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And if yes, then what if the woman wants to have an abortion but the man says no?

2007-11-17 08:40:59 · 40 answers · asked by Rainn 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

40 answers

I say they do have a say in abortion. If the woman wants to have an abortion, the guy is just a sperm donor that doesn't count for nothing, but when the woman decides to have the baby, suddenly the man becomes a father that has to pay child support.

I remember a couple back in highschool, she got pregnant, and he really wanted his baby, and without even asking him, she had an abortion. That tore him apart. After all, the baby was his as well.

I say it should be negotiated, in case she wants the baby and he doesn't, she keeps the baby. In case he wants the baby and she doesn't, then she is allowed to give up her maternal rights and have the daddy keep the child.

And don't use that "we carry the baby" excuse, it's only 9 months, it's not like you have to carry the child every day of your life.

2007-11-17 08:45:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

I think it depends on different things. It would seem like the man should have a say so, but then again there are times when a woman gets pregnant and isn't sure who the daddy is. I know some woman who get pregnant and are not sure if the daddy is the man that they are with is the daddy! I think that if the woman's life is at risk it should be her choice. I guess if the couple is married, then then that is something that they would discuss and make a decision on as a marred couple. I think that if a woman is pregnant by a boyfriend, or a guy she just sleeps with, then it should be her choice. I think that in those cases a woman would have to consider that her child would be raised primarily by her. I would worry about woman going to extreme measures to get rid of an unwanted baby if a court were to order that her husband could deny an legal abortion. I would also worry that a mother who wanted to abort a child, and was forced by the daddy to have it, may neglect or even hurt the child after it was born.

2007-11-17 08:50:17 · answer #2 · answered by waterlily 4 · 3 2

.I gave this question a lot of thought.. Being that the woman has no guarantee of support, financial, physical, mental; etc., I believe that yes, the woman should have the final say-so, but only after joint discussion of the possible ramifications of the abortion. After considering all alternatives, she should be allowed to do what her conscience dictates. The same holds true in reversal as well, If the man wants her to abort, and she chooses not to, she should be allowed to continue the pregnancy. This by no means is indicative that I approve or disapprove of abortion in general, but that just that the woman should hold the trump card in the said situation.

2007-11-17 09:11:50 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. Kalyfran 5 · 2 0

I believe that a woman has a right to decide any issue that effects her body, but her decision also has an effect on the father. It is the responsibility that when two single people engage in sex, they both have the same responsibility to use birth control. I'm older but in the old days a lot of women got pregnant as a way to trap a man into a commitment. I do not believe that this is the issue, now. I believe that if a woman makes a unilateral decision to have a child, the law should not make the man paid for her decision, That is where I believe that the law, has to even out the playing field in these cases. If she "alone" makes the decision to have the baby .That she needs to prove to the court that she has the capability to raise the child alone.

2016-05-24 00:18:06 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

That's a really tough issue. I should make it clear that I am very much pro-life, but I'm also a realist. Personally, if the woman I were involved with became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion, I'd be devastated. I would try to do everything I could to stop her from killing my child, up to and including asking the courts for help if I had to (probably wouldn't get far). I know that if I were in that position, I'd be perfectly willing and capable of taking care of my child on my own if the mother didn't want to be a part of his/her life. However, not to toot my own horn, I'm a hell of a guy. I don't think I'll ever be in that situation because I don't sleep around, and wouldn't ever be sexually involved with someone that I thought would ever do that to me. I realize that a lot of men aren't like that. Unfortunately there isn't a way to shape the law to allow the good men to have a say in whether their child is allowed to come into this world, while not allowing the deadbeats and worse (rape, incest) to have the same say.
So, I guess the good guys like myself are just going to have to continue to make good choices.

2007-11-17 08:52:50 · answer #5 · answered by UNITool 6 · 1 2

I think that if you have an open, good relationship with the man, it's a good idea to discuss the options with him. It's obviously hard if the two parties disagree, whatever the circumstance. Chances are that if the two disagree vehemently, the issue will cause a lot of trouble and possibly cause a split.

I think it's better to know a man's opinions BEFORE having sex with him. I also think women shouldn't be having unprotected sex unless they are willing to have a baby. It's another story if it was unconsentual or if birth control failed, but I do think the couple should discuss before doing anything.

It is ultimately the woman's decision, however. I do not think that anyone should be able to tell a woman (regardless of age) that she will or will not have an abortion. It is ultimately her decision and she does not have to tell anyone about it if she feels that is best for her.

2007-11-17 11:13:53 · answer #6 · answered by saffrondoula 5 · 1 1

I say yes. So what? We can't help the physical pain women go through to give birth. It's been that way since time began. If the man wants the baby while the woman doesn't and if the man is prepared to take sole responsibility for caring for and raising the child, then what argument is left for the woman to have an abortion? Pure selfishness? Give birth, sign the papers, and you'll never have to see the baby or the father ever again. Get it? Got it? Good.

2007-11-17 08:48:04 · answer #7 · answered by Gabi ng Lagim 7 · 3 4

i'm sure some would say that abortion should be a mutual decision between both the mother and the father; but in all actuality the mother is the only one baring a child for 9 months and giving vaginal birth. The sharing of her body with another human being is totally up to her and no other person, despite how they might make the father feel it's souly her decision, although she can take his opinion into consideration. Woman who are pregnant shouldnt pressure themself with the people around thems opinions its not healthy and its unfair. Too many times guys have left their child with the mother for 18 yrs and neglected their responsibilities as a father. I dont blame woman who are not willing to take that risk. (thats another story)

2007-11-17 08:47:27 · answer #8 · answered by [ x y z ] 3 · 1 3

I'm torn over whether abortion is right or wrong
not because of religion, just based on the right to life.

but to share my opinion......................

absolutely they should have a say!!!! Its their child too.
some people will kill to protect their own children....
I'd kill to protect my STEP child.

BUT ultimately it comes down to the woman.

if the woman says abort, then the man should respect the decision. If he REALLY REALLY wants a baby, maybe he should find someone else who is ready.

and if the girl doesn't want a child, condoms are an EASY CHEAPER and SAFER alternative (plus they protect you from diseases)

I've had this conversation with a girl I was dating once.

She wanted an abortion, and I agreed it might be the best thing for us, but, she also said it was a one time deal. If she was pregnant again she would not abort and even though I wasn't ready, I accepted her opinion, but wasn't ready to face the consiquences.

Ever since then I use condoms Just so I don't have to let someone else make a decision for me. unless of course we talk about it first ......

2007-11-17 09:00:26 · answer #9 · answered by Mercury 2010 7 · 1 2

I say yes but I know I will be totally ridiculed by people when I say this but its not only the womans child. (but yes only the woman goes through the 'process'.)

it seems unfair...
both man and woman have to agree to make a baby, but the woman can terminate the process, with ONLY her decision...

('its my body' thing is a childish perspective IMO, its not like the man wouldnt have the child if he went through the pain)

(I am against abortion unless its medically necessary)

2007-11-17 08:49:36 · answer #10 · answered by mete 5 · 2 2

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