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hey there i have static ip from my isp but I cant connect to my modem two computers so i configured another router to use dhcp and i want to set up a web server from one computer. What should i do about my ip configuration? How can i configure router fot that?

2007-11-15 13:55:30 · 2 answers · asked by hot7wheels 3 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

2 answers

hey, static ip is fine. Ask from your ISP the ip address of their DNS servers. You sould configure your TCP/IP to use static ip. Input ip, subnet mask, gateway (the ip address of your router) and fill up the DNS servers ip. Do this to both PC. Ok, for your router, just fill up the ip addresses that was taken from the isp including the DNS server ip.

2007-11-15 19:23:06 · answer #1 · answered by nonoy yaeso 1 · 0 0

You could try bridging the two networks together.

I reccomend a book called Absolute Beginner's Guide to Home Networking, by Mark Edward Soper. It has step by step instructions for setting up wired, wireless, and mixed networks. It has a wealth of information regarding networking.

Here is a website which may also provide information:


Search all around the site, and even go back to the sites Home, where other categories reside.

Here is some search results I did on Static IP addresses and Bridging Networks:

This is the link to the search page with its results on bridging two networks. Search through it for additional information:


Here is a search I did on Static Addresses. Use its results to locate information on how to work with these types of addresses:


I thought it would be more helpful for you if I just posted the links to the searches I conducted, rather than go through the results myself. This way you can locate exactly what may be of help the most. I am simply unsure of your full configuration, and it would take too long here for me to write down a step by step directions for bridging networks.

Good luck and I hope you have your network up and running as needed as soon as possible.

2007-11-15 22:12:08 · answer #2 · answered by Serenity 7 · 0 0

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