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I feel that this invasion has opened the door to more sorrow in the world as Jesus spoke of because of the goverment and also the lack of movement of those who claim to follow His example. The war upon the Musim world has forever been a reality with this country. And it will continue because of religious prejudice and greed from this American government and its componants; and also the moral outrage that has been done to both people/nations involved. Everyone has suffered lost. Bush is but a puppet for the anti-Christ who will come after him who will decieve the most intelligent. Bush does not have the intelligence to decieve the very gifted. Miss Rice is but the devils-advocate and soon she will be exposed as she truly is. She is the worst terrorist today.

2007-11-17 03:22:01 · 18 answers · asked by David B 1 in News & Events Current Events

Just would like to thank all of you for your answers and insights. Including those who thought they offended me upon a biblical and poltical bases. I don't get offended. I have another question for us. "Do you feel that this war will alter our way of living and therefore thinking of basic morality?" "Will it get worse or better for the next generation? And if so, what can we do in this country to see that things stay sane?"

2007-11-17 17:19:28 · update #1

18 answers

The war will go on as long as some crazy fundamentalists keep killing innocent people. Bush didn't start it, he just cranked up the US response a notch. And whether you like him or not, there has not been another attack on the US since. When Clinton was in office the attacks never stopped. They each had a different approach and you have to judge for yourself which is the better one. I doubt the antichrist has anything to do with it. More like the guy that wrote the Quran saying kill all non Muslims. Anyone half way intelligent should have known that was probably not a good idea for the future of the world.

2007-11-17 03:29:12 · answer #1 · answered by Michael 3 · 2 1

There were long and drawn out wars far before there was the United States, and Bush isn't the WORST president in it's history. This same war is Very similar to the Vietnam war, with the exception that we're fighting against Terrorism and not Communism. I'm sure the war will not continue forever, nor do I believe Bush is a puppet for the Anti-Christ. Wars like this happen, and they always have deceased. I'm sure this one will, as well.

EDIT: Terrorism and Communism were the primary reasons for originally going to both Vietnam and Iraq! You cannot tell me that we did not attempt to save Southern Vietnam from Ho Chi Mihn, as well as free the North, or free Iraq from the grip of Suddam Hussein's power. I happen to know a little about American History, not a lot, but a bit. Both wars are similar for other reasons, too: Both wars lasted an abundant amount of years, causing the most citizens of the United States to virtually turn against its own government. Both wars have led to mass murders of innocent victims of other countries. Both wars have led to Americans turning on their own soldiers because of their wrong doings in other countries; in Vietnam it was the Tet Offensive, and in Iraq it was the sex scandals or whatever you'd like to call them.

I'd like to still say both the Vietnam and the Iraq War are quite similar.

2007-11-17 03:27:16 · answer #2 · answered by ja 2 · 3 0

I agree with much of what you have said about the character and lack thereof in the puppets you mentioned, but I try to stay far, FAR away from predicting Armagedon.

Do you know that preceding WW1 Christian zealots used to walk the streets in America with signs that said, "The end is near!" They thought for sure that all the trouble in Europe was aligned with predictions in the Bible and that the anti-Christ was coming very soon. That was in the 1910s.

Then, during WWII, we probably had something very close to the anti-Christ in Hitler, but most of Europe and even America just laid down and let him take over a huge part of the developed world. Even the Christians couldn't care less about who Hitler was killing. We had already been through one World War and the majority of Americans did not want to go through another one until the Japanese attacked us.

Now, once again, certain Christians are writing best selling books that shout "the end is near". Famous pastors are on the TV spouting similar BS.

I don't believe ANY of them. They are just men, full of themselves, full of narcissism, and cut off from any REALITY of the enormous human suffering going on in this country and abroad that all of their millions of dollars is not addressing AT ALL.

When was the last time you ever heard of Oral Roberts University or John Haggee Ministries building shelters for the homeless in L.A. and New York?

They are mostly charlatans and liars, and I try to ignore their words as much as possible. I suggest you do the same and go volunteer for some needy cause instead of sitting around trying to predict when the anti-Christ will arrive.

2007-11-17 03:35:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Alls I read was how many of you feel as though the war will forever continue. That's all I needed to read.

As soon as we went over there we opened up a big a*s can of worms. Even though what were over there for now may some day get resolved some how..........eventually we'll be back some place in that area.
I noticed the word anti-Christ in your paragraph........don't know if you truly believe in one or if you've read any of the Bible, but the middle eastern countries are all up in it. I think what's going on now is just something that's already meant to be sort a speak. And I know thats very hard for some of you to believe.........but tell someone that's never picked up The Book and start reading it that you'll read it for yourself.

Sorry, got on my own little rant there!

2007-11-17 03:32:18 · answer #4 · answered by MLJ 6 · 0 1

To directly answer your question, forever is a very long time. We still have troops in Germany, Vietnam and nearly everyplace we've engaged. We are involved no doubt. We will not be pulling all of our troops out anytime soon. To indirectly answer your question neither Bush, Rice nor you have the intelligence to deceive the average, much less very gifted. Your question seems to be obvious religious propaganda and not a true political question. And not even well disguised.

2007-11-17 04:11:48 · answer #5 · answered by James D 2 · 1 0

Believe that Religion has always been the basis of disagreements which eventually lead to Wars.
Why??? do we always bring into the equation Christ and the anti-Christ!!!
Bush and Rice should not be in the triangle...they are only "recents" on the history stage.
Just imagine a World with only ONE religion....and then perhaps... NO problems/Wars ...unless we could find another excuse!!

2007-11-17 03:55:01 · answer #6 · answered by Aleak!! 3 · 2 0

I think the war will continue to be funded because dems are afraid to take a stand and look "unpatriotic".

George is hellbent to bankrupt this nation because he's a puppet of big business. All of his businesses have failed, so what's different with this one? Look at Harken, Arbusto, Spectrum 7.

I think we'll have to have a financial collapse like the great depression with food lines, starvation, anarchy, before the american people wake up and see what this administration is doing.

This is what osama predicted.

2007-11-17 03:33:00 · answer #7 · answered by gwlandis2 3 · 1 1

good question and i see what you are saying but for starters we have already won the war we got the country to comply with our orders unconditionally but now we are helping them to gain the peace and unite there broken country which seems like even more of a war that what was originally fought. and yes this is dragging on for longer that it needs to but if you think of the looses (deaths now toll at 3867) and what we are trying to do for the country it is something i believe that we should continue to fight for. although that was 3867 Americans dead think of how many were killed when trying to achieve this same thing for our own country. when trying to achieve a stable democracy and "bind out nations wounds" we lost a total of 620,000 people to the civil war. so i understand i why you want the war over nobody really wants to be in it, but if you think of the good we are gonna do it and the cost it is to us. i am willing to except this cost for the freedom rights of iraqy citizens.

2007-11-17 04:14:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The US will pull out like in Vietnam, with hundreds of thousands of dead civilians, but this time the mess left behind will have far worse consequences. It is about time America starts cleaning up the mess at home and stops interfering.

2007-11-17 22:14:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Arrogance, avarice and hubris has set in; America - and most Americans - believe themselves to be superior to the rest of the world. That's why we squander 55% of the world's resources even though we represent only 5% of the global population.
War is an inherently human weakness. Only cowards can justify war for any reason. In their minds, it makes them stronger, when - in fact - it only serves to demonstrate their incredulous lack of morality and humanity. We are an amoral, vile, evil society that has fallen victim of our own greed, self-absorption and wickedness. We believe that our Anglo-Saxon Christianity is the one and only way of life, without even bothering to explore or learn about other cultures and religions. Sloth, ignorance and self-pride prevent us from being objective, fair, unbiased or unbigoted. One day soon our civilization will collapse, just as the great Greek and Roman empires self-destructed as their own self-importance and self-indulgences overtook their modesty, humilty, compassion and concern for those other cultures and societies on Earth. -RKO- 11/17/07

2007-11-17 03:31:18 · answer #10 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 1 2

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