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This a funny thing voters of the time are not the smartest becuase they tend to vote the other way because they think that it is the time to change something that is not bad. For example a lot of the people are going to the polls in 2008 to vote for a Democrat because they feel it is time to change.

Well they are not smart because when that democrat comes into office they are going to turn their backs on the people. Then when they stop this war there will be another terrorist attack. Then people are going to ask "why did Congress and the President take us out of the war?" Then these people will blame the government when it was the medias fault and their fault for not seeing the true reason behind this war.

And the true reason for this war was to give Iraqi people freedom. Also Saddam said that he would like to take over the US. When the decision to have this war or not it was asked "will we have any freedoms in the future if we do not have this war?"

2007-11-17 04:41:07 · 10 answers · asked by bee bee boo 3 in Politics & Government Government

I plan on voting for the one that is most capable to run this country and will make sure that America keeps the liberties and the freedoms that we have today

2007-11-17 04:47:46 · update #1

I might be a Republican, but im not going to vote on a republican just because i am part of the party.

I am definitly going to vote for whoever is capable like I said in the additional details

2007-11-17 04:49:08 · update #2

The country was not in peace. He was killing people with nerve gases and things like that. He would kill family memebers in front of family members. He made sure that he could kill as many people as he wanted. He enjoyed seeing people be tortured. We made a contract with Iraq. the contract was that if he began the genocide again we could invade and if he was suspected of weapons of mass destruction we had the right to invade.

The reason why the people that get elected into office is because they are smarter then the average American. Even George Bush he is smarter, but you forget he makes mistakes just like you and me

2007-11-17 05:02:32 · update #3

10 answers

Bravo !!!

I couldn't have said it better myself. It's sad how many people vote on what candidates say, when they don't even have a clue as to how the Federalist Republic system of government works.

Anyone knows how our government works, along with facts, figures and history know that the GOP has been mopping up after the democrats throughout the modern era (post 1900).

The Democrats push the GOP as war mongers, but the fact is, other than the 2 gulf wars, all other major conflicts in the modern era were the product of democratic administrations.

The ''prosperity" during the Clinton years was due to the work of Regan and Bush 41, who handed Clinton an economy on a stead 5% increase. Clinton handed Bush 43 an ecomomy headed towards ressesion.

FACT: Clinton gave nuclear technology to the North Koreans.

FACT: Clinton was offered Bin Laden on a silver platter, but didn't want to make waves, dispite he was already wanted in the USA for crimes of terrorism.

Hmmmm...and people are stupid enough to believe Hillary is the change we need?

2007-11-17 04:59:05 · answer #1 · answered by Captain Jack ® 7 · 2 0

"time to change something that is not bad". Not quite sure what planet you live on, but Congress & our government are stealing our children's futures

"they are not smart". Well at least they voted.

"when they stop this war there will be another terrorist attack" There will ALWAYS be another terrorist attack. We cannot totally stop them, unless we build bunkers, give up all rights & freedoms and live underground. There have been "terrorists" since the beginnings of time. Our founding fathers were considered terrorists by King George and the English Parliment.

"the true reason for this war was to give Iraqi people freedom" This shows a total lack of understanding of the culture. Muslims are a warring, tribal people who have been killing each other over which color burqua is the "right" color for centuries.

The country was in relative peace under the "terror" of Saddam. How can you not see that the "people who want freedom" are the ones setting off bombs and killing children?

They have been fighting for centuries, it took a dicatator wiping out hundreds of thousands to stop the daily fight, they don't "want peace" and the definitely don't want us.

And before you accuse others of "not the smartest because" you might try checking your facts and grammar.

2007-11-17 12:51:46 · answer #2 · answered by Gem 7 · 0 2

I may be understand abstract and surrealist paintings of picasso, salvodar dalli , but politics canvas is beyond comprehension . I think politicians are also like wise mudling through w/o understanding . we all in occean of ignorance
I do not find much difference in dems and repubs. Both are after personal gains at the cost of poor common man.
One thing is sure longer these johnies stay at their position more they put our liberty and money at risk

so best is keep them changing fast
so vote for a change even it is for the hack of it

2007-11-17 13:37:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I rarely get mixed up in politics on Y!A--too tough a territory (as is religion and spirituality). I am registered as an Independent voter---and will pick and choose by individual candidates--not by their political party. To tell you the truth, I would have liked to see Nadar win a couple of presidential elections back--and there was one election where I would have gone for Perot.

2007-11-17 12:46:05 · answer #4 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 2 0

interesting topic, voters are not stupids everybody knows why the war had been take place, president is looking chance to start war, no proper investgation on neculier weapon just blindly government depend upon media, what do you think abut like this government ? this time all voters all looking for chance to kick this people from higher authroties. to settle a brotherhood in world. because our government blindly belive in media and going to war on innocent people who will lose ther husband , sister, brother parents and small baby too, Bullet never knowns that they kid are older just BOOM , then bullet will do there work, after that who ever loss there family they wants to take revenge on that country, like this happence " the story never ends" so in my opoin time is near to kick this president and select president from chartory society who are really working for mankind.

2007-11-17 13:13:22 · answer #5 · answered by farooq b 1 · 0 1

The true reason for this insane, unconstitutional, immoral, unjustified, illegal 'war' is threefold:
1. The Bush family had a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein ever since the days of Desert Storm when George H.W. Bush was ridiculed, criticized and humiliated for not 'finishing the job' and ousting Hussein at that time;
2. Dick Cheney covets all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands;
3. The giant U.S. military-industrial complex [which Dwight Eisenhower warned us about] needed to boost sagging profits from too many years of peace.

From Day One, George W. Bush was selected to be President to 'settle the score' with Hussein and pacify the emotional insanity of his parents.
From Day One, Cheney intended to attack Iraq and gain control over all that OIL. THAT'S WHY THE NUMBER ONE NON-MILITARY 'BENCHMARK' the U.S.A. insists Iraq's Parliament passes forces them to surrender two-thirds of Iraq's OIL fields to foreign, private companies. In affect, this gives corporations like Exxon-Mobil a virtual license to STEAL Iraq's most valuable economic resource.
From Day One, companies lined up at the government's war trough for billion-dollar military hand outs, including the two newest government contractors: the Carlyle Group and Halliburton, BOTH of whom had direct ties to the Bush-Cheney White House.

675,000 and 3,900 U.S. soldiers have sacrificed their lives to that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful.

Bush lied to Congress, hoodwinked the American people and conned our valiant U.S. troops into believing there is honorable purpose for this obscene 'war'. It is the most flagrant, blatant, despicable deception ever perpetrated on the American taxpayer.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and all their war-mongering friends deserve a special OIL-soaked, blood-stained corner of Hell where they can rot eternally, along with
* 535 members of the most arrogant, contemptible, evil, incompetent, cowardly, corrupt Republican-led Congress in history that stood by and watched Bush run rip shod over our Constitution
* 535 members of the most arrogant, contemptible, evil, incompetent, cowardly, corrupt Democratic-led Congress in history that promised to end this 'war' if elected, and - to date - have stood by and done nothing to keep that promise. MAY GOD DAMN THEM ALL!!!
-RKO- 11/17/07

2007-11-17 13:34:06 · answer #6 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 1

Its fundamentals of democracy

2007-11-17 12:45:40 · answer #7 · answered by Paddy 4 · 1 0

why r u waisiting ur tiem just keep urself very cool

2007-11-17 12:49:04 · answer #8 · answered by sanju 1 · 1 1


2007-11-17 12:44:48 · answer #9 · answered by gridgelawncare 2 · 2 0

lol is that a question? great detail!

2007-11-17 12:44:32 · answer #10 · answered by Jo 4 · 1 0

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