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as i get older, the more precious our world becomes to me.

2007-11-09 21:55:52 · 10 answers · asked by ⓑⓐⓨⓢⓐ ™ 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

10 answers

yes.I have always been in love with nature,but it IS more precious to me now,and as I see my grandkids discovering it anew it makes me want to cry knowing they will probably be the last generation to enjoy it as it is.
I recycle.I drive VERY little,and that in an economy car.I gave away my clothes dryer 2 years ago and I use a clothesline.I reuse everything I can.I belong to a freecycle community.I always shop at 2nd hand stores FIRST,then go to retail ones.
but in the end,GW is right.... and it's gonna take a revolution.

2007-11-09 22:50:42 · answer #1 · answered by min 4 · 1 0

No doubt we're ravaging our beautiful planet. This IS a controversial subject but I'll play the devil's advocate and reference John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel statement as follows:

........human-caused global warming "is a non-event, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. Coleman disagrees with a general political liberal consensus that human activity (particularly carbon dioxide emissions) are related to the current warming climate. To date not a single scientific report has come up with one piece of proof that man has anything to do with climate change.List with scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming
Reason Public Policy Institute

The credentials of the following opposers can be reviewed here:

Khabibullo Abdusamatov
Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Claude Allègre
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bruce Anderson
Augie Auer
Michele Bachmann
Sallie Baliunas
Timothy F. Ball
Robert Balling
Fred Barnes (journalist)
Joe Barton
Glenn Beck
David Bellamy
Tom Bethell
Robert Bidinotto
Bill Evans (meteorologist)
Tim Blair
Roy Blunt
Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
Andrew Bolt
Neal Boortz
John Brignell
Reid Bryson
Nigel Calder
Robert M. Carter
Alan Caruba
Ian Castles
Cato Institute
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
George V. Chilingar
John Christy
Petr Chylek
Ian Clark
Climate Audit
Alexander Cockburn
John Coleman (meteorologist)
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Cooler Heads Coalition
Philip Cooney
Piers Corbyn
William R. Cotton
Michael Crichton
Barbara Cubin
John Lawrence Daly
David Henderson (economist)
Robert E. Davis (climatologist)
Chris de Freitas
David Deming
Michael J. Doherty
David Douglass
Paul Driessen (lobbyist)
Matt Drudge
Martin Durkin (television director)
Don Easterbrook
Myron Ebell
Gary England
E cont.
Joan Feynman
Frederick Forsyth
Chip Franklin
Fraser Institute
Friends of Science
Michael Fumento
George C. Marshall Institute
Global Climate Coalition
William M. Gray
Greenhouse Mafia
Moon Griffon
Greg Gutfeld
Sean Hannity
Tom Harris (lobbyist)
Betsy Hart
Heartland Institute
Robert Henderson (writer)
Heritage Foundation
High Park Group
Randy Hillier (politician)
Peter Hitchens
James P. Hogan (writer)
Lester Hogan
Craig D. Idso
Keith E. Idso
Sherwood B. Idso
Andrey Illarionov
Laura Ingraham
Jim Inhofe
International Policy Network
Yuri Izrael
Zbigniew Jaworowski
Dennis Jensen
Federico Jiménez Losantos
Charles Foster Johnson
Barry Jones (executive)
Wibjorn Karlen
William Kininmonth (meteorologist)
Václav Klaus
Ron Knapp
George Kukla
Lavoisier Group
Nigel Lawson
Douglas Leahey
David Legates
Marcel Leroux
Rush Limbaugh
Richard Lindzen
Ian Macfarlane (politician)
Tibor R. Machan
Rachel Marsden
Ilana Mercer
Patrick Michaels
Dennis Miller
Steven Milloy
Forrest Mims
Chris Mitchell
Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
Patrick Moore (environmentalist)
M cont.
Hugh Morgan (Australian businessman)
Luboš Motl
Kary Mullis
Tad Murty
National Center for Policy Analysis
Natural Resources Stewardship Project
Ondřej Neff
Nils-Axel Mörner
Oregon Petition
Pacific Research Institute
Camille Paglia
Tim Patterson
Benny Peiser
George Pell
Rick Perry
Melanie Phillips
Ian Plimer
Jerry Pournelle
Progress Party (Norway)
Tullio Regge
Paul Reiter
Jay Richards
Arthur B. Robinson
Dana Rohrabacher
Sarah Scaife Foundation
Debra Saunders
Michael Savage (commentator)
James R. Schlesinger
Helmut Schmidt
Science & Environmental Policy Project
Science and Public Policy Institute
Scientific Alliance
Tom Segalstad
Frederick Seitz
Nir Shaviv
James Shikwati
Julian Lincoln Simon
Fred Singer
Tim Slagle
Willie Soon
Thomas Sowell
James Spann
Roy Spencer
Chauncey Starr
Mary Starrett
John Stossel
Philip Stott
Brian Sussman
Henrik Svensmark
Hendrik Tennekes
Jan Veizer
The Wall Street Journal
Peter Walsh (federal politician)
Western Fuels Association
James Whale (radio)
Jan Zahradil
Miloš Zeman
Antonino Zichichi

Blessing, Really! Juju

2007-11-09 23:09:07 · answer #2 · answered by Ju ju 6 · 0 0

I will add this to Goldwing's comment.
As a wildlife artist, I have seen many changes to the forest & other habitats that my beloved critters roam. Acid rain, pollution, construction, chemical blights, arson, droughts, floods, the list goes on & on, add to all that global warming. I am ashamed for what, we humans, have done to this little orb that is our home.
We are supposed to be the care takers of this world, but instead we are the destroyers.
If I was given the chance to remove one species from this world to save it, Humans would be my one & only choice.
We don't deserve this or any other world.
I love to take long hikes with my dog & see the sights, smells, & sounds of nature, but they are becoming tarnished at an alarming rate and it rips my heart apart.
So to answer your question: I am very passionate about our little blue orb, third rock from the sun, my home.

2007-11-09 23:06:44 · answer #3 · answered by dragon 5 · 2 0

No, I can't say that I am 'passionate'. \

I do, as Goldwing suggests, try to be the best little grain of sand on the beach.

I see to many people trying to burn down our house to keep warm for one night.

I know that if we would just stop our destructive behavior that the our beautiful planet would heal itself. Just like our bodies, it was wonderfully made.

But passionate, no, but I'm just not a very passionate person.
But, yes, it is very precious to me. It's the only home that I have.

2007-11-10 01:15:59 · answer #4 · answered by deepndswamps 5 · 0 0

I am. And have written several articles on how building, can help. How the average household can help. And more important what the Governments can do. Because otherwise, we are all in big trouble. On our news tonight, we just had a warning to expect the worst storms for years here in Queensland.

2007-11-10 00:15:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Passionate, no--realistic is more like it. There's an old saying; 'don't cut your nose to spite your face"--it's stupid that we can't drill for oil off the Florida coast because of our loonie lefties--but China can, so it's getting the oil. We can't clear brush from the forests, so the fires have lots of tinder. Good husbandry says that sometimes you have to prune the branch to get the fruit.

2007-11-10 06:52:24 · answer #6 · answered by sugarbabe 6 · 0 0

It's the only one we got. There are too many beautiful places on this earth, that I just stand in awe unable to speak at the site of them.

2007-11-10 07:57:31 · answer #7 · answered by Moe 6 · 0 0

I too feel helpless to do anything that could make any kind of an impact on the way things are going. sad but true

2007-11-10 03:50:31 · answer #8 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 0 0

Funny, the older I get, the less I feel I can do anything about what is happening about me. I try to be conservative with our resources, I limit my driving, I change how lights that are not used are OFF!...TV's are not running in all rooms, but I am a grain of sand on a beach. I see an Administration that has out and out lied to us over and over again about what is happening to our planet...only Al Gore had the balls to take a stand and tell it as it is...and of course, there are so many that laugh at him...they will not live long enought ot laugh out side the other side of their stupid mouthsl. Humans are the first to hide in denial of what they do to our planet, how they effect future generattions....we are, by nature, the most selfish of speicies known. AT this point I am glad I willl not see the total havoc the past 60 years will have wrougth upon our beautiful Earth...so much of it will disappear beneath water...and there are those who live in denial as "this is a natural cycle" Nothing from our past, for ice cores, from anything scientific agrees with this thinking. WE have within our power to lessen the effects of what we do, but we will NOT do it unless forced by the governemenst ot do it. And we cannot do it alone. We are the 2nd biggest porducer of CO2 in the world..China beats us and shows NO signs of remorse or willingness to do anything about it. Our grandchildren will inherit what we have done...I cannot help but wonder how they will feel towards us. We have within our power TODAY to porduce fuels that do not lay waste to our atmosphere, yet we seek short cuts....ethanot is NOT an answer, for it too produces CO2 and CO as waste. Only wind, water, nuclear fusion, porvide a logical answer, and we have thrown our nuclear technology down a tube of fear of mismanagement of its power. WE have been so foolish in our generations...we will pay the price. Droughts will eliminate many of our population, storms will finish off many others. WE have set in motion a heat cycle that will lead to a severe ice age so vastly accelerated that we have no time to prepare for the full consequences..and as long as fossil fuel companies run the white house, there is just no hope in sight. Only an idiot with his head stuck in the sand would disagree, for I have science on my side, others have Bush's lies on theirs. NOT ONE scientific paper has disagreed with me in the last 60 years!!!!! Yet Bush has set a policy to NOT discuss this, to lie as to "it is possible, but we need MORE research...if it were up to Bush, he would have research continue until we either burn up or freeze to death. He is the single worst president, world leader, and fool the Earth has ever known! And so many do not see this...where in the hell are they coming from..only their check books, greed, and more lies to make themselves more wealthy on the Earth's back....so sad, so true. Disagree as you want, you have nothing but the lies of Bush to back your side up...I have all...ALL science study to agree with me. Don't for one second say that scientists disagree with each other....they do NOT, Have not, nor will not. IF you swallow this crap, I have a wonderful bridge to sell you, and you can make bunches of money if you will just buy it from me, sight unseen. Goldwing

2007-11-09 22:30:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Me too, and I give thanks for this wonderful experience daily. And yes, respect for this world God gave us certainly grows as we do.

I still believe there may be others "out there", maybe like us, maybe not, but all God created.

2007-11-10 03:30:53 · answer #10 · answered by June smiles 7 · 0 0

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