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...using remote desktop (from an XP computer), to a server running Windows Server 2003 OS when one of its roles is a Remote Access Server (VPN)?

If so... how?

I've been able to connect to my server w/ Remote Desktop previously... but as I'm trying to configure a VPN for this machine - I can't connect this way, until I remove the role.

2007-11-15 12:19:40 · 2 answers · asked by abcinco 3 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

TY for your reply Hitman... but I can and have been able to connect from XP to Server 2003, but I need you to elaborate... I'm looking for a way to do it - and - be able to VPN while the Server has the Remote Access (VPN) Role.

2007-11-15 23:31:39 · update #1

2 answers

Microsoft has a VERY COMPLETE setup guide for VPN using 2003. I wouldn't even think of trying to duplicate it.

Basically you setup the server end, then setup your "client" connection and your done!

Yes if Remote Access is running you can connect. You do need to setup the VPN for secure connection and for remotes to connect to the Local Network.

2007-11-23 00:53:56 · answer #1 · answered by Tracy L 7 · 1 0

No you cannot remotely connect between XP and server 2003.

2007-11-16 01:39:56 · answer #2 · answered by Hitman 3 · 0 2

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