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So, i decided that im going to transfer from my four year university back to community college because of my poor grades.My question is, does the community college keep my past gpa and grades or do they let me start over.


2007-11-15 03:24:44 · 2 answers · asked by msX 6 in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

2 answers

If you go back to the same community college then they will have your institutional GPA still.

You never really start over. There is an institutional GPA (the grades you got at this college) and a collegiate GPA (the grades you've gotten at all colleges).

2007-11-15 03:43:05 · answer #1 · answered by CoachT 7 · 1 0

There is not such thing as a start over in college. All of your grades will be used to calculate your accumulative GPA regardless if you are attending a community college or university.

2007-11-15 11:41:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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