I agree, why, if it everything is working fine or better than fine, on Vista, would you switch back to XP? It doesn't make sense to do that. If something is working, why mess with it?
Also, you don't tell us if you are using a wireless connection or a wired connection. The way you state you are having to initiate a Repair of your connection hints you are wireless. It is possible that your TCP/IP stack is messed up on XP, but in Vista all is good. When you need to do a repair constantly, something is obviously wrong. There are far too many things which could go wrong to list them all here.
I suggest you post to an Online Message Board, especially over at the Microsoft webistes newsgroups. Just logon to the Microsoft sites and locate a group. Here, I will do it for you:
Ok, the link below is to the Windows Administration and Security group, but if you look down the list on the left you will see a lot of different groups, some of which are Networking. You need a .Net Passport which is a hotmail, windows live or msn email account. If you already posses one of those, all you need to do to post and respond is sign in with your email address and password.
Now, there are a few things which those who answer posts need to know before they can be of help. They will need to know the version you are using, both the XP one and the Vista one. You may be sent to a Vista group, but I doubt it because you are not having issues with Vista, only XP.
They will also want to know what hardware you have installed in your system, why you wish to change back to XP if Vista is working, and what type of troubleshooting you have tried on your own to this point. Don't cross post. This means, pick one and only post to a different group if somebody tells you to do that. They don't like having the same question posted to multiple groups.
Also, don't get discouraged if somebody is testy with you. All the people in these groups are vollunteers. They are experts or very knowledgable, and are offering their time free of charge on their own time and dime. They like to know that the people they help are helpable, that is that they will follow advice, follow through, and post back how it goes as it is resolved, or if it isn't resolved. Don't get testy back with them or they will shut you out. They just won't post answers to those who get testy in return. Most are very nice and not rude at all, but once in a while, human nature takes a toll, and somebody could have a bad day. Don't give up, just keep working on it.
Good luck in finding your answers for your issue. It is also possible you may have a virus or other malware on the XP system, or a currupted registry. As I mentioned above, this could be so many different problems causing the symptoms you describe.
*note* Some ISPs use different resources within their bandwidth which can use either XP or Vista, but not both. For example: Qwest has us changing out resources within their service when we add a Vista based OS to our internet service. You may want to contact your ISPs technical department and ask if this is the case, and what you can do to create a service which can support both XP and Vista.
2007-11-16 01:22:16
answer #1
answered by Serenity 7
If you have a very brand-new internet service it could be it requires Windows Vista. If it works on Vista well then why even switch back and forth?
2007-11-15 14:13:11
answer #2
answered by raknerudz 3
Reinstall At&t software for Dial Up modem. If this isn't any longer working, call At&t for information. i do no longer wanna sound rude, yet cable isn't that high priced anymore and is priced comparable to modem for many states. Get a a million.5 Mbps provider.
2016-10-02 11:22:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
not sure, but think some of vista's files are using the connection. even though its not being used. look in task manager, with xp, you shouldn't more than 30 to 35 processes running.
2007-11-15 14:14:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think it's not your internet that's the problem. Your virtual space might have already been accumulated that sometimes you play a bulky online game that crashes your pc.
2007-11-15 14:15:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous