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my grandma passed away earlier this year, i have no family and fake friends. they dont really care. i feel very alone. i pray to jesus but things are not getting better. i feel i look terrible
i want to just end my life and dissapear as i have nothing to live for. i have a talent in music but im too insecure to make it noticeable. i wish i could have at least one person who cares. please help me

2007-11-17 09:13:06 · 22 answers · asked by Jackebs 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

22 answers

Well dude, I don't know what to say. I don't think you look terrible if that's any help. You definitely need to do something about those clothes though, but that's not you, it's just fabric.

You obviously have an artists sensitive soul and so you expect others to feel as deeply as you do. Sad to say that's not the way people are. In general people are too wrapped up in their own stuff and pretty much everybody is in it for themselves. Sorry, but that's the truth of it. The good part about that is that when others are insensitive to you you Can rest assured that it's not you, that's just how people are.

You like music, so go hang out with some other artists or something. See if you can get together with some guys for a jam session or just go somewhere where you can see or hear some art. Maybe some of it will speak to you. Also, for me going anywhere near water like the beach, or out in the woods helps. Take a pad and paper with you maybe and write some lyrics.

Just a few thoughts. Remember it will pass with time so don't do anything foolish.

Hope this helps some. Ain't much but it's all I got.

2007-11-17 09:24:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ron, firstly, you don't look terrible!! Just watch the news at night and see how many people have it far worse off than you. I know it seems hard sometimes, but we only have 1 life to live and we need to make the most of it. Here is a way for you to look at everything: Right now you feel at your lowest right? So, there is nowhere to go but up!!! Your blessed! You have talents that you recognize firstly! Make the most of them! Go to the mirror and give yourself a big smile. Imagine your grandma smiling down at you and think about how she feels about you. She is still there watching you and supporting you, you just need to have faith in yourself. Write down some ideas about what you want from life, try to think of ways you can start to make your music happen for you. Go to a bar where they're having an open mike night and get up there and show what you've got. There's nothing to lose, the only way is up!!! Maybe you need to move, to change everything in your life and start again? Try to find ways to make yourself happy and start to follow through with them. Also a trip to your local library or bookshop to get some motivating self help books might be in order too. They can work wonders especially when you feel so down. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sending a big smile your way and loads of encouragement too!!!!

2016-05-24 00:22:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I grew up without a family, I met my real mom after I was married then she passed away and I was divorced so I still had no family. You need to find strength inside yourself. You need to find the love you feel for yourself. When you love yourself others will find it easier to love you. Don't do anything drastic like ending your life! There are a lot of people out there that you haven't met that will care about you. I am one of those people click on my avatar and send me an e-mail any time you need to talk I will always answer you. We can become friends in this way. But only if you want to. I am reaching out to you. I have a good heart and would do my best to make you feel that you are a valuable person with a good heart. I know you have a good heart. It shows in your pain. If you didn't have heart you wouldn't be in pain. Send me a message, we will talk. Now there is someone who is there for you. Me. Lets be there for each other. Let me give you moral support.

2007-11-17 09:25:38 · answer #3 · answered by Linda S 6 · 1 0

You do not look terrible, you are a handsome young man with a talent in Music and you need to push yourself to make things happen.
We all feel lonely sometimes and think our friends dont care but they do actually. You WILL feel better about yourself and your life can only get better, so do some searching on the internet and see how you can use your talent to make yourself happier.
Dont give up. Things could change very quickly for you.
Good luck sweetie

PS Ignore Outbackbobs comment about your clothes, they're smart.

2007-11-17 09:32:27 · answer #4 · answered by missBambi 3 · 1 0

This may sound corny, hokey, fake, but its true.

I was in your shoes back in 1997, my last true relative (My grandfather) passed away very suddenly. Suddenly I felt like I had no one, and nothing. No hope. I was on the verge of suicide, and suddenly out of the clear blue I just felt something change.

I shouldn't give up, I couldn't and I wouldn't. I moved to another city where I found friends and a job I enjoyed and a sense of purpose. Sometimes you have to just get away and reset your life when things get bad. I'm not saying 'run away' but make a plan and find a new direction, a new place and a new life for yourself.

And someone cares.


2007-11-17 09:19:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

first of all you are a handsome young man. second of all you should really not look toward suicide because i guarantee you everything will get better, you are just going through a tough time like we all do. Just keep your faith strong, and entertain yourself. do you have any hobbies? why not join the gym or something? many people will let you down through out your life but Jesus will never. Why dont you go to a church around you and find a youth group. there you can find people your age who hopefully will show you real friendship. I hope you overcome this because i know you can, we all can...and you know your grandmother is in a better place, away form any pain she was suffering. God bless.

2007-11-17 09:41:28 · answer #6 · answered by Truth 3 · 0 0

It's common for people to go into depression after losing
a family member they're close to. I've been there.

You say your friends are "fake". I don't know them or you,but
I think it's more likely that they don't understand the extent of
your pain. As human beings we all tend to be self-involved,
it can be hard to understand another's perspective. If your
friends haven't suffered a similar loss they probably just don't
get it.

Don't give up on your friends or yourself. Hang in there,time
will close the wound. You can find better friends if you're not
happy with the ones you have now. You can work to develop
your music. You can find other interests to get outside yourself,even volunteer work. It will give you perspective.
No matter how bad you've got it,other people have it worse,
and you won't have to look far to find them.

Take care,I hope things get better.

2007-11-17 09:31:11 · answer #7 · answered by Alion 7 · 1 0

If that picture is you, you are a very handsome man... You must try to find something that brings you joy. Have you tried going to church? And also, since you are grieving the loss of your grandmother another suggestion. Contact your local hospice organization should be listed in the phone book. Many offer bereavement groups and or counseling. If they do not they may be able to direct you to a place that does. You need to talk with someone who you trust.... Death is the worst part of life, losing someone you love is horrible, but you can and will overcome. Keep her alive in your memories, and be thankful for the time that you did have her in your life. She would not want to see you feeling so lost... God bless****

2007-11-17 09:18:54 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Come on man!! Did you not just ask this question, maybe yesterday? I gave you a really good answer in my own word, anywhoo. I will simplify it for ya..........Life hands you damn lemons, make some stinking lemonade. Tell your friends to get bent, or piss off, and stop all this damn whining!!!! Move on! Killing yourself when you have a fine music talent and can go places, is foolishness. I'm not killing myself and I'm sure my problems outnumber yours by a long shot!!! My best friend in the whole world just got murdered, I'm living on the streets on Tampa, and I'm stuck in this crappy place. I'm 900 miles away from anyone who gives a damn about me......Now TOP THAT! I would live your life anytime, JEEZ, BOY!! Grow the hell up!!

2007-11-17 09:22:32 · answer #9 · answered by Tuck 2 · 0 0

It would be a good idea to enter into counseling. You need to talk to someone and obtain support through this hard time. It is a great loss ... it takes time to feel better after the death of a loved one. But think of this ... I'm sure your grandmother loved you dearly and it would not be her wish for you to end your life. Also, it's quite possible that you may need an anti-depressant to help get you through this. And although you feel really, really bad right now, it will get better with time.

You are a very attractive young man. You do not look terrible. The only thing I do see is that you don't look happy. When we don't feel good about ourselves, we find things about ourselves to pick on and our physical appearance is usually one of those. There is nothing wrong with your appearance.

Make a list of your good qualities. I'm sure you have several. The fact that you're musically inclined is one ... not all people have musical talent. Think really hard on this one ... many people come to find that they have many good qualities. It helps us to understand that each of us is unique and is deserving of happiness.

Many times when we are depressed, volunteering helps to bring us out of it. To give back gives us a sense of belonging. Animal shelters, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens allow us to realize that there are others out there who are in even worse shape than we are. Volunteering for an emergency squad or a fire department (if you have volunteer stations in your area) gives us a sense of accomplishment (by completing the training) as well as the feeling that we are, in fact, needed. In addition, by volunteering your time, you can meet other people who are volunteering their time, thus meeting people who aren't as shallow as your fake friends. If you feel that you are unable to volunteer at this time, make an effort to meet new people ... go to the library, go to church ... get out of the house.

At some point in time, we all feel that we are alone. See if there are any bereavement groups in your area ... these are support groups with others who have recently lost a loved one. When we find people who are going through or have gone through what we are going through, it really helps the grieving process. I'm sure that there are even online support groups ... don't be afraid to reach out for support.

2007-11-17 12:06:52 · answer #10 · answered by Patti 3 · 0 0

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