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but if i go to network neighbourhood explore>microsoft windows network>Workgroup>CLIENT5 (Name of the pc with IP am getting following messege

\\CLIENT5 is not accessible, you might not have permission to use the network resource,contact system administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission.
the network path was not found.

but with dos command start \\ am able to open the drives of this pc (id CLIENT5)
what could be problem ?

"Messenger service" is started in Services.

2007-11-12 23:45:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

3 answers

Check on that CLIENT5, see any firewall enabled (Windows firewall, antivirus firewall, etc). You need to enable file sharing traffic to go through those firewall.

Also you need to enable file sharing correctly.

Simple File Sharing in XP

How to Share File with Group and User Permissions in Windows XP

Hope helps..

2007-11-13 01:19:10 · answer #1 · answered by picohat 5 · 0 0

You have a DNS issue. Ensure that either your HOST name is in DNS or if your in a workgroup you have the PC name in your HOST file with the appropriate IP address.

The error "not accessible" is not the same as "Access denied" and browsing by IP versus HOST name is the problem in this case so look at DNS.

2007-11-13 09:05:07 · answer #2 · answered by Slick 5 · 0 0

theres a drop down menu in the explorer which shows things like my comp ,my docum drive c select the drive from here it will open up

2016-05-22 22:42:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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