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I have to say after watching Sicko for the first time last night, I have never felt more ashamed to be an American. When United States citizens including some heros that helped with the 911 travesty need to go to Cuba for medical attention because they are denied treatment due to our government being greased by drug and insurance companies, it makes me sick. If you haven't seen it, its a must. Why are we so afraid of our government?

2007-11-17 05:43:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

25 answers

I have had experience with the health care systems in three Commonwealth Countries. Canada, G.B. and New Zealand.
Their "socialized" medicine gives much better care to everybody than any but the politicians get here (and politicians get theirs for free).

I hear Mr. Moores film is quite good. Even incorrigible neocons have admitted (the honest ones) that he made his point and made it well.

You will notice that politicians in the U.S. keep talking about "universal health coverage" not "health care". There is a huge difference. Universal coverage is the same system we have now but with reduced benefits, and tax money is paid to insurance companies. The cost of health care would skyrocket . The only people who would benefit are the insurance monopolies.

Mr. Moore, being a Canadian citizen by birth DOES go there for his health care.

2007-11-17 05:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 6 4

The movie"Sicko" is about people that think they have health insurance. When they need it, they find that they really don't have it because the insurance companies can cancel you at any time. My mother paid for supplemental health insurance for medicare for many years. She developed Alzheimer's, within 14 months of intense medical bills her supplemental insurance company canceled her insurance. My sister & I inquired thru an attorney about what could be done! NOTHING!!! And that is what the movie sicko centers on. As for the documentary" who killed the electric car". My summation was , it was a pact made between the auto & oil industry.When it was first introduced, the battery was the weak part of the whole innovation. An engineer & his wife developed a battery that was fast charging & lasted longer. Their company was bought by big oil & promptly closed. So much for the electric car. In the last 50 years there has been a few carburetors developed that produced fantastic fuel milage. All bought by the auto or oil companies. Gone. Our government ,& their master corporate America ,has much more control then we want to admit! Oh, one more thing. The wealthy, that includes Michael Morre, can buy the very best health care. It is for sale, you know. In fact, a few hospitals have toyed with the idea of have two levels of care. One for the wealthy & one for the slobs like me. True!!

2007-11-17 06:40:53 · answer #2 · answered by peepers98 4 · 5 0

I watched it 4 days ago and cannot stop thinking about it.
While I realize that anyone can make a movie skewed towards or from a certain prospective, in it I believe there must be some truth. Just like Gore's movie, which I procrastinated about seeing for months after it's release, if even half of the content is accurate...Yikes !!!!
'Sicko', did have an upside compared to his other films...it left me with Hope. Typically I find Michel Moore's films to be depressing and cynical, but not 'Sicko".
Especially enjoyed the extra feature's on the DVD, like the interviews with Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Marcia Angell, MD and author of "The Truth About the Drug Companies".
If that doesn't convince you your getting SCREWED by insurance, how about the more human side of it in Moore's interview with Dr. Aleida Guevara. Her words ring truth in showing mercy to your fellow man and the fact that we need each other, like it or not.
That British Man, Tony Benn, I think summed it up best saying (loose quote) to control the masses you must keep them uneducated, fearful, and without hope, and that capitalistic/individualistic societies eventually falter.
Communism, and socialism, aren't perfect either, and the pure democracy only works when everyone participates.
I think it's high time in America we all start participating more, I'm as guilty as the next.

2007-11-17 06:18:39 · answer #3 · answered by J-MaN 4 · 6 0

Michael Moore is a National Hero. I cannot believe he hasn't been killed yet. I think the only thing keeping him alive is the corrupters feeling secure in the knowledge that the average American is too stupid to believe anything he says because Fox News tells them he is a liar. Other nations look at America and their treatment of this man and just shake their heads because it just confirms the fact that Americans are idiots and will believe anything that they are told as long as it brings them money or keeps their tax dollars supporting corruption and wars.

2007-11-17 06:44:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

i watched it and wanted to move to france (always have) but in america we have freedom of choice its what our founding fathers fought 4.we all have the ability to take care of ourselves go to college get a goog job etc. i feel bad for the 911 voulnteeres but they went there knowing they wernt city workers there were imediate risks to their health when i went to clean my flooded new orleans apt i bought resperator masks, they were giving away free paper masks but the goverment also wasnt releasing air quality reports yet i wasnt taking my chances. in france jobs are short rember the riots where "2nd class" youth were outraged because after college they still cant get jobs. they have a mandated 35 hr work week which means that even if your job needs u and u need $ u cant work over time. yeah they provide a nanny for u but i dont want higher taxes so my gov can decide how i might best benifit i'm the best judge of how my money might best work for me.look at the things our gov manages already, drug riddled public schools,overcrowded prisons, FEMA, meidcare is a joke theres a whole crime industy based in ripping medicare off. why should the gov get more control, and more taxes?

2007-11-17 06:07:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

all and sundry who won't be able to work out what a disaster the scientific equipment in this u . s . is in the two. a. has sufficient money so as that they've good scientific. b. has no scientific problems. people who won't be able to work out the genuine plight of the decrease midsection class won't be able to work out the plight of the uninsured. i know a woman who notably much died because of fact she could no longer locate the money for scientific therapy. i'm speaking an hassle-free surgical operation. notably unhappy fact on the country of wealth. i will definetly watch the clip. thank you. If somebody is making people mad then you definately know he's making them look in the reflect and that they do unlike what they see.

2016-12-16 11:30:41 · answer #6 · answered by kinnu 4 · 0 0

Good question.
Theres a million different answers why but here's mine. In our country, people that try to really band people together get killed (Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, etc.). Revolutionaries seem to be the only ones that understand that until people have real control over their government, we can ONLY live in fear of what they will do. Voting for who will vote for president (electoral college) is NOT a people's government. We live in a capitalist government with capitalist agendas which has nothing to do with your healthcare save for the profit they make off of it. And revolutionaries, the people that fight to try to get those things like healthcare, are ALWAYS stopped (arrested/ murdered). It is our job to continue their struggle and continue to fight after they are gone. And some of us do. Take a look:


2007-11-17 05:52:31 · answer #7 · answered by Cassandra R 2 · 8 1

Great flick! Moore is an excellent whistle-blower!! I'm AMAZED that Americans could have voted for Bush after Moore revealed in his earlier film that Bush had spirited bin Laden's family members out of America to Saudi Arabia immediately after 9/11. What a nation of SHEEPLE we are!!

Bush -- totally without excuse. Warmonger-in-Thief. And the worst mass-murderer the world has seen since Pol Pot!

To "Homer J. Marley" -- Bush never got RE-elected! The PROOF:

2007-11-17 05:59:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

i do agree with the movie that our healthcare system desperately needs some reform. but i don't think it should be flat out free for everybody. if it is they need to figure out a system in which everyone can go to the doctor and get checkups and whatever they need without having to wait months for it like in other countries who have free healthcare. People are so afraid of the govt. because the media has made people feel as though we should let the govt. control us (i.e. the Patriot Act and etc.) and people have forgotten that we the people control the govt. not the small group of elites in our country. we are the people, the government works for us, not us for them and people seem to have forgotten that.

2007-11-17 06:11:46 · answer #9 · answered by complicated 5 · 2 3

That is a great film. I am leaving the country asap so that I can get medical treatment elsewhere. I cannot afford to live here anymore and at least overseas I will get something for my tax dollars/euros. F*ck this place! My Mother has worked as a healthcare provider all these years and now that she is too old to work she no longer has insurance, and medicare and SS do little if nothing. Wait until you read about CODEX. they are trying to label nutrients as a drug. Therefore fruit trees will be illegal to own and only the government can grow them, they are working towards outlawing vitamins too.

2007-11-17 05:49:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

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