It's both, actually. It is a real (valid) theory. In scientific terms, theory doesn't mean fake. If that's the case, then I suppose gravity doesn't exist, either. Since we're not floating off the face of the planet right now, I'm pretty sure it does exist. But it's a theory. You won't find any true answers when it comes to science. Truth is a philosophical concept. Science deals in facts.
Evolution has a lot of evidence (facts) supporting it. A lot of the criteria that dissenters use to disprove it (mainly involving a very popular holy book) does not factor into scientific reasoning and cannot be considered when deciding whether or not evolution is valid. (Note: it is not my intention to invalidate the faith of the many people who love that very popular holy book! It's a wonderful spiritual book from which many people derive comfort and strength, but even that does not make it science.)
Evolution is such a controversial issue that it's possible you and your friend will never agree on it. You think it's a valid theory and your friend does not. Is there anything he/she could say that would change your mind? If there's not, then you have to consider that nothing you say, no evidence, no facts could change your friend's mind. I've seen friendships end over this issue and I've seen mothers turn their backs on their own children over it as well. Don't let your disagreement ruin your friendship.
2007-11-15 13:11:01
answer #1
answered by Avie 7
Its a theory until the link between homo erect us and homo Sapian are found.
Some believe that there is no link, because this area of evolution is one of many, where the evidence of the changes, was not left to be discovered. Along with the manipulation of our species the "agents of intelligent design" purposely left no traces of their interaction because they believed that it would adversely affect our life.....until such a time as we "mature" as a race and there presence could be know publicly.
How About That?
Let me break it down for you,..............
God created the heavens and the earth.........
within those heavens there are more planets then there are grains of sand on all the beach's on the earth.
Upon some of those planets,......there are most probably intelligent beings that far surpass our knowledge.
As we travel this planet,....... they travel the universe.
As we care for this planet,..(yea right)... they care for the universe.
Think of the earth as a farm,.......only instead of cows and chickens being the commodity,.....the people are.
(You don't think they came all this way for nothing do you?)
The first humans on earth were here 150,000 years ago in Ethiopia, Africa. Hello! THEY WERE BLACK!
Yes the gorrillia has 24 chromosomes and we have 22.
The second fused together and now we have two less.
Yes there is a God and yes he created us in his image and yes there is intelligent life out there that helps,.......get it?
Evolution has to do with changes over time that facilitate an animals ability to feed and so on,........(longer arms) (better eyesight) )(ect)
Genetic Engineering certainly comes by no chance and it is no fluke that we are who we are as a species today.
(They had help when they discovered DNA)
They can't teach "creationism" in public school beacuse its relegious and that is a shame.
I however believe that both "intelligent design" along with "Evolution" need to be taught because young people need to understand that its kinda a "combination of both",.........there are however too many people adamently apposed to this idea. It violates their religious beliefs you see?
All in due time,..........All In due time.
2007-11-16 07:59:12
answer #2
answered by Craig B 2
Evolution was a theory when it was first postulated.
Since that time, an extremely large body of evidence, chemical, biological, paleontological, and other forms, has been found to support it.
There has never been one shred of credible evidence, not one iota, presented to refute it.
Given this vast amount of proof, it is safe to say that evolution is as much a fact as things like gravity and electricity. It is as true as we can know anything to be true.
Those who deny it are simply choosing archaic religious dogma over fact, and should be dismissed out of hand.
The truth is that evolution is God's most glorious and elegant creation.
2007-11-15 12:19:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Evolution is a theory ( and theory does not mean opinion - look it up).
It is also real!
Sound theory might as well be called fact since sound theory is tested and re-tested and if it fails is thrown out the nearest window and discarded.
2007-11-15 12:08:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Since it cannot be 100% proven, it is a theory. It is extremely difficult to prove something that happened millions of years ago (especially when man was not there to see it happen). Science cannot prove everything such as the birth of the universe, the origin of mankind, the spirit world and among thousands of other unexplained phenomenon.
I suppose there is always going to be some things that man will never know and the best thing we can do is come up with these theories and use that as a mean to explain the unknown. These theories will at least provide some satisfaction to the scientific world, however, it is possible that these theories are far from the truth and we will never know.
2007-11-15 11:36:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Evolution is real; it's been shown to exist. What is still theoretical is the MECHANISM of Evolution; WHY, HOW and what triggers and modifies the process...
ps: using Conservapedia as a source shows a real lack of intellect....that site's "evidence" is riddled with logical faults and incomplete information, as well as implications that are never borne out by evidence.
2007-11-15 13:27:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
the true answer:
It is both
and evolution is observed in a lab - you can watch it happen
over a couple months (bacteria)
evolution is a theory - not because it hasn't been proven - which it has - but because not everything is understood about it - like gravitational theory.
Laws are things that can be simplified into one equation - evolution will never be a law
2007-11-15 11:43:36
answer #7
answered by PD 6
Things do evolve over time. Species change and become more adapted to their environment.
However, I was once told that things in the universe do not go from chaos to order, therefore it would be impossible for different species to come from a small bundle of random cells. It would be like a paper factory exploding, and a dictionary forming on its own.
2007-11-15 11:43:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Evolution is a theory. If anyone could find the 'missing link' it would carry more weight.
2007-11-15 11:36:02
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I agree with some of the other's It is both, It has to be classified as a theory because everything in it cannot be proven 100percent , but it is true,
2007-11-15 12:01:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous