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Ok, I've read about the end of the Myan calendar and it ending it's cyles and things like that. So, it had to run out sometime...but what I want to know is about the scientific things like the planetary alignments. you know that whole big talk about the planets aligning durning the winter soltice and the exact time our planets are entering the center of the Milky Way's galaxy or something like that, I'm not worried about the "end of time" I'm wanting to know more about the scientific stuff. Is this really going to happen? and is it going to cause our world to basically flip upside down and all of life to be destroyed? Serious answers only please!!

2007-11-17 02:24:36 · 32 answers · asked by lvsgal86 1 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

32 answers

Exactly where have you 'read about the end' ?

From library books or from pseudowebsites?

There is a huge difference and from the look of your question I know the answer is not library books. There is a tremendous amount of disinformation and outright lies being printed on the internet regarding this topic. Sometimes things are written by fiction writers. Other times things are written by new age psychics who claim to obtain their information from channeling. It is only a fool who believes such things without checking on the credentials of an author of a website and conducting an investigation to verify the plausibility of what is written instead of simply saying to yourself that you 'read' it on the internet therefore it must be true. For the most part, there are those trying to make money from those who are less educated and most gullable.

The calendar is based upon 13 baktuns. It does not simply 'run out sometime' as you suggest.

The planets will not align. This is a falsehood which shows that you have been visiting unscientific and unreliable websites for your information.

The planets are not entering the Milky Way center. This shows that you have very little understanding of our solar system and galaxy. Persons such as yourself are very easily deceived and this would be the number one reason not to visit 2012 websites.

The 'end of time' has been proclaimed ever since the beginning of time. I can assure you that neither the Mayans nor their calendar ever suggested the end of time. This is pure crap perpetrated in the last five years by those hoping to instill fear into those who do not have an understanding of the topic mostly to make money.

The world is not going to flip upside down. First of all, this is not physically possible. You are thinking of a magnetic pole reversal. People have done their best to come up with any possible doomsday scenario for the end of the world to make money on. One person named Patrick Geryl runs a famous 2012 website proclaiming a pole reversal. He is an author (as many of these site owners are) selling books on his site. Despite his own claims, he is purchasing 200ha of prime land in South Africa which he calls a 'great holiday retirement place' with his 2012 book profits. Does this sound like someone foreseeing the end of the world to you?

The magnetic field of Earth is presently declining. Some have latched onto this sentence to proclaim the end is here and persons who don't know any better, like you, simply believe it. Here is what is not told to you- The magnetic field strength is ABOVE the past 2000 year average. IF the field strength were to continue it's decline at the present rate a pole reversal could happen between the years 3500 and 4000AD. However, there is no reason to assume such a decline will continue as the field strength has fluctuated in the past with no apparent rhyme or reason and without a resulting pole reversal. Pole reversal is in no way whatsoever related to precession of the Earth and the last one occured 780,000 years ago.

There are as many scientific refutations to each and every false claim being presented on the internet today. Instead of visiting these sites and asking for someone for the truth, stay off of them. Visit science websites for your science information. NASA has jpl pages where you can see for yourself how ridiculous the planetary allignment thing is. You can type in whatever year you want and see where the planets will be. Go there for truth.


There will always be those proclaiming the end of the world and there will always be those who believe. Do not allow yourself to be either of those persons.

socal- I hope you are not inferring that just because scientists are not wasting their time debunking all of the fraudulant claims perpetrated on the internet and tv about 2012 suddenly means that now there is some type of coverup going on to hide the truth.

rico- I hate it when people come on and say 'I saw on tv once...'. The discovery channel makes out the Dresden Codex to sound like something mystical and mysterious. It is simply a book written by the Mayan. There are several such codices. Contrary to what your tv show would like you to believe, the Mayan never prophesized about anything. That is like saying that Noah Webster used the dictionary to prophesize defining a word. The Mayan never spoke anything about any end of the world nor does the calendar refer to it. It takes a qualified expert to interpret the quatrains of Nastrodamus. The quatrains are not written in chronological form and are highly generalized to be interpretted to mean almost anything the reader wishes to perceive. It would be an error to believe a tv show's interpretations of them without first having them state who is conducting the interpretation of the quatrains and what their educational background is first. Even then, such interpretations can never be agreed upon.


2007-11-17 05:42:57 · answer #1 · answered by Troasa 7 · 2 0

I have been thinking about this question for a few years. ive done a bit of researching, and this is what i have come to believe: The Myans were amazing astronomers. Their calander is far more detailed and accurate than our modern day calander. This is not widely disputed amongst the top astronomers. Myan Calander ends for a reason. They didnt just run out of numbers. They are/were brilliant mathmaticians. Think about it. Something very significant was calculated. An event, possibley so great, that its outcome can no longer be calculated based on time as we know or have known. Doesnt necessarily mean the end, but better any calculations made prior to this event will be inaccurate. The changes couldnt possible be calculated because we have never known or experienced an event of the same magnatude.

And if its the end, then its the end. The information available, to the avarage person, such as myself, is only that which is passed down throught the media. ex Internet, TV, etc.
I have found that there is not too much available. Kinda makes me wonder. If was known that the end is comming the info would be highly suppressed, due to the obvious mass hysteria, and glogal pandamonium. Coincidence?
The best solution is dont worry about it, its out of you control. Worry more about things within your means, like where youll be or who youll be with Christmas 2012.

2007-11-17 05:04:36 · answer #2 · answered by xSocalx 1 · 0 0

The Mayan calendar does not end. What end is the first (of five) "Ages", a.k.a. Long Counts -- each one being a little over 5000 years. We'll just go from the last day in one long count, to the first day of the next one.
It's a bit like Y2k (December 31, 1999) when our own calendar ran out of numbers and all the computers blew up. The human race was wiped out then -- remember?

No major planetary alignment in 2012. Certainly none around December solstice (calling it winter solstice only works for the Northern hemisphere).

At the time of December solstice, the APPARENT position of the Sun will be at its closest to the direction of the centre of the Milky Way -- but we will still be at our usual gigantic distance from it. The apparent alignment will still be 6 degrees off, a whole 0.001% better than it will have been in 2011. This happens every 25,800 years.

No flipping of the world. No reversing polarity (the magnetic reversal of Earth's pole has already begun and it is a process that takes centuries).

2007-11-17 02:38:34 · answer #3 · answered by Raymond 7 · 2 1

There are two really good TV specials on this subject. One is on the Mayan prophecies based on the translation from the Dresden Codex, and the Other is a more recent documentary on Nostradamus the last prophecy, which seems to concur with the Mayan Calendar. Supposedly The Mayans Celestial Calculations were so far in advance they predicted the harmonic convergence of the planets as well as the perfect alignment of our planet/solar system with the true center of the Galaxy. It is said when this alignment takes place, then that is all she wrote, and something astounding is going to happen to the Earth and all the life on/in it. But then again, New Agers said the same thing about the Harmonic convergence, and religious zealots said the same thing about Y2k. Do not worry or be afraid. The World will not END, just the way of life as we know it. What the prophecy said was that there would be a great cataclysmic change, the world and it's natural order as it is now will be altered and changed forever in a great upheaval. There will still be life, humans will continue, the Earth will change but will still exist.

2012? I don't know, but I guess we don't have to much longer to find out now.....do we?

2007-11-17 02:42:59 · answer #4 · answered by Rico Goldstar 7 · 0 2

no our solar system is on a constant wave length much like the ocean ok? sooo every 30,000 years or so we go up and down this wave right now our solar system going down this wave and we will be exactly poised directly to the center....and well keep going down and down until we ride the wave up global warming is not our fault also well we are helping it along but i learned something interesting its the fact the our earth doesn't have an elliptical orbit or a circular orbit it has bot and it shifts so some so when ever there has been an ice age its been when the sun was FARTHEST away from the sun and when the planet warms up is when its closest our ice caps WILL melt and then we'll do a big shift drift a part and they will freeze everything is change and don't listen to these people that say read the bible don't believe in some giant fairy tale of magic men and murder...i promise everything is changing nothing is gonna end we still have a good 4 billion years here but something to be worried about is the asteriods euros488 and anubis199998 there are really huge and are supposed to be NEO's (near earth objects) as about these euro's is supposed to pass us on Oct 16 2012 and Anubis is supposed to pass us on Feb 23 2025 soo ask about that the Mayans where as advanced as an advanced civilization could be which isnt that much

2007-11-17 03:10:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The mayan calandar is a series of circles. the larges "ages" mentioned appear to have signifigance, because as far as we know, similar events happen every time that time period rolls around. ie. personal revolution of the 60 and 70s corresponded with another similar revolution that fell in the same "age" last cycle.

now the 12th of 13 ages of the cycle will end with the date December 21, 2012. it is believed that it is during this "Age" a few cycles ago, the mayan civilization ended. However, the 13th cycle seems to correspond with rebirth. so in essence, they are not predicting Earth to end, but possibly for a civil "rebirth". so as far as life is concerned, dont worry bout it. if you are Drastically afraid of change, be afraid. be Very afraid.

Also, as the planets aligning goes... sounds like gibberish. scientists have said that the planets may NEVER align. Plus, we eould have no idea if we were in the middle of the milky way, because we dont even know where we currently are, its all an educated guess.

2007-11-17 03:06:37 · answer #6 · answered by Swimmadude66 1 · 0 0

It's never a certainty whether a predicted event will happen or not obviously, but it is certainly interesting that two separate cultures could "predict" the same year for the end of the world. The Mayan calendar does in fact "run out" around the middle of December in 2012, but the more striking prediction comes from that of Nostradamus.
An interesting documentary to watch is The History Channel's "The Lost Book of Nostradamus." In the documentary, a book supposedly written by Nostradamus contains numerous drawings depicting important global events, with the last seven drawings hinting to the end of the world in 2012. The allignment of which you speak is Nostradamus's allignment of the "eight axes" of the earth with the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the sun.
If this allignment does in fact occur, who knows why it would end the world. The only curiosity to these predictions is that both the Mayans and Nostradamus, worlds apart, predicted the same year.

2007-11-17 02:46:15 · answer #7 · answered by jho3ky5 1 · 1 1

A world great conflict and destruction due to the good size bombs armies have and those that dont have will eventually have it and will use it.

This great conflict between the armies of the world is not easy to predict. Will certain humans be hatefull enough to prey and destroy the population of the world?

As far as Planetary alignment of the celsestial bodies in our solar system is concerned , It has occured before many times and nothing spectacular ever happened.

Perhaps LOVE will win and the Earth will not be destroyed. That would bring the date of 2012 to no significance.

2007-11-17 03:05:04 · answer #8 · answered by goring 6 · 0 1

I don't think the world will end in 2012. But we're probably entering a new era: Aquarius. Maybe most of us will not even notice. Astrologists say that the people who are born in the new era are likely to be more peaceful. The world is under a different constellation of stars every 2.000 years or something, and ancient civilizations have predicted this.
I think the word 'the end' is a misinterpretation / mistranslation of ancient texts. Maya calender predicts three days of darkness from December 21st, and doesn't talk about what happens afterwards. This doesn't mean they thought it was the end of everything; maybe they just thought the new era was not relevant.
Because.. darkness? 21st of December is the darkest day in the year; the sun is at its lowest point for exactly three days. Coincidence? I think the Maya calender has everything to do with advanced knowledge of astronomy.

2007-11-17 02:46:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Just like in Noah's time ! , then the flood came and washed them all away , No Human can answer this question because only God (Jehovah)knows the answer! Even his first born ,(Jesus) doesn't know. when the Apostles asked him what would be a sign of those last days , he told them!
Read a newspaper today , every sign he told them is right in front of your face. It's sad that so many will again ignore this finall judgement , called Armaggedon. Read 2nd Timothy 3 1-6 ..... and you tell me what you think that means ! , or maybe plain english isn't plain enough , just like in Noah's time . But go ahead , put your life in the hands of men who have no faith , like Science & Myan mythalogical nonsense ... That way you can find out where the people in that Flood really went ! after all , it's too bad their Science God couldn't save them .

2007-11-17 03:10:19 · answer #10 · answered by Noah's Ark 5 · 0 1

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