you're taking together and not as a thing.

Understand that guys have feelings too, they just don't show them.

Realize that guys can't read your mind and they're not good at innuendo.

Never forget to take the time together to have fun and do silly stuff. If you let it life will run you over and you'll spend all your time paying your bills and taking care of problems.

Understand in advance that there will be times that you don't feel love. There will be times you feel like strangling each other. With that in mind, try to never make big decisions based on how you feel at the moment, but rather base them on what is best over the long run.

Peace & Joy


2007-11-17 18:52:29 · answer #5 · answered by Duck in the woods 4 · 1 0

I think being well matched with each other is very important. Now that you are married, you'll notice his flaws and shortcomings much more easily. If you can ignore most of them or accept them, it will help to avoid a lot of hurt on your part. Don't try to "change" him. Try to remember..... a husband really wants to make his wife happy, even tho at times you may not want to hear that.
This is very important...... get rid of your expectations for him to live up to. (except drinking alcohol, drugs, etc.). Also, no one man can meet all your expectations.
This also is very important..... keep your best girl friend or close relative that you can safely confide in. When you have a need to "talk" something over, go to your best friend or relative. Not your husband. Keep the lines of communication open with him and don't discuss petty, trivia with him, Go to your best friend for "stuff" you wanna talk out. Here's an analogy.... your best friend is the main meal and side dishes but your husband is dessert. Don't wear him down and burn him out with talk, talk, talk and more talk. lol

2007-11-17 18:57:31 · answer #6 · answered by wildflower 7 · 0 1

My sweetie and I are both children of divorce, and therefore high risk. We set ourselves the noble aspiration of gathering all available wisdom to have a sweet rich passionate and sustainable marriage. You are doing the same.

Two great books on the subject are:
His Needs, Her Needs
A Lasting Promise

There are dozens of marital counseling books, but I have found those two to be good. There is also "the five love languages".

2007-11-17 19:05:09 · answer #7 · answered by Curly 6 · 0 0

there are no perfect marriages, every marriage Willl have its ups and downs, there will be disagreements, and sometimes circumstances wil not be always great, but the marriages that last are the couples that make the decision to stay together regardless of their circumstances, the ones who are willing to talk out their troubles, and compromise, the ones who never go outside the marriage bed to seek understanding and love, the ones who are willing to communicate when they are hurt and upset, so it can get worked out before it causes damage. never go to bed angry, don't allow bad treatment, confront it right away before it gets to be a habit. a marriage that includes god works much better than one that doesn't.

2007-11-17 18:51:49 · answer #8 · answered by jude 7 · 0 0

T-R-U-S-T! he needs to trust u and u need to trust him
u both need to work 2 incomes r better than 1!
keep each other happy in bed .... spice things up
keep things real be a good wife and he should b a good husband
congrades by the way!
good luck
if u need to talk or need help ....e-mail me at this addy
or contact me at www.myspace.com/luv_is_my_hate44

2007-11-17 18:58:15 · answer #9 · answered by amber e 1 · 0 0

1) Communication

2) Give and take

3) Knowing when to back down even if your right

4) Make whats important to your spouse importance to you

5) If your going to argue over something make sure the out come is worth it

6) Men never I mean never forget her birthday or your anniversary

7) Always tell them how lucky you are to have them in your life

But who am I to say my wife divorce me after twenty years

All the happiness to the two of you and may your marriage last forever

2007-11-17 19:17:25 · answer #10 · answered by Dr. E 2 · 1 0

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