Cardiovascular exercise enhances sexual performance. There are many ways to do that, with practice and experience you can do it better. You can practice with your gf Tantra, it's very helpful and I can recommend it to you.
I practice it for 3 years with my girlfriend and the sex is very good. Important is always to make your girlfriend happy, have a good dinner, take a bath together, bring her to the bad, kiss her and the whole body, make a massage and then play with your tongue. After that have intercourse with her, a the beginning don't put the whole penis inside only half make it 3 or 4 times and then introduce your whole penis.
A good positions is when she's up and your down, so she can control the rhythm and you will not come so quickly. Before you ejaculate try to stop and let your penis out, than introduce it slowly and continue to have sex.
Sometimes you can control your orgasm other times not, that's normal and not something to be worry about. Important is always to make your girlfriend happy, after you came quickier you can kisses her and caress her until your ready for the second time. Your girlfriend can be active at you and please you too.
The woman is important too, because she must be active and not always passive. She can really do a lot of things and helping to not come so quickly.
If you like it you can try it with Viagra or Cialis, they are very effective and you will have good, strong and long lasting erections. You can't take these ED drugs without medical attention, because they have several side effects. They doctor will prescribed it to you, if you really need it. Viagra is a prescription drug, so you must get a prescription from your doc. if you have ed the doc will give you a free ed sample pack of viagra cialis and levitra to see which one works best for you.The Viagra is more for a good night because it works for 4 to 5 hours. You must planning the sex and you will take it 1 hour before sex.
With the cialis you can take it 1 hour before and it will work till 3 days in our system. You can have spontaneous sex and do it more times than Viagra. The erections on Viagra are harder, but with Cialis they're enough for good and satisfied sex.
Side effects with Viagra: Red Eyes, Red Face (like pornstars have). With Cialis: less one's
I would recommend you the Cialis, because it has less side effects and it works for a long time. I have used Cialis a few times and it works very well and I didn't have any side effects.
With the Viagra I had only Red Eyes as a side effect, it has worked very well the few times I have taken it.
They're only a supplementation and not for long term use, because they're medicine. I found to try them it's not so bad.
That's the best advise I can give you.
Here is a good site where you can find all informations:
2007-11-12 01:24:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
A lot of men are definitely wrapped in in their penises...which doesn't say much for them, but I also think some men get a bit of a thrill talking about their penis on a public forum, such as this, hoping to "sexualize" the situation knowing that women will be reading. It's really kind of silly in th end and truly does separate the boys from the men. It also probably tells a bit about these men's maturity, and there obvious sexual insecurities within themselves. Any man (straight or gay) comfortable in themselves won't have anything to really say about their penis...as they have no need for ego boosts or stroking (pardon the pun)..... D'n'D
2007-11-12 11:57:34
answer #2
Viagra....or loads and loads of foreplay. I find the second option works best for my bloke tho
2007-11-12 08:10:18
answer #3
answered by Pretty in punk chick 3
learn to spell and you might get somewhere
2007-11-12 09:52:51
answer #4
answered by Jenna 3
What the heck is an ireschon? Is it contagious? Do you drive it? Do you hunt it?
2007-11-12 08:21:10
answer #5
answered by iraq51 7
Sorry- if you can't spell it, you can't have it.
2007-11-12 08:11:45
answer #6
answered by HumphreyCat 4