Very much more noble to die for your belief. Anyway all of us will, sooner or later, die. We should die with honor. If you lie to save you life, you may live but you lost your dignity. But, if you die because of your belief. Your heroic act will live in the hearts of people from generation to generation.
2007-11-15 12:14:02
answer #1
answered by Dencel 2
What a person believes may or may not be true, so I would say it's better to die for truth than to live for a lie.
For example, if I was sentenced to death for a crime I did not commit, but was offered life in prison for a guilty plea, I would rather die.
Why? Two reasons: Because death is inevitable. And because if truth isn't worth dying for, then nothing is.
2007-11-15 12:23:54
answer #2
answered by Sophrosyne 4
The answer must be placed in perspective.
1) I would not lie to save myself if my killer was my philosophical enemie, e.g., if a Wahhabi wanted to kill me because I am an "infidel," I would not lie and say I swear allegiance to Allah. My principles are too important.
2) If a man kidnapped my child, I would do anything including lie to get him back. One example would be, "No, I have not called the police." or "Yes, I have the money," knowing I do not but also knowing the police will be there to catch the guy when he tries to collect it.
2007-11-15 21:51:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Great movie scenes aside, doesn't it really hinge on what you do with the remaining years of life that were "spared" by lying ?
Beliefs change with new information. It is foolish to hold a belief in manner that precludes learning more & updating it, when the nature of belief is such that there is insufficient information to begin with - that's why it is only a belief, not knowledge?
Furtherly, was it wrong to lie to the Nazis to save the lives of the many Jews who were in hiding? If it was not, what makes it not wrong? If it was not wrong, then why is it wrong to lie to save yourself?
2007-11-15 13:21:14
answer #4
answered by WikiJo 6
There is no dichotomy between honesty and idiocy; to lie to an enemy is a moral imperative. It is not an act of moral treason to live, 'pretending' to be a Roman in order to plot their downfall. There is a massive distinction to be made between a collaborator and a resistance fighter.
2007-11-15 13:20:11
answer #5
answered by Mr. Wizard 4
dying for what you believe is making each people a noble one but i rather die for what i believe than fool everyone else with a fake smile because you live a life which is full of lies...
2007-11-15 13:19:35
answer #6
answered by macvor 2
I will die for my belief, but only if i know its the truth. No reason to die for a false belief that will be stupid and not neccessary, a waste .
2007-11-15 12:14:36
answer #7
answered by Delightful 6
I don't know if it's better but I'd rather be a live dog than a dead lion.
2007-11-15 14:26:03
answer #8
answered by Emory 3
yes it is.never change your opinions or morals for no one.
2007-11-15 12:08:13
answer #9
answered by still has hope 5
To thine own self be true!!!!!
2007-11-15 12:08:52
answer #10
answered by Premaholic 7