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Does anyone feel sick of this corrupt world?

2007-11-09 17:52:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

10 answers

Yes I do but so does everyone else at some point in their life. You have to focus on the good. The birth of a baby. The miracle of Christmas. Thanksgiving. Do you have anything to be thankful for? I do. My parents are still living. I can hear, speak, walk,see taste. I know this war has got us all down but I am proud of the guys that are willing to serve so I can be free. I have food to eat, warm place to stay, friends, church of my choice. I can do/go where I want. Be what I want. I don't have good health but I'm still alive. You have your whole life ahead of you, you feel bad today but you don't know what tomorrow will bring. Make life worth living,it's your choice.

2007-11-09 18:11:16 · answer #1 · answered by Medicine Woman 7 · 1 0

J.J.- I think everyone, at one point or another in life feels like it is just too much to handle. And no matter what anyone says, there is always a way to over come life's problems.

Every single trouble that comes our way, will eventually get solved with or without our help! It is a TEMPORARY situation! So don't ever let anyone tell you that is can't be solved or taken care of!

Our problems are sort of like TIME, in one way!! If you look back, over the last year, you wonder where the heck it went. Leaves you wondering how time can fly so darn fast when we are busy, having fun, or not paying attention!
Now look back on that same year, and reflect on the different problems you or your loved ones may have had.. .. .. and how it may have seemed that nothing would help, it was just hopeless!
But when you reflect on the problems, they were solved or took care of themselves. Almost effortlessly!

O.K., now.. .. .. look forward!! Just a year! Seems like FOREVER huh?!? But after looking back, you know just how little time it really is! And that a year from now, you can reflect back, and see that your worries and stresses will be taken care of in some way!!

That doesn't mean that we can sit back and wait for our worries to go away on their own. We still have to be an active participant in out own lives. No matter how painful or tiresome it may seem.
I have four little tricks that I use in my daily life to overcome, then conquer!
1. Don't use words to cause anyone harm, including yourself. In other words, don't gossip, about anyone OR YOURSELF! Use only truth. (our words are our POWER)
2. Don't make assumptions. EASIER SAID THEN DONE. This is the only one I had to conscientiously work at! We make so many assumptions with out even being aware of it!
3. Don't take anything personally!! Everything that we say or do, is a reflection of who we are and what our fears and short-comings are!
The same goes for others!! When someone says or does something to you, it is NEVER about YOU, it is a PROJECTION of what they feel and how they truly are! (remember it is the same FOR YOU, so when you find yourself nit-picking or complaining about things you can recognize it, and have a very unique opportunity to change your life by recognizing your own short-comings and fears and working on them!) Just as everyone is a mirror of their inner-selves so are we!
4. ALWAYS do your best!! Remember that your best will change from moment to moment, it will be different when you are hungry, angry lonely or tired, as opposed to when you are satisfied, calm, comforted, and rested!!

Time is a weird happening that has no rules. And as for our problems, time will heal all wounds! REALLY!! Some of them just need more TIME is all!

I hope this isn't a sign that you thinking of harming yourself. If it is, PLEASE!!PLEASE!! Talk to someone!

2007-11-09 19:00:04 · answer #2 · answered by Tonia M 3 · 0 0

Absolutely!!! I was waiting for someone to post this sort of question up on yahoo and you are IT!!! Congratulations and thanks for doing so. This world is sick and corrupt and you don't need me to give you all the evidence. Take a look at the governments all around the world who are using their people (or population rather) just to keep them in power. Yet, they offer poor or inhumane living standards, provide little or no clean water, provide unsafe housing accommodation or housing which in my opinion is 'unliveable', make people work as slaves or pay close to nothing in wages and salaries and so on! So where does it all stop? Only when Planet Earth comes to an end, when that occurs I don't know but it may happen and could happen.

2007-11-09 18:06:07 · answer #3 · answered by ODYSSEY T 1 · 0 0

It sure can look and feel overwhelming can't it? But each person has a contribution to make, each person has worth.

I'm sorry if you are feeling like your life isn't worth living. Try to focus on what in your life is good, and you like, or would like to change for better.

Turn off the news, don't read the papers. If you are suffering with depression, those things only make it all seem worse. Things won't always be so bad, in your own life. There are wonderful things in the world, too. The media just doesn't give us those pictures.

2007-11-09 17:58:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think everyone does at some point or another, and it'll probably happen alot, you need to just go for a walk in the morning, exersize, do thinks to get your body moving, and you'll feel better

2007-11-09 18:33:00 · answer #5 · answered by Trent 3 · 0 0

Yeah before. But not now that I have a loving husband and 2 wonderful kids. So blessed. NOthing to ask for more.

2007-11-09 17:59:07 · answer #6 · answered by kayerts 2 · 1 0

Yes, and then I instantly think about my little boy, and how I want to be here every single day with him, and I think about how lucky I am.

2007-11-09 17:57:08 · answer #7 · answered by idahostudios 3 · 1 0

Yes but now they have a pill for that!!! Then you can go have ice cream and not worry about it.

2007-11-09 17:56:47 · answer #8 · answered by Augie 6 · 1 0

yap,as i am always bedridden,n have so much 2 do in my life...iam not understanding whats wrong wd me,which has created suffocation in my life...let me knw what i should do?

2007-11-09 18:08:49 · answer #9 · answered by ash p 1 · 0 0

yes, sometimes

2007-11-09 18:01:23 · answer #10 · answered by Rana 7 · 0 0

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