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Doesn't she know anything or stand for anything besides just getting elected?

2007-11-09 15:56:17 · 15 answers · asked by artiegordon 1 in Politics & Government Elections

15 answers

she is not the only one.

2007-11-09 16:10:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

She can`t take a stand on anything without checking the polls first or see how china feels about it. The clintons have taken alot of cash from china and would sell us out in a heart beat if the price was right. How can anyone vote for this so called woman after watching the last debate...She never had to answer a question before and couldn`t do it, took both sides like normal. Then after the debate blame it on the vast media is out to get her. She said it was 6 men agaist 1 woman(like to see how she would define a woman) what is she going to do when 6 country`s don`t agree with her...cry foul..stomp her feet and say this is not fair. Only thing Hillary has ever done is to trash Bill`s bimbos, she has had alot of practice

2007-11-10 08:02:32 · answer #2 · answered by charlie s 5 · 3 0

You can probably recall a childhood story about an old Father, his young Son and their Donkey. Whether the Father sits on the Donkey and his son walks along; or the Son sits on the Donkey and his Old Father walks along; or they both sit on the Donkey; or they both don't sit but walk along, sections of people heckled / severely criticized each time. If Hillary or any of the serious minded candidates speaks his / her heart out, will there be no criticism? Can they venture to take gambles with the real Voters ?

Take for example, Obama's frank talk on hot pursuit of Terrorists into Pakistan, speaking with potential enemy country leaders like Iran etc, his not wearing lapel pin / American Flag and others have been criticized heavily, his loyalty to America is questioned. Surely he is not experienced and learning his lessons at great cost. Once bitten twice shy ??Should Obama be given a chance to correct his stance on these controversial issues can he still be standing his ground?

To that extent, Hillary is experienced and wiser and better advised for her to lend her mouth to few, but ears to all.

2007-11-10 05:08:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

She's trying to win like eveyone else. People will say anything if they feel it'll get 'em elected. After all, she can't afford to offend anyone just yet. The race between Obama and Hill are just too close for comfort right now.

2007-11-10 00:07:40 · answer #4 · answered by Vieja 2 · 3 0

What exaggeration around this whole thing. She only flubbed one question in that debate and she should have been better prepared for it, though I did understand what she meant. She's much too pragmatic to give irresponsible "yes" and "no" answers when the real answer is too complicated for that.

But people spin this mercilessly, and underhandedly. Specifically I'm talking about Edwards ad where he has her saying "I do intend to remove the troops" and in the next frame she's saying "We will still need to leave troops there to deal with Al Queda, etc." Gee, Edwards conveniently left out the entire context in which she ACTUALLY said "I do intend to remove the bulk of U.S. troops, but at the same time I am aware we need to leave residual troops there to protect our interests, deal with Al Queda and continue training Iraqi's military." Now put all together it makes perfect sense and certainly is a straight answer. But not after Edwards cuts and pastes the sections that will work for his disingenuous smear ad.

She's answered so many straight questions that I can tell you exactly where she stands on Iraq, Iran, the entire Middle East problem, universal health care, terrorism, Al Queda, Afghanistan, Pakistan and securing our borders here at home - and more I'm sure. That's because I actually LISTEN to her instead of relying on Republican pundits like Rush and O'Reilly to get my "facts" from. So apparently, do millions of other Americans who regularly put her at the top of the polls, week after week.

2007-11-10 00:33:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

That depends on what you mean by the word "can't".


She hasn't seen the poll numbers for the question yet.


She thinks we're too stupid to realize that she's not really answering a direct question. She thinks if she uses some big words we'll say "ooooh, listen to those big words she's using, she must be smart, I'll vote for her.".

The real question is how the hell did our country deteriorate to the point where someone like her is actually considered a viable candidate.

2007-11-10 00:13:21 · answer #6 · answered by S C 4 · 2 1

She's a crooked person? So she can't answer a straight question? Maybe ask her a crooked question and see what happens. She'll start spewing facts all over the place and confirm positions. Whats a crooked question though?

2007-11-10 00:07:54 · answer #7 · answered by Captain 3 · 2 1

Hillary Clinton has been very careful with answers on critical issues because she considers what is good for the people.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

2007-11-10 01:15:34 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 1 3

she's too smart to be honest. right now you have to read between the lines to understand what a wackjob she is. if she were to state her actual opinions, instead of doubletalk and say "well, i WOULDN'T do it like Bush," then even those who are hypnotically nodding and drooling over her ability to talk a lot and say little would understand what a fraud of a candidate, and what a dangerous socialist nut she really is.

2007-11-10 01:54:04 · answer #9 · answered by Jephatitis E 6 · 4 1

If she picked a position and stood for it that would mean that she would not be able to double talk to the other side to get their support as well.

2007-11-10 00:41:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

She doesn't stand for anything else.

Vote against Hillary next year.

2007-11-10 00:02:51 · answer #11 · answered by I hate Hillary Clinton 6 · 5 2

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