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All I have is a crossover cable, Desktop and Laptop (Desktop with ADSL internet, so no ports there!).

There are obviously LAN ports on my Desktop and Laptop, is all I need to do is connect them together with my crossover cable? Sort of Plug 'n' Play?

Please help

2007-11-15 09:07:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

3 answers

The best solution is just to buy a cheap router -- this will offer you wireless access to the laptop too. If you want to use the cross over cable, you can link the Desktop and Laptop together, but you will also need the ability to bridge the connection from your modem to your LAN -- depending on your OS you may be able to use a USB cable from the modem or you might have to install a secondary nic in the desktop. Either way, I recommend the router approach.

2007-11-15 09:13:47 · answer #1 · answered by mdigitale 7 · 0 0

that's spoke of as an advert oc community and diverse structures require a crossove cable for this. in spite of the shown fact that, some greater moderen structures can bump into what cable your'e utilising and artwork for this reason. in spite of the shown fact that, some video games arent' designed for this the two.... first, plug them at the same time and use the community wizard on each.

2016-12-08 22:58:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u need a anther usb cable i had the smae problem

2007-11-15 09:10:40 · answer #3 · answered by itshim 3 · 0 0

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