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16 answers

Followers of the Libertarian ideology regard Ron Paul as a courageous hero whose approach to government would "save" America.

He is an eclectic, adopting positions across party lines when they are consistent with the Libertarian point of view. Only 2 other candidates for President share his perspective on the Iraq War, for example, and they are Democrats.

Since I find the Libertarian ideology entirely repugnant, and feel that the Libertarians have horribly skewed the American political landscape far to the right over the past 30 years, Ron Paul is to me indeed a "crackpot."

As for defending the Constitution, while it is certain Ron Paul would indeed not arrogte the un-Constitutional powers the current President has snatched, he also advocates a quite strict constructionist position inconsistent with the realitiesof running the nation. Here's an example - to some Libertarians, the ONLY function of the government is national defense, and the ONLY justification for collecting or spending taxes is for national defense. This point of view is utterly and patently absurd, both in reading the Constitution as well as in the practical realities of being a nation.

When you examine the Libertarian ideology, it becomes absolutely clear that they ae in fact a proto-Anarchist bunch and entirely fruitcake. Ron Paul's just as much off the track as his supporters.

2007-11-17 23:59:46 · answer #1 · answered by Der Lange 5 · 1 1

Ron Paul is the frontrunner is the 2008 Presidential election.

2007-11-17 21:40:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

He is the only presidential candidate who advocates following the law of America, the Constitution.

Anarchist crackpot, huh? How is supporting the law of America anarchist? Last I checked, supporting the Constitution isn't anarchist, it is upholding your oath of office.

And please explain any crackpot ideas he has in some detail. How are people supposed to respond this style of attack? That is like me saying Hillary or Rudy is a dingbat without backing up why I feel this way, while expecting you to counter the argument.

Edit: These fake attacks are getting just silly now. Explain how in the name of the Creator clicking on a wiki link or an official campaign site would give anyone a virus intentionally. Between this and anarchist crackpot, I don't know which one is worse. You have no real way to attack his positions or record, so you make up stupid, unbelieveable lies and name calling. You people are pathetic, making up these ridiculous attacks without any backing, merit, or sanity, and expecting people to believe them. Any proof of virus planting would be appreciated.

2007-11-17 17:27:18 · answer #3 · answered by bacco l 3 · 8 3

Ron Paul is the Libertarian candidate for President. Unlike, the other candidates he is very dedicated to matters of principal and deeply believes in the Constitution.

Therefore, he has at least one position that each voter hates.

Some examples:
1. Believes the war in Iraq is illegal because only Congress can declare war -- liberal

2. Believes life starts at conception; therefore contraception and abortion should be illegal -- conservative

3. Believes Americans have the right to burn their flag in protest -- constructionist / Yippie!

I personally admire Mr. Paul's adherence to principle and refusal compromise his core be fiefs. But, that's not how you get elected. And I disagree with him on too many issues to support him. But, he seems like he would be a decent guy to live next store to.

2007-11-17 17:59:27 · answer #4 · answered by Citizen1984 6 · 1 7

Personally I think he's better than most of the Democratic and Republican candidates.

2007-11-17 22:12:08 · answer #5 · answered by Liberals love America! 6 · 3 1

Ron Paul and all the dudes who support him enjoy planting viruses on your computers. Don't click on the links.

2007-11-17 17:37:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

far from a crack pot, the people who say that probably watch FOX news and other news stations owned by big corp.

find out for your self on his site and you tube anyone who disagrees with him does not know anything about history, Ron Paul defines conservative, he helped to get Regan elected and is not endorsed by Goldwater Jr. another man who founded the conservative party

2007-11-17 18:17:53 · answer #7 · answered by Boston George 3 · 5 5

Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is a Republican United States Congressman from Lake Jackson, Texas, a physician, and a 2008 U.S. presidential candidate. He has represented Texas's 14th Congressional district (1997–present) and its 22nd district (1976–1977 and 1979–1985) in the U.S. House of Representatives. Paul placed a distant third in the 1988 presidential election, running as the Libertarian nominee while remaining a registered Republican. After his 1961 graduation from Duke University School of Medicine and a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, he became a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon, serving outside the Vietnam War zone.

Philosophically, Paul has been called conservative, Constitutionalist, and libertarian.[2] He advocates non-interventionist foreign policy, having voted against the Iraq War Resolution, but in favor of force against terrorists in Afghanistan. He favors withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nations; supports free trade, rejecting NAFTA as "managed trade"; and opposes amnesty and birthright citizenship for illegal aliens. Having pledged never to raise taxes, he has long advocated ending the federal income tax and reducing government spending by abolishing most federal agencies; he favors hard money and opposes the Federal Reserve. He also opposes the Patriot Act, the federal War on Drugs, and gun control. Paul is strongly pro-life, advocates the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and affirms states' rights to determine the legality of abortion.[3]

During his 2008 presidential campaign, Paul places in the top tier in Republican straw polls, but has substantially lower numbers in landline opinion polls. He has strong Internet support and had the largest one-day online fundraiser in political history.[4] Ron Paul is the top presidential candidate Internet search term as measured by Hitwise, Alexa Internet, and Technorati; he has several times more YouTube subscribers than any other presidential candidate.

2007-11-17 17:18:04 · answer #8 · answered by hardip c 2 · 4 9

Rue Paul's daddy

2007-11-17 17:30:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

A guy that steals money from unknowing peoples bank accounts

2007-11-17 19:51:29 · answer #10 · answered by Dr.NO 3 · 2 4

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