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bottom line, either make medical socialized like the police and fire protection...or make all three a business.

I mean come on can't we be "good capitalists" and just make police and fire protection a business? you know so next time oyu get robbed or have a fire you get asked if you have insurance first?

come on what do you say? let's just be capitalist pigs. come on.

wait i have a novel idea- lets just implement national health. WOW! what a thought. you mean we can let people get healthcare as they do police and fire? naa too crazy.

too bad that the cons want it both ways. a business when it suits them, and socialism when it suits them.

oh- if you republicans hate taxes so much feel free to move to Iraq. You can send the military home, keep blackwater and keep W as your master. Amazing deal huh?

just leave patriotic Americans alone and let us invest in America and take care of our own. Not Iraq and Haliburton.

2007-11-17 03:53:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

Some conservatives misuse the concept of “socialism” to condemn government services that they don’t like or want. They approve of government services that they do like although their “socialist” label could equally apply on logical grounds.

Theoretically, government functions such as police, fire, library, etc., could be privatized, and have been in the past, but various jurisdictions have decided that it is not in the best public interest.

Labeling certain government services as “socialist” while ignoring others as necessary is a scare tactic that has no logical basis.

2007-11-17 04:14:35 · answer #1 · answered by tribeca_belle 7 · 1 2

Not to even mention the propaganda running in America telling everyone what to think of socialized medicine. Socialized medicine is actually a system where the tax payer gets something back from his taxes versus in the US we pay into the stupid system and work our butts off being a productive citizen and in return we get little if any health care and then we still have to pay out the ying yang for it. Cons are only interested in what serves them when they need it. It is no longer a government for the people or by the people. The fact that congressmen receive social security benefits is apalling to me. These f8ckers are already wealthy and don't need the money! Poor people that actually do need the ss check might get $300-$1000 a month. Wealthy congress retirees get $100,000.-$200,000. a year from SS. Now someone tell me how that is helping the needy. No wonder there is no money left in SS, the big rich members of government are sucking it out for themselves. We need a revolution in this nation and pull all of those fat, rich bastards out into the DC streets and bludgeon them to death! They take our tax money and put it in their own pockets, we get nothing back.We pay them to screw us!

2007-11-17 13:07:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Oh, if only that line of logic had any real validity.
Why not socialize everything? Give the government all of our resources and shop at Wall Mart for free with government vouchers, fill up at the government gas station for free - just don't exceed you ration quota - and feel free to bust your butt for 8 hours a day so your lazy neighbor can get the exact same benefits.
Capitalism works - in a little more than 200 years, the United States has arguably become the greatest nation on earth - why would any one want to fix something that isn't broke?

2007-11-17 12:07:36 · answer #3 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 2 2

Greetings. Repub/Demos don't love socialism, they simply love to be in control and take money from you in order to supply poor substitutes for the services they charge the tax payer for. Police? they charge the public for police protection, but police are there to protect the cons from the people, not to protect the people, but the government charges you for it as though it was a public service and not their own security that was being done. Fire protection. the fire departments are not free government supplied services. Check, you will find that the fire departments are paid for by the property owners when they pay their property tax. Not given to you as a socialist gift. simply a service you pay for before you need it, or even if you never need it. sort of like insurance. and here in the north most of our fire departments are volunteer anyway. We pay for them. Medicine? Paid for by the pharmacy corporations through bribes, gifts and other illegal contrabutions to the political parties, which they are paid in return by laws making medicine and medical practice totally under their control. They even test their own medications for safety and not the pure food and drug people who are supposed to do so. Is no socialism in the United States. It is all for profit. Just hidden so the sucker thinks that they are actually getting something of value out of the blood sucking deal. Socialism is supposed to care for the people. try to list what the government actually does for the people here, other then the obvious. throw them in prison, force them into the military with drafts, pass new laws daily to enforce government control over their lifes and everything they do. Now we even have laws that can throw you in prison for life for breaking laws that are mainly thought crimes. not crimes in which anything was actually done. Is a great mistake to even hint that the American government gives a damn about the people. only about themselves in power.

2007-11-18 06:47:40 · answer #4 · answered by Rich M 3 · 0 0


teacher A is doing a masterful job and getting their students to study, scoring high in tests and viewed as a hero and role model.

teacher B is doing so so and gets their students to do the same or less as teacher A. Some students show some respect but not all.

teacher C is doing a horrible job and not getting anything done with their students and is not respected and sometimes even hated. Students fail.

Why should all 3 techers get paid the same? Why should teacher C get the same pay as teacher A?

teacher A and B dont get what they deserve according to performance because teacher C is pulling them down.

That's socialism... that why it doesnt work

2007-11-17 12:06:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Have you ever noticed the subsudies game that goes on? They want to cut off Social Security, which people pay into for life and usually recieve little in return and they want huge subsudies for the wealthiest companies out there, small businesses can't hardly get the subsudies but the big guys get them by the train load, billions and billions paid out just to get them in certain businesses. Now if subsudies aren't socialism I don't know what is.

2007-11-17 12:14:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Most conservatives don't like socialism, because they think it removes certain incentives to succeed, and conservatives want everyone to do their best and succeed. There are volunteer fire departments, and there are also security forces for hire. No one is stopping democrats from giving some of their great wealth to take care of sick people without money for free. Oh, wait. Then that would mean that they actually cared about sick people without money, instead of trying to change the government so that they could have more power. The democrats are not socialists. They are liberals. Liberals have no principles, save hedonism and power.

2007-11-17 12:02:01 · answer #7 · answered by SithLord 4 · 4 2

In the adult world we don't confuse legitimate functions of government with functions that are not the responsibility of the entire public. In other words, we are informed about the subject. You have a ways to go before you're prepared to discuss this topic.

2007-11-17 12:02:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

You need to understand that there is a need for real government services for the public.
Socialism is the form of government rule that lets the government control the public,and deside for them how things will be. Control from the top by the government, not government controled by the governed.

2007-11-17 12:01:03 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 5 3

The health care of American would suffer if it gets socialize. It would take months to get into a doctor and even then it would be a poor medical facility. Example: Canada

I have a better idea then sending all the republicans to Iraq.
You go to Canada. Bye!

2007-11-17 12:01:20 · answer #10 · answered by forgotten_serenity 2 · 4 6

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