Yes, it bothers me, too. But I can't help responding to these people. They should know the truth, or at least have a look at it. But think about this: for every one who comes here, at least trying to find what they might consider to be a good answer, there are thousands of others who don't bother, because they assume they are in the know, now. They got the inside scoop from the Discovery Channel. (Or was it the History Channel?)
I've written a rather harsh letter to both of these networks. I hope a lot of other concerned people are doing the same.
Adamius, all the predictions people squeeze out of the Nostradamus quattrains have been wrong, when made in advance. All of the "hits" are claimed after the fact, and always by extreme stretching of already highly ambiguous language. There was a documentary made back in the 80's. Orson Welles narrated. Not one of the huge disasters predicted for dates up to now, has occurred. That includes World War III, (nuclear) and the apocalypse. So now they're back, a whole new generation with all the recycled forebodings of doom. The Mayans didn't know diddly about today. And none of the predicted alignments, etc., are going to occur. We know about these things to a high degree of accuracy and the whole premise for the predictions is simply incorrect.
2007-11-16 09:01:32
answer #1
answered by Brant 7
The following is something I received from my uncle who is an astrophysicist when I e-mailed him about this 2012 thing:
The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world on Dec 12th 2012. The exact date of the end of the current Mayan Long Count is still a matter of debate amongst Mayan scholars, although it is likely to be around Dec 21 2012.
The Mayan calendar is cyclical, and there are names for cycles longer than 13 bactuns of the Long Count which are coming to an end in 2012. Even if the Mayans did believe that the world would come to an end at the end of the Long Count (which I don't believe is true), there is no reason to assume that they have any special knowledge which would allow them to make this prediction correctly. You are free to believe the Sun won't come up tomorrow, but it will anyway....
The fact that the winter solstice on 2012 is "aligned" with the plane of the Galaxy has no significance. It takes the winter solstice 700-1400 years to cross the plane of the Galaxy.
The solstice last year (2005) was within 0.1 degrees (or 1/5th the size of the Sun) of where it will be on 2012. The Sun crosses the plane of the Milky Way twice every year with no ill effect.
I know that there will be some people who will not like reading this because it goes against pre-conceived notions. But part of maturing is the ability to let go of one's dearest held beliefs when evidence to the contrary is presented. As my uncle said: You are free to believe that the Sun won't come up tomorrow....but it will anyway.
2007-11-16 11:52:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well nowhere it is written that the world is goin to end on dec 22, 2012 but intead the 12th cycle of the mayan clock is goin to end and start with the 13th cycle. This cycle marks with the solar system passing a peculiar galactic belt on the milky way which was not passed in the time of man. The calendar does not say anything about the end of the world only spaeks of a cycle of events which might be used to determine some of the major events in the future. The calendar also explains different levels of intelligence and how far we can reach in the particular age whatever it is its surely not the end of the world people do get scared of what they cannot comprehend
2007-11-16 10:27:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The World Cataclysm in 2012
I came to the staggering conclusion that the earth will be subjected to a huge disaster. The cause: the magnetic field of the earth will reverse in an instant, resulting in catastrophic consequences for humanity. Immense earthquakes will flatten all buildings on earth; while continents will shift thousands of kilometres and an all-demolishing tidal wave will leave billions of dead people behind.Scientifically revealed millennia-old codes of the Maya and the Old Egyptians, which refer to this super-disaster.
The Dresden Codex of the Maya, for instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle. The conclusions that follow are even more staggering. At a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms. Enormous electro-magnetic forces will then be liberated - with unknown strength - from the interior of the sun. Giant sun-flames will send a gigantic wave of particles to the earth.
The particles that are spewed out will set the earth's atmosphere "in flames" and have a real destructive effect on the Van Allen belts. Because of the continuous stream of electromagnetism, the magnetic field of the earth will get overcharged. Trillions of particles will reach the poles. Unknown electric forces will be generated, a nightmare for everybody involved.
When the poles are filled with auroras from the falling particles, the inevitable will happen: the earth's inner electromagnetic field will get overcharged and will crash. A mega short-circuit with super lethal effects. The planet's entire atmosphere, without magnetic protection, will be bombarded by falling particles.
The earth’s magnetic field functions to protect us by directing the electromagnetic particles to the poles, but this would become impossible.
The iron core of the earth is magnetic. Because of the switching of the magnetic core, the earth will start to rotate in the other direction! Because of this, the outer earth’s crust will break off! In other words the outer layer will be "floating." It will be on the loose, no longer attached to its "master." If you are on the planet at that moment, it will tilt some thousands of miles in a couple of hours. Looking up in the sky it will seem as if "the sky is coming down," as it is described in the old scriptures! Giant quakes will occur. Earth plates will be moving, mountains will be rising where first there was nothing, land masses will break open and collapse, mountains collapse, land will sink into the ocean, volcanoes erupt in many places. In short, the most terrible nightmare cannot be terrible enough to describe this world's destruction.
Now you can ask me: are you sure of what you are saying? My answer: very sure, because the Atlanteans and their descendants the Maya and Old Egyptians knew a theory about the magnetic fields of the sun that even modern astronomers don’t know anything of! With this theory they were able to predict the worldwide flood of 9792 BC and the coming one in 2012! Here, I’m asking for your comprehension. I want you to understand that they CALCULATED the end of Atlantis - now buried under the South Pole. Again, they CALCULATED an even more violent end for us. That there is a link between 2012 and 9792 BC is undeniable If we keep ignoring these findings
- we will all die. All alarm bells should be ringing around the world!
2007-11-16 09:21:37
answer #4
answered by SUPERMAN 4
sure i'm. For one component, they're thoroughly misled related to what's meant to ensue in 2012. There are actually not any prophesies with regard to the tip of the international. The Mayan's long count variety Calendar only ends, and a sparkling cycle will initiate. the only prediction related to activities of 2012 is a cosmic alignment of the image voltaic equipment (this continues to be being contended, as an alignment of this variety can't be pinpointed to any specific 3 hundred and sixty 5 days) and the galaxy and the return of the "celeb human beings" as they pronounced as them.
2016-10-17 00:08:09
answer #5
answered by ? 4
First things first: there are so many people still thinking "it" is going to happen on 12/12/12. NOOOOOO! It's 12/21/12. It has NOTHING to do with the actual digits in the date(like 06/06/06). It has to do with lots of other things: many different cultures and religions all pointing to the same date as SOMETHING going to happen.(Not necessarily bad or good, but SOMETHING). Also, astronomers concur that that is the exact date of an extremely rare occurence in our planatory lineup within our galaxy. Now, the eerie thing about all this is all these different cultures have come up with this time frame all independently of one another. It's way more involved than I care to type out, but when you start thinking about all involved, it at least makes me pause and think.
2007-11-16 09:46:38
answer #6
answered by drmellie 1
It DOES seem as if the Discovery Channel and the History Channel are airing a lot of psuedo-science crap these days.
People have predicted the end of the world for as long as there have been people. The world's supposed to have ended three times just in my life span. So far it hasn't.
2007-11-16 09:09:34
answer #7
answered by kyeri y 4
here is an interesting thing I have found for you to read.. its all about a Nebular which the earth is in the process off encountering and which will envelope the Earth in 2012
Hmm I wonder if those Mayan knew something all those centuries ago..? oh yeh I have also found that 2012 will see a New Earth in..!
check it out do some searches if youre interested on New Earth 2012 and the golden nebular encounter.. we'll just have to wait and see hay..
2007-11-16 10:11:41
answer #8
answered by Apolo 3
the mayan calendar itself is amazing, and the dec 22 2012 end date does correspond with a very rare alignment with galactic center. as for the prediction that the world will end- that was made by some priest, and if you look at the rest of the predictions for other periods, they're all pretty much the same..
the way they work is this: the predictions are for 20 year periods, and most of them say something to the effect of 'there will be massive upheaval, war, and famine'- i think you would be hard-pressed to find a 20 year period where there WASN'T massive change, wars, and famine somewhere on the planet.
2007-11-16 08:52:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe it. I used to think it would end until recently. I thought that a planet called Niburu would come towards our planet and collide with us. Then i found the predictions made by the prophet Nostradamus and he made predictions going to the year 3797 so that means we obviously have a future beyond 2012.
2007-11-17 01:55:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous