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I ordered an item off e-bay that i could only get through paypal, so i set up an account with my checking. It has been two days and my checking account shows that it is pending and my paypal accounts shows a zero balance. Am i doing this rrght. I emailed the seller to see if he got my payment but he has not replied. The status says complete. I also ordered another item but got a refund the next day because they were sold out off a different site and the refund has not shown up in my checking but paypal sayed that it was complete as well. Thank you for you time to help me. Answers needed ASAP. I was ordering a birthday gift. i do not konw that i will get it on time.

2007-11-15 14:45:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Internet Other - Internet

4 answers

Sounds like you were trying to add funds to your paypal account from your bank account. Usually Paypal has to verify that it is your account before it will allow you to use the account. If you did not see the 2 small deposits into your account yet, then that could be an indication that you may have not provided Paypal the right account # or routing codes from your bank.

The other thing is if your bank account is verified, then you didn't send a payment, but an e-check payment and that normally takes a few days because Paypal will ACH your bank account first and then send the money and they may hold the funds for a period of time before they do the transfer to your seller.

Paypal earns money while it sits in their account because they act like a bank, the larger their account deposit, they earn the spread between the lending rate and the borrowing rate x 10.

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2007-11-15 15:30:04 · answer #1 · answered by tapnet1 3 · 0 0

you're doing everything right most of the time paypal takes it right out but every now and then it does take a little extra time and they couldn't give me an answer other than that they have to verify the sellers account before the transfer

2007-11-15 14:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by superman71 4 · 0 0

Yes, this is one annoyance of Paypal -- if you pay with an eCheck it can take several days for the check to clear your bank. Now they have it setup where if you have a credit card on file they will allow the eCheck to clear instantly. Hang tight -- it will work out.

2007-11-15 14:49:18 · answer #3 · answered by mdigitale 7 · 0 0

you did everything right. as for the refund the only thing you are not going to find is it deducted from your checking account.

2007-11-15 14:54:01 · answer #4 · answered by momof7 2 · 0 0

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