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I hear a lot of people complaining about breastfeeding - saying they get nasty comments about breastfeeding in public, that breastfeeding is "too hard" for them, and that they can't do it. But the truth is, only about 1% of women truly can't breastfeed. So instead of attacking, I want to hear from other moms: what would help you to be able to nurse your baby easier? Special nursing rooms at family - oriented destinations? Free lactation consultants for as long as new moms need them? I want to hear what you'd like to help make nursing as easy as possible for you.

2007-11-12 14:19:38 · 11 answers · asked by SoBox 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

Stephanie H - I'm glad to hear there are so many resources available to you - that's wonderful! Unfortunately, many of us don't have quite so much available. When my son was born, there was a lactation consultant on hand in the hospital. However, once we were discharged, we had to hire one privately to work with us. I nursed until my son was 14 months (he weaned himself) and I loved every minute of it, but I think there could be a lot more done to help make it easier for other new moms.

2007-11-12 14:51:17 · update #1

To clarify, I'm not talking just about nursing itself. I was physically able to nurse without problems. However, I'm talking more about how society as a whole could help nursing moms. I personally am VERY against a woman being asked not to nurse in public, but some moms don't feel comfortable nursing in public and thus don't stick with it for very long. If you work outside of the home and want to continue nursing, are there any additional accomodations you would like to make breastfeeding on the job easier? Those are the kind of answers I'm looking for.

2007-11-12 15:11:24 · update #2

11 answers

I BF for the first 6month and stopped because of what I can only guess was stress related. This was caused more by family situation more than anything else.
As far as making it easier I think it's all about the education of Mom's and the public. Also having convenient places to go and breastfeed. I was comfortable with feeding my daughter anywhere, but I have a friend who would rather go sit on a toilet than breastfeed in a public location. (I would rather breastfeed in front of oggling men than on a toilet). I think the addition of a stall without a toilet in the bathroom with a comfortable seating place for Mom is the ideal oh and big enough to bring the monster of a stroller all new Mom's have! I was also glad to have a lactation consultant visit me in the hospital a service provided for no additional cost by my local hospital. I just wish the one I had visited when I was having difficulty was better and nicer than she was. I think the addition of lactation consultants to pediatric offices would make it more convenient to get the answers needed as a new Mom. The key however to all of this is education of new mom's and the public. They advertise everything else why not advertise the fact that in many states it is legal for a mom to breast feed her child in any public location.

2007-11-12 14:33:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I think Education is the biggest thing lacking in the whole breastfeeding process.

Alot of moms (myself included) got no guidance, had no sources of support or information and it was only because I'm a stubborn old goat that refused to "give up" that we're still here nursing today some 13 months later... I figured, if a cavewoman could figure it out...I should be able to manage.

Honestly, I think that it should fall to the healthcare providers to supply woman with AT LEAST as much info about breastfeeding as they do about the actual birthing process..as in my mind...the go hand in hand.

Personally, I could give a crap about dirty looks, or nasty remarks, I know what's best for my child and I'm willing to tolerate the ignorance of others to provide it for him...so make a law, don't make a law, I really don't care because I won't be deterred either way...but for the sake of other new moms out there....There should be some sort of national protection of these rights, and there should be information available to every pregnant woman out there, wether they want it or not....that way...at least they can make an educated decision.

2007-11-13 09:29:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My son is turning 1 in a couple of weeks and he's still breastfed. I live in Orlando and they don't have many feeding rooms in public, but i wasn't about to give up so I just got used to a little exhibition. Or I sat on the inside of a booth against the wall at restaurant. When I was visiting long island they had a really great baby/family room in the mall. They had complementary changing stations with diapers, wipes warmers, mobiles, tv for childrens entertainment, and feeding stalls with comfy chairs inside and foot stools. I wish more places were outfitted with these sort of rooms, even if were a little more simple. The one thing I did like is the local hospitals have complementary lactation consultants to help you and they helped emensely. Also I think that groups like the la leche league need more publicity so women are aware of the support groups available.

2007-11-12 14:30:41 · answer #3 · answered by Mom of 3 3 · 6 0

I think that there are a lot of support services available for nursing moms, but the problem comes when they women don't know those services exist for free!

Most hospitals have lactation consultants on hand to help you when you are in the hospital. In addition to childbirth classes there are also breastfeeding classes for both mom & dad to attend. There are free breastfeeding workshops at Babies R Us, and through many pediatricians offices & OB's offices. There are even nursing support groups often run by lactation consultants.

I think if we inform women of the support that is available to them that more women would be successful at breast feeding.

In addition, I think the rest of the world needs to but out on how you choose to feed your baby. Everyone has an opinion on breastfeeding, and if your opinion is negative, then keep it to yourself & don't tell a breastfeeding mom.

2007-11-12 14:28:44 · answer #4 · answered by Stephanie H 4 · 8 0

Luckily my daughter nursed great right from the beginning, so I didn't need any help with that. It would be nice for there to be more family/nursing rooms at stores that are for children. I know my local Babies R Us just put a new place in and it's great. I really hated going into the car to nurse, especailly in the summer, but a blanket was too hot for my daughter in this California heat, and I wouldn't nurse wihout it so I felt stuck. I tried pumping as much as I could, but you don't get as much that way, and then I would get engorged when we were out. I know why so many women quit because bottle feeding is so much easier, but I kept at it until my daughter turned 1. About to do it all again.

2007-11-12 14:25:47 · answer #5 · answered by Melissa 7 · 6 0

A government warning label on cans of infant formula.

No, seriously.

"Formula has not been proven to offer any benefits over plain cow's milk. Formula-fed infants are more likely to die, to be sick, and to be hospitalized."

Something blunt like that, like they have on cigarettes. (And what does smoking around a baby do? Increases the risk of death and illness in the baby, just like formula...)

Which would help every breastfeeding mother, I think. If people actually got that about formula, people would stop asking how to deal with nursing in public here; it wouldn't be an issue, because, after all, everybody would nurse; a bottle would be the shameful thing. Nobody would think to tell a nursing mother "Oh, you can just supplement with formula, give her a bottle of it while you're out."

Nobody would think 'extended' breastfeeding was a bad idea; nobody in their right mind would wean early.

And so on. There is no problem with breastfeeding. The problems lie with bottles and formula.

2007-11-12 15:15:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

It isn't hard for me at all.
I do get irritated on here when I read negative comments about breastfeeding in public. Nursing rooms??? NO! Why should we leave to feed a baby? Being able to nurse and not have comments or crude remarks would be the ideal.

I get irritated in life when people are shocked that I am nursing a 15 month old- like it is a horrible thing!

I recently read that most breastfeeding moms can't breastfeed because they work. NOT TRUE! You can if you make it your priority. You can if you continue to pump at regular intervals. I work full-time and have been adamant about pumping.

I think we need more education- starting in middle and high school on breastfeeding. I hope when our daughter is a mom these views would have changed.

I do think that free lactation consultants would be a great idea. As well as education for new breastfeeding moms before they leave the hospital. So often I hear of a baby who refuses the breast after having a bottle. Or a mom stressed out because her breastfed baby has a tummy ache after having formula in the early weeks. There are so many misconceptions and many new moms fall prey to them because they simply have not educated themselves beforehand. Having a baby nurse constantly early on is NORMAL. We are a "want it now" society. Many people in our society are not willing to wait it out. We want our children to sleep through the night early on. We want "hands off" and schedules. For some, breastfeeding takes time and new moms and dads need to be patient. Baby will eventually sleep through the night. Baby will eventually want to not be held so much- enjoy it while it lasts as it goes QUICKLY! Baby will eventually want to nurse less often unless a growth spurt is in effect.

Babies really need more "hands on" to really blossom- more touch, more attachment, and less worry about schedules and sleeping patterns. Eventually, they'll sleep. At least I have found this in my own life with my own children- one of whom is autistic.

In short, we need more education. Breasts were not intended to be sexual objects. Breastfeeding is beautiful. I think we have a long way to go in this country until we see some changes in this particular area.

Edited to add:
I just reread my comment and I don't want anyone to misunderstand: our son was weaned at 8 weeks of age due to colic. That was 11 years ago. We were told 1. breastfed babies don't get colic and 2. that it was my milk. I didn't know any better and was young and didn't have the benefit of a computer to search info on. After changing my diet, attempting all sorts of things- I took him off an put him on formula- and a nightmare ensued. He had colic at it's peak at 18 hours a day every day until he was 3.5 months of age. He was in the hospital twice for starting to become dehydrated. I didn't know you could put the baby right back on. I didn't know that formula would make it worse. I didn't know a lot. Someone to help me would have been a Godsend. I vowed to only breastfeed. Our 15 month old has never had formula. She has also never been sick except for pink eye when I had it last year. Sorry for the novel, but it tends to be something I am very passionate about after our experience. There is nothing worse than watching your baby suffer and when turning to a medical professional for answers, you are handed Soy formula and told, "Baby got colic. Give Formula." My husband and I still shudder at the memory.

2007-11-12 14:31:30 · answer #7 · answered by NY_Attitude 6 · 11 0

Breastfeeding was easier, that's part of what makes it so wonderful, since it's also the best way to ensure baby's normal growth and development. What helped me was having an IBCLC visit me at home several times (and have insurance cover her help). And after that what helped the most was having lots of support. There's too much negative about breastfeeding in our society - people who criticize you for feeding your baby in public, people who tell you "if they can ask for it, they're too old", formula companies sending free and unrequested samples, medical professionals who give lip service to breastfeeding but hand out free formula coupons and don't tell mothers about the risks of formula feeding, etc. All mothers should know where to find breastfeeding support (IBCLCs and La Leche League). All pregnant women should be informed about the risks of formula feeding. Birth practices should promote breastfeeding.

Personally, I don't like the idea of nursing rooms - my baby and I shouldn't need to hide when it's time to eat. The more women who refuse to hide and insist on their babies' right to eat, the less we'll hear people complaining about it.

2007-11-12 14:34:31 · answer #8 · answered by cherikonline 3 · 6 0

I breastfed my daughter, but the part that I had trouble with was pumping. I tried hundreds of times, and really only a small amount of milk ever came out at a time. I'm talking two ounces for 1/2 an hour's worth of work. I tried the manual pumps and the electric pumps. It just didn't work for me. My daughter did fine naturally breast feeding. But on occasion, i would have preferred to have used a bottle or left a bottle with my husband or my mother, if I was going out. So the thing that would have made it easier for me would have been being able to successfully pump.

2007-11-12 14:34:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I wish our backwards country had a decent maternity leave and laws to protect women in the workplace who want to breastfeed. I know it is so stressful to women going back to work and wondering if they will be able to continue breastfeeding, and whether they will be provided the facilities to pump. This country (the US) is so stupid in that regard. Why promote breastfeeding and then make it so hard for women to do it?

So, I feel that we should adopt a policy similar to that of Canada and women should be able to take off a full year for maternity leave.

I'm just glad my husband supports me in our decision to breastfeed and I won't have to go back to work after the baby is born, but I will have to go back to school when the baby is 6 months old. My program is pretty much like a 50 hour a week job, so it will be very difficult for awhile. Ugg.

2007-11-12 14:36:32 · answer #10 · answered by submental25 4 · 6 1

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