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I personally think that ghosts are easier to believe in then God. People like the adrenaline rush of fear and excitement when they think of ghosts and whatnot...but believing in God means responsibility, and it means standing up for Him, which is difficult. I'm a Christian, so my opinion is probably extremely biased. But it's still my opinion, nonetheless. Believing in the Lord is not easy, but so many people are way too stubborn and lazy to do it.

2007-11-16 07:54:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe in ghost and not god because i believe that there is no such thing as the end. Take a tree, cut it down, burn the wood. Even though you don't see the bark, leaves, flowers, or fruit, the tree is still there, different but still there. The consciousness and the energy in the body cannot just disappear. It has to go somewhere else or become something else. Something is never nothing.

God (a single entity capable of creating the stars in the heavens, the earth under our feet, the water in the oceans and everything that is and will ever be) on the other hand takes a bit more Faith to believe in. unless it wasn't a single entity but an entire race, but then you start getting in to a whole new subject.

2007-11-16 16:09:09 · answer #2 · answered by Marcus M 2 · 0 2

i dont believe in the god of any religions that doesnt mean i feel like i KNOW that there isnt a God. there might be a God and there might not, however, after taking a look at the various religions I am confident enough that those religions are lies that I'm willing to risk an eternity in hell for it.

i am not sure if i believe in ghosts but with there are things called Electronic Voice Phenomona (EVP's). these are voices picked up by a tape recorder that say very spooky ghost like things (ie revealing info from a persons past, words a person might say just before death, etc). now maybe these are totally fake or maybe they come from sources other than ghosts but at least we can hear these. at least we have something to look at and try and understand.

there is no such evidence of God.

again, maybe there is a God. however, the God of Christianity, Islam, Judiasm, Hinduism (God's), Paganism (God's), the ancient religions, and any other are just a myth made up by man that still fools adults to this day.

just today i was at a toll booth. the man said itll be $21 and i said in a friendly way "jesus christ". in an instant the guy turned into a dick. he stopped be friendly and just handed me the change without saying anything because i had offended his precious religious beliefs. when the truth is im closer to being his friend than that lie jesus christ will ever be. its sick. its stupidituy that plagues our planet. its man made evil that mascarades as good. its a shame that we waste any of our time at all teaching it to our children when we could be teaching them to look at the world and try to understand it and look at people in other countries as brothers from the same species instead of enemies because they pray to a different God.

and another thing, when im in the bible belt of america and i want to get a beer i dont appreciate having to drive 15 miles because some jerk off thinks that is what jesus wants. why dont people believe in the God of religions? because they are able to see its a lie. Why might people believe in Ghosts? Because there is at least some evidence that says there might be something like a Ghost.

2007-11-16 16:11:31 · answer #3 · answered by the_honorable_spm 2 · 0 2

If they believe in ghosts then they believe in souls, if in souls then in possibility of separate entities outside of the natural universe, if that then of course god.
Some just don't like the people in churches and would rather say openly that they reject the idea of a god while secretly believing than spend time with the people who go to church or worship a god formally.

I don't subscribe to either but can see why that might happen.

2007-11-16 15:58:24 · answer #4 · answered by @@@@@@@@ 5 · 0 1

I don't know, because if there are ghosts, they are as much a part of God's universe as all of His other creations.

And there is no such thing as supernatural. If ghosts exist, they are as natural as anything. There's science man can explain, and science he can not explain. The latter, man calls supernatural, rather than admitting he can not explain it.

2007-11-16 15:59:34 · answer #5 · answered by Rick K 6 · 0 2

How many people have you met that fit these criteria? I have never met one before. Most atheists are skeptics. Skeptics do not believe in something that is paranormal unless someone is able to provide them with proof of existance.

2007-11-16 15:47:29 · answer #6 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 0 2

Its a more visceral personal concept to believe in ghosts, something "here", even if its scarier that they may interact, probably.

2007-11-16 15:52:57 · answer #7 · answered by Jason P 2 · 0 1

i know of no one who belives in ghosts and calls themselves a Christian. I do know people who are superstitios and call them selves Christian. I am a Christian that is not superstitious nor do I believe in ghosts.

2007-11-16 15:53:10 · answer #8 · answered by p h 6 · 0 2

Better evidence.

2007-11-16 17:43:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is proof that there is energy in our bodies....If the energy is strong enough to control the body, in death it is possible that the energy still lingers as energy cant die

Where is the proof and logic in god?

2007-11-16 15:53:57 · answer #10 · answered by Countess Bathory 6 · 2 1

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