I'm glad you're asking lots of questions instead of just giving up already. Do you have a lactation consultant to refer to in case of any other issues? I suggest getting one because our society really doesn't do enough to educate women about bfing.
Some women don't do well with a pump at all. When I was engorged and tried to pump, I got almost nothing as well. Also, pumping might encourage your body to produce more, so you really shouldn't try to get several ounces yet. Just nurse your baby for a few days and then try pumping again.
To help relieve the engorgement, take a hot shower and manually express some milk until you're no longer in so much pain.
Your baby will eat until full. Don't worry about ounces at this time. Just nurse on demand. This could be every 2 hours or every 15 minutes. Just keep going and providing for your baby.
My armpits were never tender, but every woman is different. It might be due to hormones. If it worsens, contact your doctor.
A few helpful links:
**Please don't offer formula. This will mess with your supply. If you start offering it now, your body will not know to produce more milk, thus throwing off your supply. What do you think people did before formula? They just nursed when the baby cried. Also, don't introduce a bottle so early or your baby will develop nipple confusion and reject the breast.
2007-11-15 05:05:01
answer #1
answered by Astragalo 5
My milk took 4 days to come in. I called the pediatrician on Day 3 asking them if I should give my baby formula and she said not to worry. I didn't give her formula and I'm so glad. The next morning I woke up looking like Dolly Parton and breastfed my daughter. Don't worry about pumping yet, let your baby get all this good milk first and in a week, once you've gotten breastfeeding down a bit, then you can start pumping. Pumping might interfere with your breasts and baby being able to get the supply and demand process working. You might have a clogged milk duct if your armpit hurts that bad and that could be the reason for the milk not coming in as strong. Massage the area a lot and put a warm compress on it. I would call the doctor for that. I don't know how many ounces a newborn eats because I just breastfed my daughter whenever she wanted and never measured.
2007-11-15 13:10:14
answer #2
answered by Precious 7
It usually takes about 3-4 days for the milk to come in. Some women do not have success with a breast pump right away, so even though milk is not coming out of the pump, you may still already be producing milk. Feed your baby frequently at this point to reduce the soreness and engorgement that you are experiencing...every hour or every 2 hrs. on average, if possible. You do not need to pump at this point, unless you are planning on feeding your baby from a bottle. Pumping is going to increase your milk supply which you don't really want at this point because it can contribute to engorgement and tenderness.
Babies drink different amounts at each feeding, so you are going to have to go by your baby's cues--feed him when he is showing signs of hunger and let him drink as much as he wants...he will know when to stop. Babies instinctively know how much to drink at each feeding. But, as a guide, babies at this age take in about 2.5- 3 times their weight....so if he weighs 8 lbs., that's about 16-24 ounces per day.
There are milk glands under your armpit & they can become tender between feedings. However, if it is very, very sore, then you need to be on the look-out for plugged milk ducts or mastitis (breast infection) symptoms. To relieve the pressure, try a hot shower and breast compressions from the armpit to the breast area (not to the nipple). This can sometimes help relieved a clogged duct. If you start getting flu-like symptoms, then it's probably developing into mastitis and you need to call your doctor for an antibiotic. I'm telling you this because it happened to me 2x and it always started out w/tenderness in my armpit. Good luck and keep at it! You're doing the best thing for your baby! Best wishes!
2007-11-15 13:17:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, you are filling with a huge sudden rush of milk. 3 days is the time that usually happens and that's totally perfect and normal :)
Sometimes, pumping just isn't very effective at getting that milk out... Even if it's a really good one, like the Medela Pump in Style. and especially during the first month (in my case, at least).
When I pump, I still hardly get any milk out... not even a full ounce... but my baby nurses from the breast almost exclusively and she is 5 months, 27 inches and 18 lbs... she's pretty big for her age. lol.
Say your baby is about 8 lbs, your body will be regulating the supply depending on how much he needs that week, but it's usually 3 times theh weight in ouncez...so 24oz of breastmilk per day... then if you're going to feed him pumped breastmilk - you will give him 24oz divided by the amount of times he nurses per day so, if your baby is your typical baby... he wants to nurse every hour, getting one ounce per hour. (just in case your baby is anything like mine was - baby has nothing better or more comforting to do than nurse on your nice squishy boob all day - he's not paying with toys or really interested in anything but feeling your body, so if you can - take a break in between and have someone else hold him so you can take a nap... OMG naps are really really important.)
So, allthough it's SO discouraging to see so little milk from the pump, feel very assured that your healthy baby is getting enough for himself if he's nursing from the boob.
The best remedy for releiving your breasts is to nurse, nurse, nurse... to help your milk flow you can either take a hot shower(your breasts might be to sensitive for that though for the first week or so), or just put a warm/hot towel compress on the breasts before nursing... then once you and baby are done, try a cold towel.
Make sure baby has a good latch, and that his mouth gets as much of the whole areola as possible, and not just the nipple (that could cause damage to your nipple) and that you aim the nipple at the nose
Breastfeeding might be a little sore at first, while you're still learning, but after a week or two you should be way more comfortable. Later on, it shouldn't be painful, so either find a lactation consultant or go to a la leche league meeting, or any moms group meeting(suppotrive of breastfeeding) that you can find. I have found that the homebirth support moms groups are the most supportive and informed on breastfeeding. The group meetings will help you so much, because even if you have friends or family who are experienced mothers, having moms going through the same thing at the same time is SO MUCH BETTER.
About the armpit: you might want to ask for a good half hour massage around the shoulder, neck, chest and arm area. Make sure to use lots of oil (olive oil is perfect )instead of lotion. And make sure not to mess with the painful area. Not sure if it can be a sign of mastitis or clogged ducts unless the pain is more in the breasts, hot breasts, or any red spots(and you don't have to stop breastfeeding for those, nursing, allthough more painful, actually helps clear them up a lot) I would go to a lactation consultant ASAP though, it will make you feel a lot better.
Take things slowly and trust your insticts.
Happy healing and milking to you and congratulations on the new love of your life!!!
2007-11-15 13:47:52
answer #4
answered by O new moon 3
When breast feeding, feed the baby about every 2-3 hours. If not using a pump, you let the baby eat until he/she is full.
Your breasts are hurting a sore because they are engorged. The pump may not be strong enough, or you may have clogged ducts. Consult your doctor. I know a few days after i had my daughter, we went to do see the doctor so she could teach me how to breast feed. Did you not have that option. 3 days is usually when the actual milk starts to come in.And when the pain really begins. Use a heating pad and a bag of frozen veggies, like peas. To help with swelling and pain.
2007-11-15 13:07:07
answer #5
answered by Jess 3
Your milk is coming in. Your armpit is sore because your milk is wanting to let down. Your mammary glands go all the way up into your armpit. Mine used to do that too in the begining of breastfeeding. He is only gonna eat about 3 ounces maybe . Just about 10 - 15 minutes on each side. SOmetimes my daughter would only eat off one side and then next time she would eat off the other. He is gonna eat frequently due to him being so tiny. You want to atleast let him eat on one breast for 10-15 minutes. Try not to switch around too much to quick. He needs the hind milk which comes out after the fore milk. As for pumps, If you don't have a really really good pump then your not gonna get a whole lot out. I had problems with pumps. My pediatrician told me not to worry about pumps unless you are a working mom. If so you need to invest into a nice breast pump, but they get expensive. You could always contact le leche league consultant. They are awesome and helped answer all my questions about breastfeeding.
2007-11-15 13:06:42
answer #6
answered by *Mommy of 3* 4
Yes, it is all normal. It took me 5 days with my first and 3 with my second. You will know because the breasts get so warm and tender just before. You should be nursing him, not using the pump at this stage. It takes about 2 weeks after you get the milk to establish a regular routine. Nurse him every 2 hours around the clock and offer formula after nursing as a complement until you get the milk in full. At 3 days, he is probably doing around 2 ounces at every feeding.
2007-11-15 13:04:12
answer #7
answered by Annie 4
I didn't breast feed very like. I breastfeed only for 1 month now i combination feed. Anyway i didn't get a lot of milk either when i pumped. then i started getting maybe like two ounces when my supply was coming in good the breast feeding consultant said that was goo. But every woman produces milk differently. they told me the more i pumped and breastfeed the quicker my supply would come in. I had sore armpits to. I don't know why but i was thinking that it was so sore in that area because it was so close to our breast. i always felt better after i pumped maybe it is engorgment.
2007-11-15 13:06:18
answer #8
answered by Co-Co 1
Do not give formula if you want to give your baby the best start. Formula is man-made and is proven to damage baby's intestines. Your body and baby knows what to do. What do you think they did a hundred years ago? Put your baby to the breast and keep track which one you used last so you can keep switching. My baby is two months old and boy can I make a ton of milk! I hope you work at it and don't give in to formula. Good luck!
2007-11-15 13:51:23
answer #9
answered by Andrea 3
You are engorging because he should be at your breast and not taking it from the bottle. The pump just pumps, but your baby will help your breasts make exactly what he needs, but he must be the pump?
I guess I was just wondering why you were pumping and not feeding him??
Good luck.
2007-11-15 13:23:05
answer #10
answered by Michele J 4