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Does anyone else find it extremely dumb that many liberals are willing voting for Hillary only because she is a woman. They would rather have someone as that will completely destroy the greatest health care system in the world (among other things) than have a republican another male might actually help our country.
I am not against a woman president, but Hillary is not the right one.

2007-11-09 20:57:55 · 13 answers · asked by bigT 3 in Politics & Government Elections

I'm pretty sure I said most, not all.

2007-11-09 21:11:46 · update #1

The government made SS bankrupt, and look at all the other countries with "free health care," it completely destroyed it.
and yes, America does have the best health care in the world.

2007-11-09 21:30:19 · update #2

13 answers

Liberals had a similar nutty idea back in the 1970s when they thought it would be great to vote for a supposed "outsider", and they voted in droves for Jimmy Carter, the nightmare, malaise-days President.

True to form, they haven't learned from their mistakes. Now they turn a blind eye to the staggering number of scandals that have haunted her (and her husband), completely disregarding the extremely high likelihood that, as President, she'd be embroiled in even more scandals.

Conservatives patiently point out that she accomplished nothing as a New York Senator. She never even wrote one piece of legislation. All she did was sit on committees. We warned the misty eyed Liberals that she had no intention of being a real Senator; she just wanted to use the position as a stepping stone to the White House. But did they listen? No. Do they care? Not really.

Do you see what an insurmountable task we have in educating Liberals? Even when we present them with cold hard facts, and analyze the situation for them, they are ambivalent.

I also am not against a woman President. Imagine if Condaleezza Rice were elected. No longer could foreigners so easily villify the venerated office of Commander In Chief of The United States of America. It's easy and even fashionable to irresponsibly heap abuse on a white male, but try doing that to a black woman! No way. Condi would get respect. People would think twice before denigrating her. And perhaps that is the most important distinction. Foreigners often have a knee-jerk reaction. The first thing that enters their minds is to automatically blame the President of the U.S. for anything in the world that goes wrong. However, since they'd have to stop for a moment and carefully measure their words (insulting a black woman would be very, very politically incorrect.... very non-PC), the image of the U.S. would improve substantially.

There are over 300 million people in the U.S. Are Liberals saying the best they can do is the wife of a former President who was so dogged by scandal he could barely carry out his duties in office? The best we can do is a woman without real experience, who brazenly is trying to bribe the lazy people in America by offering trillions of dollars in "freebies"?

That is pathetic.

2007-11-09 21:23:09 · answer #1 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 2 3

The funny thing is...conservatives would love the fact that a woman would be running the country if a Republican is not president. Why? Because not only does she have many conservative ideals, but how big of a slap-in-the-face is it to all those countries out there that treat women like dirt when the greatest super power in the world now has a woman for president?

2007-11-10 06:35:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Rest of the world would not find it any different whether a man or a woman is US President. Not in Europe, Asia, South America. Many of the countries had capable women leading their countries. Once into the First term of Hillary , US will elect her with land slide victory in the 2012 elections.

2007-11-10 07:03:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"national health care" is a form of socialism. Karl Marx was a communist but would rather have chosen socialism. Socialism and "national health care" IS comunism. Ever notice since the fall of the berlin wall how many more communist/liberal/socialist agendas have invaded America? If they can't break down America through military powers, the best way is covert operations from within. I know it sounds like a "conspiracy theory", but America is becoming more socialist instead of capitalist. Hillary is definately NOT the one we need, as I don't think she understands the difference between socialism and capitalism.
My choice is going to be McCain, he's DEFINATELY the one amidinijad, or chavez, or osama, or fidel, or kim jung il, DON'T want in office. They want "cut and run Hillary" so they can march right in with their jihad. Just like bill, she's gonna reduce our military and make us more vulnerable to attack and make 9-11 look like a picnic. God help us.

2007-11-10 08:57:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Have you considered the fact that not all democrats are idiots incapable of analyzing the issues at hand... Maybe we democrats have seen the republican administration plunge us into a war that 'we the people' do no desire to be a part of. I could care less whether shes a woman--her gender is irrelevant, I agree with her viewpoints and feel she is the best person to guide us over the next few years.

Maybe Republicans should stop voting for their members based on religious convictions.

2007-11-10 05:03:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

There are some people who will vote for Hillary just because she is a woman, but I think the number is fewer than you would think. Most women don't think that she represents their interests, and most people know that she is owned by the same big money interests that own all the other top tier candidates.
We have to vote for someone who isn't owned by anyone, particularly, big money.
Big corporations, big oil, and world trade organization people will not act in our best interests, they will act in their own. It doesn't matter what party you are affiliated with, these people own all the front runners. We need to vote for someone who is honest, and not owned by anyone. A real American, who does what he says he will do, and will act in the best interests of this country.
If we let them (the politicians) treat us like sheep, they will.
Check out Ron Paul, if you like what you see, get out and vote for him, if not, find someone else, but vote your conscience. If more people did that, we would have a more effective country.

2007-11-10 07:50:23 · answer #6 · answered by maryjellerson 4 · 2 0

The greatest health care system in the world???? I don't know what statistics you're reading from but our country has got one of the most corrupt health care systems in the world. Get you're facts straight before you go making statements like that!

2007-11-10 13:00:12 · answer #7 · answered by Angel Marie 4 · 0 1

Here in the UK we had a woman Prime Minister for many years, and it did a great deal of good all round. Not least it taught all the whinging pain in the *** male politicians of Europe and US how to get things done in the best interests of the country they represent and are elected to serve, rather than feathering their nests and lining their pockets.

Mrs Clinton seems like an extremely intelligent person, who could do a great deal of good. She certainly seems to run rings round the competitors in face to face debates !

And let's face it - anything has got to be better than Dubya !

I am a bit puzzled about your comment about the health care service in the US. I thought it was virtually non-existent unless you had the money to pay for care.

2007-11-10 05:21:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'm not going to vote for her because she's a woman. I'd vote for her because I'd rather she be president than Giuliani or Romney. Although there are at least a half dozen other candidates that I would love to see as president before Hillary, none of them are "front-runners". Obama, Biden, Richardson, Brownback, Huckabee, and Paul have all said things that impressed me, unlike the so-called "front-runners."

2007-11-10 05:05:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

dumb? who started a war on lies and false information? who believed the lies? republican's. and I'm wondering where you got your facts that our health care system is the greatest in the world? it isn't. well maybe if your rich. if it is the best then why is our infant mortality rate like a third world country? stop believing everything the media Tell's you.

2007-11-10 07:23:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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