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Ok dont think im crazy but im really grossed out by having my baby naturaly - im soo scared that my vagina will never look the same - im scared of the Pain - i really want a c section but i know you cant pick what you want - my sister had one - and she didnt have any trouble - i know it takes longer to heal but can anyone help feel better - im just 12 weeks and have lots of time to get over this but anyone who has had a baby can you tell me do you return to normal down there,,, does everything stay stretched out a lil or what - i knw the books tell you things but i want to hear it from real people - thanks soo much for your help

2007-11-10 05:08:24 · 20 answers · asked by lilrebelchick 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

20 answers

If you do your kegel exercises (pelvic floor exercises), everything will be just fine. I tore just a bit (one stitch) and between that and not having sex for 6 weeks, it was a bit uncomfortable. Your vagina is elastic. It's meant to give birth and go back to normal. Worry about taking care of yourself and your baby to be, and enjoy the pregnancy. The labor will come and go before you know it, and you'll be holding a beautiful little angel =)

2007-11-10 05:11:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Kegel, baby! Yes you will look the ame down there, and you will feel the same provided you work your vaginal muscles just like you would any other muscle. Most people start off doing their kegels incorrectly, so just remember what I am sure your doctor told you to do already; start by identifying the vginal floor muscles by stopping your urine midstream. do this a few times whill going o the bathroom so that you become familiar with the feel of those muscles. Then when you are just sitting and relaxing, start of doing a "reps" of five for three second holds, and then gradually move up. This not only helps put things BACK in place, but it helps during delivery and it helps your bladder control as well. Don't worry, this is actually what your vagina is for, so mits all going to be okay. Happy Kegeling!

2007-11-14 13:00:59 · answer #2 · answered by jmizzle 4 · 0 0

Have a baby vaginally is a lot less painful in the long run tan having a c-section, especially if you go the epidural route. I personally didn't get strenched out, some women do feel that they have become strenched out and there is now a procedure to fix that if by rare chance it happens.

It is natural to be afraid of the unknown. A c-section can sound like a very appealing option to a first time mom. I know that it didn't sound so bad to me, but when it came down to it I'm happy that I had a vaginal birth, and am hoping to have the same uneventful birth next time.

And don't let those scary videos they show you in lamaze class freak you out. It's really not that bad.

2007-11-10 14:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by Amanda I 5 · 1 0

Natural birth is scary and it does hurt but some births go fast and other take longer. I haven't had any problem and I had my daughter naturally and that was only 5 months ago. You may not have a choice when the time is here. Your pelvic bone may not spread open far enough for the baby to come down so c-section may be the only way. Your doctor may decide that he/she feels more comfortable taking a baby c-section rather than natural. Just talk to your DOCTOR about all your options and definitely take a birthing class.

2007-11-14 13:09:52 · answer #4 · answered by Billie Jo R 2 · 0 0

ive had 2 kids, one naturally and one with a late epidural.
the pain is considerable, but everyones experience is different so you just cant say in advance. i know its scary, the whole thing sure scares the hell out of me. but despite this im due twins in april.

i am a supporter of pain blockers despite the risks. anything that makes the labour less painful is worth it. the pain of pushing and birthing is nothing compared to the labour since the nerve endings in your vagina naturally block the pain.

whether you use pain blockers or not you can tear. however, there are things you can do to minimise the risk of tearing. stay upright during contractions and definately dont give birth lying down. as the babys head is crowning the birth attendant should instruct you when to stop pushing while they ease the babies head out. if you are having an epidural, let it wear off in time for pushing so you can feel it and control it better. in my experience, the use of gas and air makes you weak and spaced out so that you cannot control anything.

your vagina is designed to stretch during birth and some tearing can be expected for a first birth. your tummy muscles and uterus are not designed to be sliced opened and stitched back so dont opt for a c section unless you cannot give birth vaginally for medical reasons.

i think that after birth the vagina is definately altered but it wont be deformed or anything, and its just something to accept. with a c section the recovery period is obviously longer and more painful. your tummy muscles will tone up much faster after a vaginal birth.

good luck!!

2007-11-10 14:01:35 · answer #5 · answered by saz 4 · 1 0

Take it easy dear, you don't want a c-section if you can keep from it. Natural childbirth is sooooo much easier. I haven't read through the rest of the answers on here yet but I'm sure people will tell you how bad natural childbirth hurts, It's honestly not that bad. Some people are just big babies. Have you ever had surgery? It really does hurt. I would rather have a few hours of "bareable" pain with natural childbirth than a couple weeks with a c-section.
And as far as everything returning to normal.....that's too funny. Of course everything will return to normal. I'm not making fun of you, that's just funny.
Congrats and don't worry, just enjoy your pregnancy. And have great thoughts of the precious baby arriving.

2007-11-10 13:43:11 · answer #6 · answered by ROBIN T 4 · 1 0

Here's the complete truth. I had a vaginal birth, I had two little cuts (episiotomies) and I still tore all the way (4th degree tears). My doctor took 45 minutes to sew me up. I think it's actually better down there than it used to be. Not stretched out at all. I had stitches but I was up 24 hours after giving birth and doing everything almost like normal right away. Other women I know who had C-sections had to take it easy for a long time. I healed with no problems. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and definitely want to have a vaginal birth again. Good luck!

2007-11-10 13:23:18 · answer #7 · answered by Precious 7 · 2 0

I worry about the exact same things. And I am 2 days away from my due date. I know that I am going to have an epidural, and I had a Section with my first, so I am going to attempt a VBAC. Am I scared about it? Yes. Do I worry about all the complications? Yes very much. Do I wonder how its all going to go? Yes and I have been through it once before. Does it make me frusterated and dissapointed when my doctor tells me that if I go to 41 weeks, they will take the baby by Cesarian? Yes and it put me in a really bad mood for an entire day. But I would rather birth my baby vaginally then have another Ceasarian. I want to go through that entire process without medical intervention. I am going to be having an epidural so I don't worry about the pain. But I also know that pain is apart of going through labour, and I also know that my body knows what it is doing. My body knows how to deal with labour and will do what it was meant to do. My body was designed perfectly for this kind of thing. And I am ready to do this. I think after 40 weeks of pregnancy, you just want to get it over with and will welcome it when it happens. I have had enough of being pregnant, and really just want labour to happen as I type this.

2007-11-10 15:12:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was TERRIFIED of giving birth. I thought it would be too painful for me to handle. (I am such a wimp when it comes to pain!) I had the same fears of everything being ugly down there. But I was even more scared of needles and surgeries. By luck, I happened upon this site: http://www.bradleybirth.com/

Bradley Birth Classes are so much more in depth than Lamaze or the hospital birth classes. I'm SOOO glad I attended them. Even if you end up having to have a c-section, they are very informative. That's the whole point of choosing this class. To be informed and able to make a decision instead of being bullied/scared into a scenario you don't want. They cover everything imaginable.

2007-11-10 13:51:28 · answer #9 · answered by Green Is Sexxxy 5 · 1 0

Please, please do not wish for a c-section. I did and my baby ended up being breech. They told me I had to have a caesarean. I didn't know at the time about the complications from c-sections. I got pregnant with my second child and was so stressed out and with high blood pressure they recommended another. Plus, he was very large. So now I have had 2 sections and they won't let me try naturally with my third because the hospital wouldn't be prepared in emergency (I am assuming in case of rupture).

With my first one, I had a lot of pain afterwards. I felt my insides would fall out whenever I walked. The second I had no pain but I got a spinal headache afterwards which was excruciating, diarrhea and horrible cramping from the meds and I threw up all of the first day. I couldn't even hold my son. You don't see them for hours after surgery. They even gave him xrays without my consent. It also hurt to pee for 2 weeks afterwards because of the catheter. There is also the risk of infection. I was lucky but I had a friend who got one. I could hear her screaming from the end of the hallway. With staph going rampid, I would avoid surgery if possible. Some people can have multiple sections without any problems, but why take the risk?

From everything I have heard about vaginal tightness after birth, all my friends say there is no difference once it heals. Both women AND men have told me this. Do your kegels and try to keep moving and relax during labour. The feeling that you delivered your baby on your own will be your reward.

If I could go back, I would have tried harder to get my first baby to turn. In my opinion, we need to avoid FIRST c-sections so that women don't feel broken and unable to deliver naturally afterwards. Now I am limited to the number of pregnancies I can have and worry about whether I will come out of my third section unscathed... I would love to deliver babies naturally. Everyone says the pain goes away after. With a c-section, it doesn't go away very quickly. You can't even vacuum! Now I wonder how I will be able to take care of my 2 kids after surgery. Also, how much will they miss me while I am in the hospital for 5 whole days?

Good luck to you and your wonderful baby! You will be fine. Your body will heal. Relax...and kegels, kegels, kegels....

2007-11-10 14:19:23 · answer #10 · answered by Sunny 2 · 2 0

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