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We have already spent 1.2 Trillion dollars on a war that requires a political solution to resolve. This war cannot be won by the U.S. Military. If the Iraqis are not going to resolve this thing politically, then there is no reason keeping a large military force there. The Iraqi reconciliation seems further apart now than they were before the surge.

2007-11-17 03:33:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

Yes. Do it now. Bring our soldiers home. Enough is enough. And let's impeach cheney first and then bush. Then arrest them for high treason and crimes against humanity.And try them in the international court of law.

2007-11-17 03:42:51 · answer #1 · answered by billblasphemy 6 · 1 0

Our Constitution gives the President sole command of the troops and gives Congress sole responsibility for starting and ending wars. With their simple majority, the House Democrats should stop funding Bush’s intervention in this 1,000 year-old war between Shi’ites and Sunnis. At the first complaint that our troops are suffering for lack of funds, the House should impeach both Bush and Cheney for dereliction of duty.

Iraq is inherently unstable because, in 1924, Churchill mapped it out to include the warring sects. He armed the oil-poor Sunnis to control the oil-rich Shi’ites and the Kurds. In deposing Sadaam Hussein, Bush liberated and armed the Shi’ite majority and the Kurds. Now, after four years of struggle between Shi'ite militias and Sunni suicide bombers, the Shi'ites control the Baghdad region.

Their war is almost over. The surge appears to work only because all the remaining Sunnis in the Baghdad region are living in unsustainable walled ghettoes protected by our troops. And Anbar province is quiet because the moderate Sunni tribes are getting rid of Al-Qaeda terrorists, a process that started a year before the surge. They also appear to be resigned to the loss ot the Baghdad region.

But Iraq is still unstable. Reconciliation won’t happen because the Shi’ites will never share oil revenue with the Sunnis. Who would give money to someone who killed their father and stole his oil?

Because the Sunnis are outnumbered five to one by the Shi'ites and Kurds, they will lose every election and have nothing to gain by being in Iraq. The Kurds absolutely want to be completely independent from the Arabs. For stability, Iraq must now be partitioned into three completely separate and independent nations. That’s the only way to end the fighting and pull our guys out - unless they are invited to stay in one or more of the new nations..

Bush wants to keep Iraq in one piece so that we can keep troops there indefinitely. Oil, Israel, Iran, etc. - Bush can only see military solutions to every problem, no matter what the cost in blood and treasure. But we must immediately refocus our efforts toward Afghanistan, where Bush is now losing the real war on terror.

2007-11-17 13:56:51 · answer #2 · answered by marvinsussman@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 1

Nice talking points but you're too late. The "surge" has worked phenomenally and the troop withdrawals are already in the works.
I'm not surprised if you missed the good news. Like most of our "unbiased" mainstream media,My local big city newspaper carried the story on page A19.
So I have to say no.What sense does it make to stop funding and pull out now that we are winning?

2007-11-17 11:46:32 · answer #3 · answered by Michael 6 · 0 1

well yeah they should. and its no longer a question of should they because they already did...
Now its up to Bush to do what he should which is start pulling troops out. It would be very irresponsible of him to compensate troops equipment and supplies with his diminishing war budget.
Plus for all you pro iraq war idiots. Do you not realize what kind of state the world is in right now? The US is now vulnerable to all sorts of attacks from other nations. Not just Rpg weilding insurgents. Korea's on the brink as is Iran. And chinas been acting real shady lately. We need to pull out troops from a retarded, useless war and start building up our forces again.

2007-11-17 11:39:57 · answer #4 · answered by bmetzger1988 3 · 3 0

If we are going to consider how much money has been spent on Iraq and claim no results.
I suggest we do the same with all social programs that have show now results.
How many trillions has been spent on the war on poverty and we still have poor people.

They war can be won by our military. The only way they will lose is if they lose the support here.

People are moving back into Iraq and people are now standingup to the terrorists one neighborhood at time.

Remember what happen when cut off funds to Vietnam and what happen.

The problem didn't go away it got worse.

The major difference too is we are dealing with bad guys who came here twice and kill people.

Do you think if we pull out it will all go away?

2007-11-17 11:40:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Yes, and they never should have authorized the use of force.

They were cowards and shirked their duty.

The Constitution clearly states Congress has to declare war. They allowed Bush to overstep his authority and so they are partially responsible for this mess.

Stop the flow of money and get those boys home TOMORROW. When you make a mistake you should turn around as soon as you realize your error.

Every day we stay there we put our troops at risk, we put innocent Iraqui civilians at risk and we put the American people at risk for another attack. The radical terrorists hate us now more than ever and are continuing to recruit by the thousands as long as we are on their "sacred" soil.

2007-11-17 11:37:33 · answer #6 · answered by Nautilus 2 · 3 1

Yes, congress should have never approved the war in the first place, and it should have cut off the funding off a long time ago, and it should definitely cut off the funding now.

2007-11-17 11:46:54 · answer #7 · answered by . 5 · 1 0

You are correct. Things are not getting better, at least enough to justify our troop presence and spending billions of dollars hand over fist.

Pull the soldiers out and bring em home. They are over-worked and demoralized and the American people are overwhelmingly disatisfied with the war.

2007-11-17 11:41:36 · answer #8 · answered by Veritas 7 · 2 0

Yes but bush will put on a show that it is hurting our troops even though he would have more than enough time to withdraw safely. I would't put it past him to mishandle the withdrawal as he midhandled the occupation, jut to make his point. Sorry but I have a very low opinion of Bush, sadley he cares more about himself and his legacy than he does about the American people.

2007-11-17 11:43:50 · answer #9 · answered by ash 7 · 1 0

I don't think so, but that's the only way Congress will ever be able to end any military action in Iraq. We've all seen how well they've accomplished that goal by funding it.

2007-11-17 11:41:40 · answer #10 · answered by DOOM 7 · 1 1

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